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1、时态讲解:现在完成时(1)构成:现在完成时由助动词have +过去分词构成,助动词have有人称和数的变化。第三人称单数用has,其余用have.现在完成时的否定式直接在助动词后面加上n ot、疑问式是把助动词提到主语之前。以study为例,其否定式、疑问式和简单回答形式如下:否定式疑问式I have no t (have n't) studied-Have I studied?You have no t (have n't) studiedHave you studied?He has no t (has n't) studiedHas he studied?否定疑问

2、式简单回答(肯定/否定)Have I not (Haven' t I) studied?Yes, you have. No, you haven' tHave you not (Haven' t you) studied?Yes, I have. No, I haven' t.Has he not (Hasn' t he) studied-?Yes, he has. No, he hasn' t.(2)用法:1)现在完成时通常表示在 说话之前已经完成的动作或存在的状态。说话人强调的是该动作或状态对现在的 结果或影响。My daughter has

3、 just gone out.我女儿刚出去。I ' m sure we ' ve met be我肯定我们以前见过面。She has arrived.她到了。2)表示持续到现在的动作或状态,往往和包括现在在内的表示一段时间的状语连用,女口 recently, already, just, lately, for since ,yet等。如:I haven ' heard from her these days.这些日子我没有收到她的信。We haven ' steenyou recen tly.最近我们没有见到你。They have bee n away for

4、two years. 他们离开已经两年了。She has bee n with ussince Mon day.注意:1) since和for的区别since 后接时间点,如 1993, last term, yesterday, the time I got there 。 for 后接一段时间, 表示 长达多久 ”,女口 ten years, a while, two days 等。Exercise:用 since 禾口 for 填空2. Jill has bee n in Irela nd4. Mary is in her office. She has6. The bus is lat

5、e. They've1. Jim has bee n in Irela ndMon day.three days.3. His aunt has lived in Australia15 days.bee n there7 o'clock.5. In dia has bee n an in depe ndent country1974.bee n wait ing20 minu tes.7. Nobody lives in those houses. They have bee n emptymany years.8. Mikehas bee n illa long time.

6、 He has bee n in hospitalOctober.2)表示短暂意义的动词如arrive, leave, borrow, buy, begin, start, die等,在完成时当中不能和表示一段时间的状语连用,因为它们表示的动作不可能持续。因此,不能说:He has come here for 2 weeks. xThey have left only for 5 minu tes.xThe old man has died for 4 mon ths.x以上三句话可以改为:He has been here for 2 weeks.The old man hasfor 4 mo

7、n ths.They haveonly for 5 minu tes.3) have (has) been 和 have (has) gone 的区别:表示 曾到过某地"要用 “ have (has) been 表” 示 已经去某地"要用“ have (has) gone。试比较:Where has he been? 他刚才到哪里去了? (已经回来了)Where has he gone?他上哪儿去了?(人不在)They have been to Can ada.他们到过加拿大。(现在已经不在加拿大)They have gone to Ca nada.他们到加拿大去了。(可能

8、在路上和已经到加拿大)4) 现在完成时不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last year, in 1976, two days ago, just now, when I came in,但可以禾口 already, yet, sometimes, always, often, before, lately, recently, on ce, twice, ever, n ever 等连用。例如:She has already come.她已经来了。I haven ' t read it ye我还没读过这个。I have met him before. 我从前曾见

9、过他。Ma Hong has always bee n a goodstude nt. 马红一直是个好学生。I have ofte n see n him in the street. 我经常在街上看见他。They have never been to Yan ' an他们从未去过延安。Ihave n't see n him lately.我近来没看到他。Irregular VerbsBase FormPast FormPast Participlebearborebornbeatbeatbeatenbecomebecamebecomeblowblewblow nbringbr

10、oughtbroughtbuildbuiltbuiltbuyboughtboughtcatchcaughtcaughtchoosechosechosencomecamecomedodiddonedrinkdrankdrunkdrivedrovedriveneatateeate nfallfellfalle nfindfoundfoundflyflewflow ngetgotgotgivegavegive ngowentgonegrowgrewgrow nhavehadhadhearheardheardkeepkeptkeptleaveleftleftloselostlostmakemadema

11、deputputputreadreadreadrunranrunsaysaidsaidseesawsee nsellsoldsoldsendsentsentsingsangsungsi nksank/sunksunktaketooktake nteachtaughttaughtwritewrotewroteam, iswasbee narewerebee nExercise:I. Fill in the bla nks with the proper form.2.he4. Where' s6. So far I8. I10.12. The14. MyI. 1already(see)

