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1、北仑职高2011 年第一学期高复三商务英语函电第二次模拟考试题I . Choose the correct answer.(1 point each, 20 points in all)() 1. I wish to _ your attention to this matter.A. draw B. pay C. ask D. catch() 2. We hope you will _ the payment by D/A for a trial order.A. agreeB. agree with C. agree toD. agree on() 3. We understand tha

2、t the goods can be shipped _ stock.A. inB. from C. out of D. on() 4. We _ you urgently as we are in bad need of your goods.A. keep in touch with B. keep in touch to C. get in touch toD. get in touch with() 5. The buyer refused to pay because of the gloves too small.A. areB. beC. beingD. is() 6. _ is

3、 an ideal payment term for the importer.A. Cash against documents B. D/PC. Payment in advanceD. D/A() 7. We are pleased to inform you that your order No. 156 _ 3000 washing machines has beendispatched_“East Wind ”.A. of; byB. for; byC. under; by D. under; through() 8. The ship is due to London port

4、on April 8 th,2007.A. arrive inB. reach toC. getD. call at() 9. We are glad to tell you that we have the goods you ordered _.A. dispatchB. dispatchingC. dispatchedD. be dispatched() 10. As we are _ of these goods, please expedite shipment after receiving our L/C.A. in badly need B. badly in needC. u

5、rgent in need D. in urgently need() 11. This will enable us _ speedy passage through customers on arrival of the consignment.A. arrange B. arranged C. to arrangeD. arranging() 12. Please _ delivery of the goods when they arrive.A. makeB. take C. effectD. carry() 13. They did not ship the goods per s

6、/s “Red Star” because they _ to book the shipping space.A. failB. was failed C. have failed D. had failed() 14. There no direct steamer to your port the goods will have to be transshipped.A. hasB. had been C. beingD. are() 15. As there is no direct steamer for your port, the goodstransshipped.A. is

7、to be B. will be C. ought to be D. will have to be() 16. _ your repeated requests and in view of the small amount of this trial order, we would grant you suchfavorable terms of payment _ D/A 45 days.A. Through; as B. On; withC. Because; byD. Since; by() 17. We will accept our bid _ L/C is opened wit

8、hin the week.A. owing that B. on condition thatC. as soon as D. in case that() 18. We shall your offer in the form of proforma invoice.A. thank B. be obliged C. be thankfulD. appreciate() 19. We can ship your goods_ m/v “Seal” scheduled to sail from Guangzhou_ July 22.A. ex; on B. per; aboutC. by; o

9、f D. by; after() 20. Goods will be shipped within two monthsreceipt of your order.A. beforeB. on C. after D. uponn . Translate the following terms from Chinese into English. point each, 15 points in all)1.潜在市场 2. 向某人开立汇票3 .凭 单 付 现4. 舱 位5 .原产地证书 6.不可转让提单7 .准 时 装 运 8. 在 这 种 情 况 下9 .额外 费用 10.满足 某人 要 求田

10、.Translate the following terms from English into Chinese. (1 point each, 10 points in all)1. regular sales 2. give priority to3. payment in advance 4. Telegraphic Transferreport schedule7. assure sb. of sth. 8. gross weight8. make further consideration with 10. Amend L/C to read - IV . Complete the

11、following sentences. (4 point each, 20 points in all)1. Please see to it that the L/C should be openedat the beginning of next month,(允许分批装运和转船).2. Doing business on D/P basis would (节省很多的时间和 费用).3. Before the carrying vessels arrives at your port,(务请你方做好装船的必要准备).4. Referring to our previous letters

12、, we wish to call your attention to the fact that(到目前为止我们还未收到你方有关装运上述合同项下货物 的消息).5. When we placed the order, (我们就指出及时装运是极为重要的)V . Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (2 point each, 10 points in all)1. We should be grateful if you kindly give priority to the consideration of the above re

13、quest and send us an early favorable reply.2. When you get the shipment of our order ready, including the freight space which has been booked, please let us know as soon as possible.3. Enclosed please find one set of shipping documents covering this consignment.4. We hope you will make every effort

14、to effect shipment within the stipulated time as any delay would causes much trouble and financial loss.5. If you desire an earlier delivery, we can only deliver 60 cases in Oct. and the remainder in Nov.VI. Read the passage and find the best answer to complete each of the following statements. (2 p

15、oint each, 10points in all)Dear Sirs,We highly appreciate your Order No. 8802 for 600 sets of Double Happiness Brand Automatic WashingMachines and are pleased to confirm that the goods can be supplied from stock. We are confident that you will be satisfied with the quality of our goods.As for method

16、 of payment, we quite agree with you that you establish a confirmed irrevocable L/C for a sum not exceeding US$ 72, 000 and valid till August 10. Upon receipt of confirmation of the L/C from the National Bank, your order will be ready for shipment to await your agent 's shipping instructions.We

17、hope that the goods will reach you in good time and that we may have further orders from you.Yoursfaithfully,()1. The letter is mainly about.A. cancellation of an order B. execution of an order C. declining an order D. withdrawing an order()2. It is stated in the letter thatA. 600 sets of Double Hap

18、piness Brand Automatic Washing Machines under Order can be available from stock.B. 600 sets of Double Happiness Brand Automatic Washing Machines under Order are out of stock.C. 600 sets of Double Happiness Brand Automatic Sewing Machines under Order can be available from stock.D. 600 sets of Double

19、Happiness Brand Automatic Sewing Machines under Order are out of stock.()3. The quality of the goods is said to be.A. inferior B. low C. satisfactoryD. unreasonable( )4. As for payment terms,.A. both parties agrees to pay by a confirmed, irrevocable L/CB. the buyer ask for payment by a confirmed, ir

20、revocable L/CC. the seller ask for payment by a confirmed, irrevocable L/CD. both parties agrees to pay by a confirmed, irrevocable L/C( )5. Arrange the right order for the following events: the agent send shipping instructions the buyer receive confirmation of the L/C the order is ready for shipmen

21、t the buyer ask for the establishment of the L/CA. B. C. D. W . Write an English letter of about 70 words, using the key words and hints given below. (15 points in all) Key words: overdue, in accordance with, the first lot, cancel the order 敬启者:提到第672号订单的20台GF型机器,今提醒你方其交货期早已过期。我们在订货时就已指出按期交货极为重要,因我方已答应客户保证在五月底交第一批货,但直到现在仍未收到第一批货,我们的用户正等着货物。请尽力在六月底前把两批货一起装来,否则我们的客户对你方迟延装运将感到不满,以后可能撤消订单.请告知确切装运日期。谨启


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