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1、最新资料推荐汽车cl理论知识汽车 cl 理论知识 Add a after article one hundred and thirty-three of criminal law, as one of article one hundred and thirty-three:drive a motor vehicle in the road chasingcompetitive drive, if the circumstances are flagrant,or drunkdriving a motor vehicle on road, detention, fine. Another ba

2、sed on April 22, 2019, through the law of the People ' s Republic of China on road traffic safety the latest amendment: drunk drivingmotor vehicle, the trafficadministrativedepartme nt of the public security orga n con stra ints to wi ne woke up, his motor vehicle driving license revoked, and sh

3、all be investigated for criminal responsibilityaccording to law;to regain the motor vehicle drivinglicense shall not be in fiveyears. Drunk driv ing operatio n of motor vehicles, gover ned by the traffic administrative department of the public security organ to wine wokeup, his motor vehicle driving

4、 license revoked, and shall be inv estigatedfor crim inalresp on sibilityaccording to law; to regain the motor vehicle driving license shall not be in 10 years, to obta in a motor vehicle driv ing license, shall not be operating a motor vehicle driving. Major traffic accident after drinking or drunk

5、 driving motor vehicle,i / ii最新资料推荐if the case con stitutes a crime, shall be inv estigated for crim inal resp on sibility accord ing to law, and by the traffic admi nistrative departme nt of the public security orga n his motor vehicle drivinglicense revoked, and to regain the motorvehicle drivingl

6、icense shall not be for life. The road trafficsafety law requires administrativepunishment, which is not inconflictwith criminalresponsibilityand can be combined withpen alties,which is called liability competitio n injurisprudenee When the vehicle passes through a railway intersection, the applicat

7、ion of the low speed barrier is adopted to preventthe engine from turning off. Whenthedriver realizes that the vehicle has a flat tire, the drivershould take the emerge ncy brake in the directi onof con trol andforce the vehicle to stop quickly. correct error Correct an swer: Try to explai n: topic

8、as long as the fast, the word fast is wrong, there is on ly a problem is, whe n the accide nt is in evitable to stop quickly, the other is wrong Wheeledself-mechanical- heavy mechanical vehicle The highway speedlimit: (1) the minimum speed limit of 60 km/h speed limit (2) special circumsta nces: vis

9、ibility is less tha n 200 meters, 60 km/h speed limit, visibility is less tha n 100 meters, 40 km/hspeed limit, visibility is less than 50 meters, 20 km/hour Inthe period of validity of driving skill, the number of testappointments for two and three road driving skills must not be exceeded. 5 What i

10、s the validity period of the driving skills?3 How long does it take to obtain a driving license from the driver ' s license in order to obtain a driver ' s license in the form of fraud or bribery? 3 Use a forged, altered driv inglicense to write 12 points at a time The vehicles equipped with

11、 ABSwill minimize the braking distanee on the ice surface. ABS is an anti-lock system, and tires don' t slide. Nowthe car is basically a standard with ABS. This problem is wrong, the maximum distanee should be the handbrake, the foot brake, C2 s quasi - driving model is a small automatic car tha

12、t can' t drive a low-speed truck. In the six year period of the motor vehicle driving license, the driver has not achieved a 12-point period, and the motor vehicle driving license is valid for 10 years. There were no deaths, no deaths, no more tha n three years. It is more tha n three years and

13、less tha n seve n years.It didn ' t kill to run, but it was more than seven years and less than seven years after the delay. When driving a motor vehicle at night, you need to alternate using a distant light It is not possible to cha nge the light of the light at ni ghtwhen crossing the road wit

14、hout traffic lights. CUO Visibility of 200 meters, the highest speed 60, the car is 100; 100 meters of visibility, top speed 40, car 50, visibility 50 meters, speed 20 Sett ing of ig niti on switch gear sett in g. It means: LOCK, turn off the power, LOCK the steeri ng wheel; ACC, connect the attache

15、d power source (such as the radio, etc.) ON, turn ONthe full car power of the whole car except the motive. START the engine by starti ng the engine. After start ing, the key will automatically bounce back ON the ON gear There is no road to the center of the road, the city road is 30 kilometers per h