12、the film. I(see) it last week.(fin ish) his work today? Not yet.3. My fatherjust(come) back from work. He is tired now.Li Ming ? He(go) to the teacher' s office.5. I(work) here since I(move) here in 1999.(make) quite a few friends here.7. How longthe Wangs(stay) here ? For two weeks.just(fin ish

13、) my homework.9. He(go) to school on foot every day.you(find) your scie nee book yet?II. If it(be) fine tomorrow, I'll go with you.stude nts(read) En glish whe n the teacher came in.13. Look! The mon key(climb) the tree.mother(come) to see me n ext Sun day.15. I've lost my pen.you(see) it an

14、y where?II. Choose the best an swer.1. How long have youhere?A. comeB. gotC. arrivedD. been2. My gran dpa died.A. at the age of my 2B. for 2 yearsC. whe n 1 was 2.D. my age was 6.3. Jane hasto BeiJing. She will come back tomorrow.A. bee nB. goneC. wentD. n ever bee n4. It is ten yearsI last saw her.

15、A. afterB. sinceC. forD. that5. -Who will go to the stati on to meet Lorry?-I will. Iher several times.A. metB. have metC. had metD. will meet6. -What a nice dress! How longyouit?-Just 2 weeks.A. will, buyB. did, buyC. are, havi ng D. have, had7. -Do you know Lydia very well?-Yes, She and Ifriends s

16、i nee we were very young.A. have made B. have become C. have bee nD. have turned8. The Smithsin China for 8 years.A. has livedB. livedC. have bee nD.live9.-Hello, this is Mr. Gree n speak ing.Can I speak to Mr. Black? |-Sorry. Hethe Bainiao Park.A. has bee n toB. has gone toC. went toD.will go to10.

17、-you everto the US?-Yes, twice.A. Have, gone B. Have, bee nC, Do, goD. were, goingIII. Rewrite the sentences.1.1 have been to Macau before.(改为否定句)Ibee n to Macau before.2. He hasn ' t come to sdbxedause he was ill.(就划线部分提问) he come to school?3. I bough a new bike just now.(用 just 改写)Ijusta new b

18、ike.4. We began to learn English three years ago.(改为同义句 )WeEn glishthree years5. He has never surfed,?(改成反意疑问句)6. They have bee n here si nee 2000.(对划线部分提问)have they bee n here?(动词填空)7. The old manlast year. He hasfor a year. (die)8. Miss Gao left an hour ago.(同义句转换)Miss Gao hasan hour ago.IV. Ask t

19、he questi ons1)I have bee n there for two days.you?2)My father has lived here since 2000.your father?3)He left here yesterday.he?4)They bought a book two hours ago.theya book?V . Use “never, ever, already, just, yet, for, since” to fill in the blanks.1.1 havesee n him before, so I have no idea about

20、 him.2. Jack hasfini shed his homework.3. Mr. Wang has taught in this schoolten years.4. “ Have youseen the film?”“ No, I haveseen it.5. “ Has the bus left?”“ Yes, it hasleft.”现在完成时练习题及答案一、翻译下列句子:I. 你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗?3. 我以前从来没去过那个农场。5.你已经看过这部电影了吗?7.这本字典我已买了三年了。9. 我认识他们五年了。II. 自从他搬到济宁,他就住这儿了。 已经三年。13.自从1999

21、年以来他们就认识。2. 我刚刚丢了我的化学书。4. 他已经吃过午饭6. 我哥哥还没回来。8. 他离开中国三年了。10. 他们已去了美国五年了。12. 我妹妹成为一个大学生14. 我来到这个学校已3年多了。二、用 si nee和for填空1. two years4. 19995. yesterday8. an hour ago9. we were childrenhere12. He has lived in Nanji ng _13. I ' ve known himJapa nesethree years.15. She has bee n away from the city sh

22、e left the city.2. two years ago6. 4 o' clock10. lunch time_ the year before last.we were childre n.about ten years.3. last month74 hours11. she left14. Our teacher has studied16. It ' s about ten years三、结束性动词转换为以下延续性动词或者表示可以延续的状态的短语。 arrive at / in sp / get to / reach sp / come / go / move

23、to sp t be in sp / at school / at home / on the farm / be here / be there1) He got to Beiji ng five minu tes ago.HeBeiji ng for2) I moved to the USA in 2008.Ithe USA si nee3) I went home yesterday.Ihome for4) They came here last week.Theyhere sincego out t be out come to / go back to / return to t b

24、e back to1) He came out two years ago.Hefor2) We return to Beiji ng yesterday.Weto Beiji ng si nee. become be1) I became a teacher in 2000. Ia teacher for.2) The river became dirty last year. The riverdirty for. close t be closedope n be ope n1) The shop closed two hours ago. The shopfor2) The door

25、ope ned at six in the mornin g.The doorfor six hours. get up t be up die t be dead leave sp. t be away from sp.fall asleep / get tot sleept beisilsieepdt be;orearry t be married1) I got up two hours ago.Isince.2) He left Shan ghai just no w.HeShan ghai for five mi nu tes.3) My gran dpa died in 2002.

