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1、2018-2019年北京市海淀区实验小学三年级上册英语期末练习无答案、我会选一选(选择题)is my brother.B. HeC. She1. Look right, .A. again B. left 2.(8) A. This第10页,共9页3.你想确定这些动物是不是老虎,你应该问:A.Are those tigers? B .Are these tigers?4.red + yellow =orangeB.greenC. white5.colour it redA.让我看看B.做C.把它涂成红色6.I have some soup?A.Am B. DoC. May7.Show meB.

2、a greenC. fatherA.green8. Ann is myA. sister9. ShowB. brother your dolls.A. IB. meC.my10. Is Miss Wang a good PE teacher?A . Yes, he isB.No, we areC. No, I think soD. Yes, I think so11. . Bye-bye, Lin Tao.B. GoodbyeC. Good eveningA. Good morning12.It isegg.13.I have twoB. footsC. feetA. footA. Wu Yi

3、fan15. -Is this book?(-Yes, it's book.B. John)C. MikeA. your ,yourB . your, my C. my, your二、想一想,16.补全单词,填一填(填空题)并写出单词的汉语意思1. p_r_y (2. a()3. _e_r ()4. dce ()5. sg (6. id()17.选择合适的动词填空。open, close, clean, look, write1 .the window, please. It's cold.2 .the blackboard, please.3 .the box, please

4、.4 .at the book and your name.18 .数字找规律。1. two four six eight ten2. two four eight thirty-two3. twenty eighteen seventeen4. three seven eleven5. one three five seven nine6. one six eleven twenty-one19 .选词填空。sister father 01d brother worker11) Look at the boy. He is my.(2) My father is a(3) My grandp

5、a (爷爷)is(4) Look at the girl. She is myS (5) This is Li Ming's20 .字母书写,写出所给字母的左邻右舍(大小写均写)。1.Ee Gg li Kk2.Oo QqSsUu21 .看图完成句子:1 .- What' s this?-It ' s a2 .-What' s this?-It,s a3 .-What' s this?-It,s a22.将下面所给单词填在括号里。eye nosemouthfacehand armfootleg23.写出下列字母的相邻字母。(注意大小写)

6、.问一问,答一答。2. 一 CDsUncle Booky24.猜一猜,下面说的是哪个字母。(1)什么字句像气球?()(2)什么字母傀镰刀?)<3)什么字母像面旅?()(4)什么字胃像条蛇2t>什么字母像水泄?()(6)什么字母像单杠?()(7)什么字母代表胜利?()(8)什么字母像块磁铁?()<0)什么字母像树根?()(10)什么字母像闪电?)、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)1. Hello !2. How are you?3. Nice to meet you.26.连线组成3段小对话。A Fine, thank you.B Nice to meet you,too.C Hi !

7、27.单词、短语连线,先选后连线。(1)badA忘记(2)OKB不好的,坏的(3)familyC好吧(4)happyD家庭(5)forgetE快乐的28.用线条把单词连向正确的身体部位。 blue eyeA让我们画画吧!B给我看红色。C下午好!D我看到了蓝色。E见到你也很高兴。 black ear green nose red mouth yellow face 29.找朋友(连线)。1. fishA.狗2. catB.可爱的3. dogC.猫4. uglyD.酷5. cuteE.鱼6. coolF.丑的 30.连线,给句子找出正确的汉语意思。1.I see blue.2 .Good afte

8、rnoon.3 .Nice to meet you ,too.4 .Show me red.5 .Let ' s paint!四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31 .写出下列句子的中文意思。(1) What's your name? How are you?(3) Show me your pencil.(4) Let's go to school.(5) I have an eraser.(6) My name's Sarah.32(1)你是林涛吗? (2)我是玲玲。(3)再见,萨姆! (4)我不是吉姆。(5)早上好,萨姆! 33.翻译句子1 .多少只鸭宝宝?2 .

9、八个香蕉。3 .多少件夹克衫?4 .三个女孩。5 .多少只母鸡?34.看单词写汉语。(1) bird(2) cake(3)eaz(4) foot(5) tea(6) bookCT) bread(S) eye(9) Coke(10) bear35 .读句子,并翻译(1) Good afternoon, I'm Mr. Li. Good afternoon, Mr. Li.(3) Good morning, girls.(4) How are you,Amy?(5) Good morning, boys and girls. I'm Ms. Smart.五、我是小法官(判断题)36

10、 .根据图片判断句子是否正确。1. Look, there are eight chicks.(37 .判断题,正确的在括号内写 T,错误的写F.()1.小写字母l在四线三格中占中格。()2.大写字母K由两笔写成。()3.大眼睛可以说是:big eyes()4. Are you my mum?的否定回答是: No, I am .()5.描述自己的头发是长的,你可以说:My hair is long. 38.判断题(判断图片与句子或单词是否一致,一致在括号里写芷确”,不一致的在括号里写错误”。()1.'Open your pencil box.)2.I have a ruler.3.4.

11、Show me green.Sit dffwn.Green green Sit down.)5.yellow39 .阅读短文,判断对(错(X)。Look at the picture. The little girl is me. My name is Su Nan. Ie, Grtede Three.rhlikeCEnsSiFivvery much. The man (男人)in the picture is my father , and he is a doctor. The woman (妇女)in the picture is my mother. She is pretty (漂亮

12、的).What' s my mothercan you guess?(1) I ' m in Class Four Grade Five.()(2) My father is a teacher.()(3) I like English very much. ()(4) My mother is beautiful.()(5) I am a girl.()六、阅读理解40 .读对话,选择正确的答案。Chen Jie: Hello. Look! I have a bear. It' s brown.Mike:Oh, really? May I have a look?Ch

13、en Jie: Sure. Here you are.Mike:Thank you.Oh, it ' s nice. I like it.Chen Jie: Thank you.Mike:This is my panda. It ' s white and black.Sarah:Me too.Bai Ling: Wow! I like bear and panda.()1.Chen Jie has (有_.A. a birdB. a bearC. a panda() 2.The bear is.A. blueB. blackC. brown()3.Mike has.A. a

14、bearB. a pig() 4. The panda is.A. white and brown B. white and black() 5.Sarah has.A. a pandaB. a bearC. a pandaC. yellow and blackC. a rabbit41.阅读短文,判断对错I ' m hungryl. want some noodles. I like noodles. It She' s eating them. ItisH fasEfoold.1. I want some rice. )s Chinese fast food. But Lingling likes Hamburgers and2. Rice is Chinese fast food. )3. Lingling doesn ' t like hamburgers)4. Lingling is eating hamburgers. ()5. I ' m hungry. ()


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