16、our, and the highway is 40 kilometers per hour. In the same directi on, there is only one lane road, the city road is 50 kilometers per hour, and the highway is 70 kilometers per hour. The road act of 36. No motor vehicle Ian es, non-m otorized lanes or sidewalks are divided into the middle of the r

17、oad, and non-motor vehicles and pedestrianspass through the road.paraphrase. Occasions without clear indicationsof the row,motor vehicles, non-motor vehiclesand pedestrians shall,according to the principleof low speed right still, i.e., themotor vehicle in the middle of the road, non-motor vehicles

18、and pedestrians on the road on both sides of the passage. Article one hun dredand thirty-three theviolat ingtraffic3 / 11最新资料推荐transportationmanagement regulations,and major accidentoccurred, serious injury or death on people or result ing in serious losses to public or private property, shall be se

19、nten ced to fixed-term impris onment of not more tha n three years or criminal detention. Don ' t run away, for more than three years, if your flight leads to death, more than seven years. The driv ing test for the three roads is 100, the bigcar is 90 and the car is 80. (1) the front car is turn

20、ing left, turning and overtaking; (2) it is possible to have a car with the other side. (3) the vehicle in front of the vehicle forcarry ing out the urge nt task, the fire engine, the ambula nee,the engineeringrescue vehicle; (4) through the railwaycross ing, in tersecti on, n arrow bridge, cor ners

21、, steep slope,tunnel, crosswalk, such as overtaking on the urban traffic flow of road con diti ons. Which of the follow ing secti ons will not overtake the motor vehicle? B A bridge, B,intersection C,beltway D, center street There is no road to the center ofthe road, the city road is 30 kilometers p

22、er hour, and the highway is 40 kilometers per hour. In the same directi on, there is only one lane road, the city road is 50 kilometers per hour, and the highway is 70 kilometers per hour. One of thefollow ing ACTS of illegal behavior by a motor vehicle drivershall be 12 points at a time: (1)driving

23、 a motor vehicle thatdoes not conform to the driv ing model; (2) driv ing a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol; (3) more tha n 20 perce nt ofthe people who are drivingthe bus (not including thebus) andthe school bus over the nuclear number; (4) if a person escapes after a traffic accident, it does

24、 not constitutea crime; (5)if the motor vehicle that has bee n on the road has not bee n hoisted by a motor vehicle, or is inten ti on ally obscured, defiled, or not in stalled the motor vehicle' s lice nse platein accorda nee with the provisi ons; (6) the use of forged, altered vehicle lice nse

25、 plates,driv inglice nces,driv inglice nces, school bus sig ns or other motor vehicle sig ns and driv ing certificates; (7) tur ning the motor vehicle on the highway, revers ing, cross ing the cen tral dividi ng belt and turning aro und; (8) driv ing a passe nger car in a motorway driveway; (9) to d

26、rive over medium-sized truck, bus and passenger vehicles in highway transportation of hazardous goods in excess of the prescribed speed of more tha n 20%, the urba n rapid road or on the highway, the road outside of urba n expressway in excess of the prescribed speed of more than 50%, and other moto

27、r vehicle driv ing speed of more tha n 50% of theprescribed; (10)driving more than 4 hours of non-stopping orresting time of a passenger car or dangerous goods for more than four hours; (11) driving a school bus without a bus driver.The driver of a motor vehicle shall have one of the following illeg

28、al ACTS: (1) when a motor vehicle' s driving license issuspe nded for dri ving a motor vehicle; (2) driv ing a motor vehicle in violation of the traffic light of the road; (3)driving operatingpassenger cars (not including the bus),mannedverificationnumber of failed to reach more than 20%ofthe sc

29、hool bus, or other passenger cars driving mannedexceeds more than 20% of the verification number; (4) to drive over medium-sized truck, bus and passenger vehicles in highway tran sportatio n of hazardous goods, the urba n rapid road in excess of the prescribed speed did not reach 20%; (5) to drive o

30、ver medium-sized truck, bus and passenger vehicles in highway transportationof hazardous goods, outside of urban expresswayroad or other motor vehicle driving over speed of more than 20% have not reached 20%; (6) the driving truck carrying more than 30% of the quality of the approved load and the pa

31、sse nger in violatio n of the regulati ons; (7) the motor vehicles otherthan the operating buses are parked in the motorway lane; (8)driv ing a motor vehicle illegally in an emerge ncy lane on a highway or in a city expressway; (9) driv ing a motor vehicle on the highway without the prescribed drivi

