高中英语新课标外研版必修2教案(Module 2 No Drugs the 2ed Period).doc

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1、Period 2Reading and Vocabulary整体设计教材分析The reading passage consists of two articles. Article 1 tells us the story of Adam Rouse. He told us how he got addicted to taking drugs and how he stopped. From article 2, well know what cocaine is and how it does harm to people. Six activities are designed in

2、this part. The students will learn more new words connected with drugs in activity 1. In activity 2, the opening paragraphs of two articles are given. First, let the students choose the topic for each article from the listed three topics. Following that is a word practice. In activity 4, the rest of

3、 the two articles are put in wrong order. Read them and tell which article they belong to. Then the students will do some true or false questions according to the text. The last activity is to complete questions and answers about Adam Rouse, who is the character in article 1. The teacher can check t

4、he students detail understanding about the first article. If time permits, the teacher may encourage the students to retell the story of Adam Rouse. Through the study of this part, the students can not only learn some information about drugs but also learn to organize a passage and improve their abi

5、lity of analyzing. 三维目标1. 知识与技能1)Train the students reading comprehension skills.2)Improve the students ability of organizing and analyzing an article.2. 过程与方法1)Make them discuss in class through organizing some practice activities.2)Read individually to put the paragraphs in the right order.3)Expla

6、nations to help the students understand the passage better.3. 情感与价值Through the study of the two articles, the students will get a better understanding of the harm of cocaine. A drug addict may have heart attacks and have anti-social behaviours. 教学重点1. Encourage the students to learn some new words r

7、elated to drugs.2. Teach the students some difficult language points.3. Train the students reading skills. 教学难点1. How to choose the topic for the passage.2. Learn how to organize a passage.3. Improve the students reading ability. 教学过程Step 1 Greetings and Revision: 1. Greet the students as usual.2. M

8、ake some comments on their emails. Step 2 Pre-reading2 / 131. Activity1Option 1Show the students the words in activity 1.addictblood pressurebreak intocannabiscrack cocainedangerdrug addictdrug dealer heart attackheart rateimmediatelyincreaseinjectneedlepowerfulreduceAsk the students to work in pair

9、s to guess the meaning of the words, if necessary, look them up in dictionary.Option 2To give the students the definitions of the words, and let them match them.2. Activity 3After that, let the students choose the correct meaning of the words in activity 3.Show the following on the screen.1 If a dru

10、g is addictive, does it mean that (a)you can easily stop taking it or (b)you cannot stop taking it? 2 Does powerful mean (a)very strong or (b)very weak?3 If something increases, does it (a)get bigger or (b)get smaller?4 Is a drug dealer someone who (a)sells drugs or (b)uses drugs? Encourage the stud

11、ents to finish the sentences individually. And then collect the answers from the whole class.Suggested answers:1 b2 a3 a4 aStep 3While-reading1. Activity 2Ask the students to read the opening paragraphs of two different articles as quickly as possible and choose the topic for each paragraph.Show the

12、 following on the screen.A. A Drug Addict and His StoryB. Dangerous Activities of TeenagersC. The Dangers of Using CocaineCollect the answers from the whole class.Suggested answers:Article 1: A Drug Addict and His StoryArticle 2: The Dangers of Using Cocaine2. Activity 4Read parts 1-6 individually a

13、nd decide which article they belong to.Suggested answers:Article 1: 2, 3, 5, 6Article 2: 1, 4After that, play the tape recorder for the students to listen to the whole articles.3. Activity 5Read the articles again and decide whether the following sentences are true(T)or (F). Show the following on th

14、e screen.1 Cocaine can be smoked and also injected. ( )2 People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles. ( )3 Cocaine makes your heart go more slowly. ( )4 Smoking crack cocaine can change peoples behaviour. ( )Ask the students to make their own choices individually, and then che

15、ck with their partner to whether they have the same opinion. Collect the answers from the whole class.Suggested answers:1 T2 T3 F4 TStep 4Post-reading1. Activity 6Complete these questions and answers about Adam Rouse without referring to the texts. This activity is designed to test the students unde

16、rstanding of the details.Show the following on the screen.1 _was Adam Rouse when he started using drugs? _.2 Which drug _first? _.3 Who _it from? _.4 What was the second drug that the man _? _ .5 How did Adam pay for the drugs? _.6 What did the police do? They took Adam _.7 Did Adam take the doctors

17、 advice? _.8 Where _work now? _. Suggested answers:1 How old, 15(years old).2 did he use, He used cannabis.3 did he buy, He bought it from a man in the street/a drug dealer.4 offered/sold him, It was crack cocaine.5 He broke into a house and stole things.6 to the police station7 Yes, he did.8 does A

18、dam, He works in a center for drug addicts. 2. Story tellingTell the story of Adam Rouse with the help of the key words: drug addict, drug dealer, crack cocaine, break into, be addicted to, the police station, take the doctors advice. . . Step 5 Related language points1. Im 19 years old and I used t

19、o be a drug addict. 我十九岁, 而且以前有毒瘾。1)used to be/do sth. 表达过去经常的或持续的行为be used(adj. )to(prep. )doing sth. 习惯于做某事be used to do sth. (被动语态)被用来做某事典例: I used to lived in London. 我过去一直住在伦敦。She is quite used to hard work/working hard. 她很习惯做艰苦的工作。My cell phone can be used to take photos. 我的手机可用来照相。Note: You u

20、sed to smoke a pipe, didnt/usednt you? 你过去抽烟,是不是? 2)addict n. 瘾君子; 对某事物有强烈兴趣的人a drug addict 有毒瘾的人a football addict 足球迷v. 对上瘾be addicted to (prep. )addictive adj. 使人上瘾的addiction n. 沉溺,瘾典例: He is a heroin addict. 他是有海洛因毒瘾的人。Many students are addicted to going online. 许多学生沉迷于上网。Coffee is addictive in a

