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1、、单项选择八下易错题Unit 4试题1.1 found a letteron the floor whe n I came into the classroom.A. lyi ng B. lay C. lie D. lies2. -1 wish you could allow- OK! But the cat isn a cat in our house, Dad?t allowedmy study.A. to feed; to get intoB. feedi ng; gett ingC, to feed; getti ng intoD, feedi ng; toget into's

2、 bus in ess partner?3. Is the tall man your fatherOf course. He made awith my father.A. cha nee B. dealC. noteD. suggesti on4. Of all the ideas, Freya ' sbest.A. put out B. gave out C. came outD. worked out5. Good manners can make peopleeach other.A. get on well withB. get off C. get over D. get

3、 away6. I ' m sorry, Mr Li. I _my English homework at home.Don' t forgetit to school tomorrow.A. left, to bringB. forget, to take C. lost, to bring D. put, to take7. - Tom s so upset because he lost his watch.- What' s the big ? It ' s just an old watch.A. n ews B. matterC. deal D. i

4、dea8. Did you buy the car fin ally?Yes. He£ 2000 for the car and I accepted.A. ordered B. providedC. agreedD. offered9. His leg is seriously injured in the a doctor at once.A. Ask forB. Send for C. Wait for D. Look for10. - Karen, why don ' t you join us in Hainan?-Than ks, Tom. It ' s

5、a very kind , but I ' m busy practici ng for the school con cert.A. way B. adviceC. offerD. pla n11. - There' s lots of competition!- Yeah! So we ' ll have tothe new product to win sales.A. push B. make C. rise D. buy12. You' re wan tedthe pho ne, Jack. Who s calli ng?A. by, upB. on,

6、 me upC. on, to D. on, up me13. Do you ofte ntroubleyour class?Yeah. My head teacher is angry with me.A. get, i ntoB. cause, forC. pay, for D. give, to14. mum asked me to close the door,I forget to do so.A. Though, but B. Although, but C. But, /D. Although, yet15. If you want to know more informatio

7、n about the coming party, pleasethe website.A. set up B. look throughC. pick out D. turn offMike' s c lass teacher was very angry when he was late for school this morning.-He had better to his teacher after class.A. get B. com muni cateC. expla inD. compete17. If the customer rings up for me aga

8、 in, pleasethe call to the sales departme nt.A. run through B. look through C. go throughD. put through18. En courage your childre n to try new thin gs, but try not tothem too hard.A. draw B. pullC. pushD. make19. - Mother' s D ay is coming, what could I buy for my mother?Gifts like chocolates o

9、r flowers areA. soldB. allowedC. decided D. pla nned20. The little girlher seat to an old man on the bus. What a kind girl!A. broughtB. offered C. gave D. provided21. - I hear that the stores are very crowded on Double 11 Festival.- That' s right. You have toyour way to choose the goods you need

10、.A. drop B. break C. pressD. push22. -Could you please turn on the TV?-.The baby is sleep ing.'t.C. Sure. I' ll do it right away.D. No, notA. Sorry, I couldn' t.at all.B. Sorry, I can二,填词:I like to stay alone to helplowerthestess(减压).2. People shouldn ' tpushtheir kidstoohard.(逼得太紧)3

11、. Kids should have time to relax andthi nkforthemselves.(独立思考)4. Maybe you could talk about itonthephone.(在电话里)proper5. We should help do more jobs at home_sothat _ (以便) our pare nts have more time forcom mun icati on 二(恰当的交流)6. 他让我删掉最后一个句子He asked me _tocut _out _ the last sentence.7. Competition s

12、tarts when you ' re young and c ontinues _ ntil your death.8. Qipao is a t ypical _Qhinese style.9. Too much pressure is not good for a child' s d evelopment .10. You should communi cate _ ith your pare nts about your feeli ngs.三,所给词的正确形式填空:1. It ' s like a big, black cloud_hanging (hang

13、) over our house.2. There was anargument _ rgue) between Tom and Jack last night.3. We are always busy doing (do) our homework.4. Why not go (go) shopp ing this Sun day?5. Would you please ope n (ope n) the win dow?6. Would you mind closing _(close) the windows?7. What aboutplay ing(play) soccer aft

14、er school?8. I ' d like to take part in the English speechcompetition _(compete).9. Though it was raining, they continueworking _(work) in the field.10. When people have differe nt ideas,arguing (argue) is of no use.11. Could you please not write _ (not write) on the wall.12. My parents won '

15、; t allow hanging ang) out with friends at night.四,连词成句:1. should, friend, he, say, he' s, his, talk, he, to, so, can, that, sorryHe should talk to his friend so that he can say he' s sorry2. un til, last, eno ugh, ni ght, studied, did n' t, I, sleep, I, get, midni ght, soI studied un ti

16、l midni ght last ni ght so I did n' t get eno ugh sleep.3. she ' s, it' s, deal, a, wrong, although, not, bigAlthough she' s wrong, it ' s not a big deal.4. competiti on, very, and, the, kids, starts, get, un til, young, con ti nu es, olderThe competition starts very young and continues until kids get older.5. can, all, a lot, for, stress, of, these, cause, childre n, activitiesAll these activities can cause a lot of stress for childre n.


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