32、ng conditions under low visibility meteorologicalcon diti ons;(10) theun dismemberable goods that drive a motor vehicle to carry the superlimit, without the specified time, route, speed, or no obvious sig n of suspe nsion; (11) to drive a motor vehicle carry ing explosives, in flammable and explosiv

33、e chemicals and highly toxic, radioactive and other dan gerous articles, not according to the specified time, route and speed or suspension of warni ng sig ns and take n ecessary safety measures; (12) to make up the driv ing lice nse of a motor vehicle by con cealme nt or decepti on; Continu ous dri

34、ve over medium-sized passe nger car (13), dangerous goods transport vehicles outside the motor did not stop to rest more than 4 hours or parking rest time less than 20 minutes; (14) driving a motor vehicle not to avoid the school bus according to regulations. Third, the motor vehicle driver has one

35、of the followi ng illegal behaviors, a score of3 points:(1) the number of passenger vehiclescarryingpassengers outside the bus (not including the bus) or the school bus shall exceed 20 perce nt; (2) to drive over medium-sized passenger truck, dangerous goods transport vehicles in highway, 7 / 11outs

36、ide of urban expressway road or other motor vehicle driving in excess of the prescribed speed did not reach 20%; (3) the carry ing capacity of the driv ing truck exceeds the quality of the nuclear fixed carrying capacity by 30%; (4) driving amotor vehicle under the minimumspeed limit on the highway;

37、 (5) driving a motor vehicle that is prohibited from entering the highway on the motorway; (6) driv ing a motor vehicle on a highway or in a city on a fast road without drivingin aprescribed lane; (7) driving a motor vehicle on a pedestrian crossing, notslowing down, stopping, or avoiding pedestrian

38、sin accordance with regulations; (8) driving a motor vehicle in violati on of the injun cti on and forbiddi ng the marking of the line; (9) driv ing a motor vehicle not to overtake, moveor otherwise drive; (10) driving a motor vehicle in violation of the regulations; (11) not to use the light and se

39、t warning sig ns after the failure of the vehicle on the road and theparking of an accident; (12) the motor vehicle driving on the road does not carry out the in specti on of safety tech no logy regularly. The motor vehicle driver has one of the following illegal ACTS, two points at a time: (1) when

40、 driving a motor vehicle, it is not required to be used for driving or stopping by the prescribed road; (2) those who drive a motor vehicleto make a call or answer a hand-held phone for obstructingsafedriv ing; (3) driv ing a motorcycle and not weari ng a safety helmet; (4) whe n driv ing a motor ve

41、hicle on a highway or on a highway in a city, the driver fails to faste n the seat belt as prescribed; (5) whe n dri ving a motor vehicle in front of a motor vehicle in the front of the road or in a slow moti on, the vehicle may be used to overtake or occupy the other side of the road, and the traff

42、ic will be in terspersed with the wait ing vehicle; (6) faili ng to provide safety equipme nt to the school bus in accorda nee with the regulati ons, or faili ng to maintain safety for the school bus in accordanee with regulations; (7) to drive a school bus carrying a student, not to place a school

43、bus sign in accordanee with the regulations, or to turn on the lights of the school bus, or not to go according to the line approved by the exam in ati on; (8) the stude nts on the bus, Not stopping at the school bus stop at the specified time; (9) school bus not carrying students on the road, using

44、 the school bus sig ns, school bus sig ns and stop sig ns; (10) driv ing on road, not on the school bus whether conform to the requirements of the safety and technical inspection,in perfectconditionor the safety of driving the bus on road; (11) when 最新资料推荐there is a student in the school car, refuel

45、ing the car orleav ingthe driv ingseat before the engine engine isext in guished. The motor vehicle driver has one of the followingillegal behaviors, one point at a time: (1)drivinga motor vehicle not to use the light according to regulations;(2) driving a motor vehicle not to meet the prescribed bus; (3) driv ing a motor vehicle carry ing the len gth, width and height exceed ing the regulati ons; (4) the motor vehicles that have been on the road have not been put in the test mark, the in sura nee sig n, the driv ing lice nse and the driv ing lice nse of the motor vehicle.ii / #


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