21、 mild way. 咖啡能稍微使人上瘾。及时反馈: 汉译英1)你曾经是位老师,对不对? 2)她已经习惯了这里的气候。3)我爸爸吸烟成瘾。4)他是一个电视迷。5)毒品能使人上瘾。Suggested answers:1)You used to be a teacher, didnt/usednt you?2)She has got used to the climate here.3)My father is addicted to smoking.4)He is a TV addict.5)Drugs are addictive. 2. One day, he offered me some

22、crack cocaine.一天,他给了我一些纯可卡因。offer vt. &vi. &n. 提议,提供常见搭配: offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. = provide/supply sb. with sth. 提供某人某物offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事offer sth. for money 卖给某人某物要多少钱accept ones offer (n. )接受某人的提议on offer 削价销售典例We offered him the house for $50 000. 这所房子我们向他索价五万美元。We offere

23、d him a lift, but he didnt accept. 我们建议他搭我们的车,但他没有接受。We offered to leave. 我们表示要走了。Apples are on offer this week at the local supermarket. 当地超市本周苹果大削价。及时反馈: 1)A library with five thousand books _to our school as a gift.A. is offeredB. has offeredC. are offeredD. have offered2)Thank you for _ to help

24、me with my English, but I can manage it myself.A. providingB. supplyingC. givingD. offeringSuggested answers: 1)A2)D 3. The next day, I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.第二天,我破门而入,偷了一台电视机和录像机。break into 破门而入常见搭配: break down 停止运转,失灵; 崩溃,瓦解; (指人身体状况)跨了; 分成几部分,分解(改变化学成分)bre

25、ak up 解散,驱散; 击碎,打碎(使某事物),结束; break out 突然发生break off 中断,停止典例: Our car broke down on the motorway. 我们的汽车在高速公路上抛锚了。Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. 双方谈判已经破裂。War broke out in 1939. 1939 年爆发了战争。The police were called in to break up the meeting. 出动了警察将集会驱散。His house was broken into la

26、st week. 上星期有人闯入他的房屋。Theyve broken off their engagement. 他们几经解除了婚约。及时反馈: 1)To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it _into parts.A. downB. upC. offD. out2)The police had to employ force to _the crowd.A. break B. break offC. break upD. break downSuggested answers: 1)A2)CStep 6 Summ

27、ary and HomeworkThe teacher summarizes the contents of this period. From the study of the two articles, the students learn more words and expressions related to drugs, as well as some common knowledge about cocaine. It can help the students form good living habit. Todays homework is to write down th

28、e story of Adam Rouse. 板书设计Unit 2No drugsPeriod 2used to dobe used to doingbe used to do addict n. &v.addictive adj.be addicted toaddictionbreak intobreak downbreak upbreak out活动与探究Search for a story about drug addicts and tell it to the rest of the class or make a DV about a drug user. Then pla

29、y it for the whole class. 备课资料Background InformationWhy are teens doing drugs? 青少年为何吸毒Stephanie, 18FACT: “Lifes tough enough without a drug addiction, ” says Howard Simon, spokesman for Partnership for a Drug-Free America. “Drugs just add more problems to the pile. ”“I didnt think drugs were a big d

30、eal. ”“My mom started abusing drugs when I was in fourth grade, so when a friend offered me weed in seventh grade, it didnt seem wrong to try it. Pot made me feel distant from my misery at home, and I started smoking and drinking on a daily basis. Then my mother left. It broke my heartI felt like sh

31、e chose drugs over me. But that didnt make me stop using them. I relied on weed to handle my pain and anger.I moved in with my dad, but he drank a lot and we argued. Id avoid going home, staying out with friends instead, drinking and getting high. Before, I only smoked for fun, but now I depended on

32、 it to help me through each day.When I turned 18, I hopped a bus to California to try to start my life over. But I felt isolated there. I was smoking weed every day. Getting high was all I had, and it scared me. I realized I was just running from my problems. I called my dad and told him I wanted to

33、 come home. I can happily say Ive been off drugs for nearly a year now. My dad has also been sober for several months, and its a lot easier for us to get along now that drugs arent in the way. Ive made new friends, toomy best friend is a girl from high school who didnt do drugs or drink. I still don

34、t see my mom much, and I dont know if well ever be close again. All I know is that I dont want to waste my life getting high like she did. Ill never go back to the person I wasI would rather be the girl I always dreamed I could be!”Megan 18FACT: “Nobody knows how drug use is going to affect them, ”

35、Simon says. “Youre playing Russian roulette. Once you start, you cant be sure youll walk away. ”“I did drugs so I would fit in. ”“I started hanging with a crowd that was into drugs. I wasnt into that stuff, but I didnt have anyone else to hang out with, so I started smoking pot to fit in. My parents

36、 found out, and my mom started crying. I realized I wasnt just hurting myself, I was hurting the people who loved me. ”Lisa 15“I thought some drugs were harmless. ”“I started smoking weed when I was in 6th grade. It seemed like a harmless drug. I was wrongIve been smoking weed for three years now, a

37、nd Ive ditched all my old friends and probably blown a thousand dollars on pot. The short buzz just isnt worth it. ”Justine14FACT: “Sure, marijuana is saferlike jumping from the fifth floor is safer than jumping from the eighth floor, ” Simon says. “Its still a dangerous drug. ”“I wanted to rebel. ”

38、“I tried marijuana because it gave me a sense of rebellion. I didnt like being told what to do, so smoking weed made me feel defiant. But I realized people expect teens to try drugs, and by smoking pot, I was just conforming to their expectations. Its dumb to think that doing drugs will somehow make you different or unique. ” 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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