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1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners?【学习目标】 课标要求:1、Talk about how to study 2、Learn the use of “by doing something” 目标达成:Useful expressions-How do you study ? I study by doing 学习流程: 【课前展示】:Step 1. Self-introduction The new term has come. Ask the students to introduce them selves to the others and t

2、he teacher. Then ask what they did in the summer holiday. If possible, ask how they did that. Help the students use the construction “I by doing”.Explain “by”.【创境激趣】Step 2. Discussion Have the students say what they think of English. Then tell each other how they study for an English test. See the p

3、hrases shown in the courseware, which is similar to 1a. Remind them to use “by doing”【自学导航】 Step 3. 1a. Checking the ways you study Ask students to finish the task. They can add something else.【合作探究】 Step 4. 1b.Listening Listen to the listening stuff of 1b, which is recorded in the courseware (conve

4、nient to be repeated).【展示提升】 典例分析 知识迁移 Making dialogues Work in pairs or groups. Discuss first. Then make a short dialogue. Have the students share their work.【强化训练】 201年1月1日,乙公司可辨认净资产公允价值为l 250万欧元;欧元与人民币之间的即期汇率为:1欧元=88元人民币。201年度,乙公司以购买日可辨认净资产公允价值为基础计算发生的净亏损为 300万欧元。乙公司的利润表在折算为母公司记账本位币时,按照平均汇率折算。其他相

5、关汇率信息如下:20X 1年12月31目,l欧元-9元人民币;201年度平均汇率,l欧元=885元人民币。我公司有确凿的证据认为对乙公司的投资没有减值迹象,并 自购买日起对乙公司的投资按历史成本在个别资产负债表中列报。Writing. See the courseware. Fill in the blanks. Write down the answers on a piece of paper. Ask students to read their work.借:公允价值变动损益 90【归纳总结 】 Finish the task. Then the teacher asks, ”How

6、did Mei/ Pierre / Antonio study?”Have some students give the answers, i.e. repeat the sentences by using “by doing”答案 B【板书设计】 资本公积股本溢价 1500A: How do you study ?10() 肝脏组织有丰富的单核吞噬细胞,肝脏功能障碍时机体清除凝血物质的能力降低;肝功能障碍时肝脏产生抗凝血酶、蛋白C和纤溶酶原的能力降低,均可使血浆凝血活性相对增强。B: By making flashcard.3甲公司为我国境内注册的上市公司,其主要客户在我国境内。20X 1

7、年12月起,甲公司董事会聘请了会计师事务所为其常年财务顾问。201年12月31曰,该事务所担任甲公司常年财务顾问的注册会计师王某收到甲公司财务总监李某的邮什,其内容如下:A: Maybe Ill try that. How do you study ,Bob?C: By asking the teacher for help.D作为当期已售A产成品的销售成本A: Thats interesting. How do you study,Tim?D: I like to study by listening to tapes.A组织凝血活酶大量入血 D单核吞噬细胞系统功能抑制 借:利润分配未分配利润 500【教学反思】 借:其他应付款 1000


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