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1、)3. 一 Where are you from?专项训练二:句型、我是小法官。(根据图片,判断句子对错,对的在括号里打“/错的打"X))1. 一 Do you like banan as, Joh n?)2. 一 Where is the cat? No, I don't. It's un der the box.11()1. I'm fromA. Chi naC. CanadaB. the USA- rm from the USA.)4. 一 Who is that woma n? She is my gran dmother.)5. 一 How many

2、 strawberries do you see? I see fourtee n.一、根据图片,完成句子。()2. This is myA. sister B. brotherC. father()3. I like.A. pears B. apples C. bananas ()4. Look ! The mon key has.A. a long tail B. lo ng tail C. short tail ()5. The cray on is the book.A. on B. in C. un der三、情景交际。()1.当你邀请别人一起回家时说:A. Let's go

3、 to the park.B. Let's go home. C. Let's play a game.()2.同学要去度假了,你应对他(她)说:A. Good idea! B. Good guess. C. Have a good time!()3.同学玲玲给你看她妈妈的照片,她妈妈很漂亮,你应说:A. Wow, so beautiful!B. Wow, so tall! C. Ah ! So cute!A. Silly me!B. Look at me!C. Me, too!A. Me, too.四、根据图片找句子。B. Me, neither.2.1.Iilini iLl

4、IIIJJJij()4.妈妈让你找裤子,你没有找到,你对自己说 我真傻! ”时应说:)5.同学对你说我不喜欢葡萄。”,你告诉他(她)我也不喜欢。”时应说:A. How many apples do you have? B. Nice to meet you. C. TCe Whatsabouderdhedesk.D. The woma n is my En glish teacher. E. Look at my cray ons. F. Who is this boy?五、连词成句。(只写序号)1 . my This father is2 . like you grapes Do3 . my

5、 is Where apple4 . small The is monkey 5. buy Let's some pears6 .you to too meet Nice7 . some have Can I oran ges8 . many do How pens you have六、慧眼识珠。(读对话,根据对话内容选出相应的图片,将其序号填入题前括号内)1. 一 Where is the pan da? Look ! It's here. It's under the cap.)2. 一 How many ballo ons do you see? I see fi

6、ftee n.Yes, I do.)3. 一 Do you like pears?)4. 一 Where are you from? I'm from the UK.()5. Have some strawberries. Thank you.()6. Who's that woma n? She is my teacher.()7. Is he a boy? Yes, he is.()8. Who is that man? He's my friend.()9. How many balls do you have?一I have twelve.A矽? B ?叟()1

7、0. Is she your gra ndma?Yes, she is.七、将符合情景的句子序号填在相应的对话框内3._1ySj Z Hi. 1 m Aaiy t . I'm from the UKEmOIA: Hello, I'm Alice.B: Hi I rn Wu Nau. Nitt to meet you.A: Nig to intel yOn> L00 tA - How many rulers do you luive? D. B; I have four, A i How beautiful!4. A 5.B4. A 5.B专项训练二:句型、1. X 2. V 3. X4. V 5. X_、 1. A 2. B 3. C三、1. B 2. C 3. A四、五、1. C 2. D 3. B 4. F 5. A 6. E1.2.37.8. 六、1. B2B3. A4. B 5.A七、1. D2.E3. B4. A 5.C6. B 7. A4.5.8. B 9. A 10. B6.八、1. C 2. B 3. A4. D 5. E


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