26、My gran dpafor.4) The meeti ng fini shed at six.The meeti ngfor six hours.5) I got to sleep two hours agosince.6) They married in 1990. Theysince. start / begin to do sth.t dobegjn t be on1) I bega n to teach at this school in 1995. Iat this school since.2) The film bega n two minu tes ago.The filmf

27、or. borrow t keep lose t ot have ; buy t have ; put on t wearcatch / get a coldt have a getdo know t know1) They borrowed it last week.Theyit since.2) I bought a pen two hours ago. Ia pen for.3) I got to know him last year.Ihim since.4) I put on my glasses three years ago. Imy glasses for. have / ha

28、s gone tot have bee n inHe has gone to Beiji ng.HeBeiji ng for two days. join the league / the Party / the armyt be a league member /a Party member / a soldiert be a member of the league / the Partyt be in the league / the Party / the army1) He joined the league in 2002.Heafor two years.Heathefor tw

29、o years.Hethe league for two years.2) My brother joined the army two years ago.My brotherafor.My brotherinfor two years.四、划线提问1) I have bee n there for two days.you?2) My father has lived here si nee 2000.your father?3) He left here yesterday.he?4) They bought a book two hours ago.theya book五、用 have

30、(has) been 或 have(has) gone 填空。A: WhereLi Fei?B: Heto Hai nan Isla nd.A: How longhethere?B: Hethere for three days.A: When will he come back , do you know?B: I ' m afraid he won ' t come back recently.A: Could you tell me the way to Hainan Isla nd?B: Sorry, In everthere.A: How many timesLi F

31、eito that place?B: Hethere only once.六、用 have / has been to / in, have gone to 及 go 的各种形式填空。1) Where is Jack? Hehis coun try.2) Davidthe park just now.3) Joh nEn gla nd since he came back.4) How longtheythis village?5) The SmithsBeiji ng for years.6) you everAmerica? - Yes, Ithere many times.7) Ithi

32、s school since three years ago.8) Where is Jim? Hethe farm.9) Whenhe? Hean hour ago.10) Would you like to to the zoo with me? -Yes, but Ithere before.11) Whereyounow? - I to the zoo.12) He ofte nswimmi ng.13) youthere last year?14) they ofte nskati ng in wi nter?七 用 never, ever, already, just, yet,

33、for, since 填空1. I havesee n him before, so I have no idea about him.2. Jack hasfini shed his homework.3. Mr. Wang has taught in this schoolten years.4. “ Have youseen the film?”“ No, I haveseen it.5. “ Has the bus left?”“ Yes, it hasleft.”八.用适当的时态填空:I. She ' s(live) here ever since she was ten.2

34、. Both of them(be) in Hongkong for ten days.3. Both of them(come) to Hongkong ten days ago.4. Half an hour(pass) since the train(leave).5. Mary(lose) her pen.you(see) it here and there?6. you(find) your watch yet?7. -Are you thirsty? -No Iust(have) some oran ge.8. We already(retur n) the book.9. the

35、y(build) a new school in the village?10. I(not fini sh) my homework . Can you help me?II. My father(read) the novel twice.12. I(buy) a book just now.13. I(lost ) my watch yesterday.14. My father(read) this book since yesterday.答案一.翻译下列句子:2. I have just lost my chemistry1. Have you ever had / eate n

36、fish and chips? book.3. I have n ever bee n to the farm before.4. He has already had lunch = He hashad lunch already.'cdme /get / bee n8. Has bee n away5. Have you see n the movie yet?6. My brother has nback yet = My brother has nFettur ned yet.7.1 have had this dictionary for three years / sinc

37、e three years ago.from China for three years.9. I have known them for five years.10. They have bee n in the USA for five years.11. He has bee n here since he moved to Jining.bee n in college for12. My sister has been a college student for three years = My sister has three years.13. They have known e

38、ach other since 1999.14. I have bee n in this school for over three years.一、用 since 或者 for填空1. for2. since3. since4. since5. since6. since 7. for8 si nce9.si nce10. since11. since12.si nce13. since14.for15.for16. since三、结束性动词转换为以下延续性动词或者表示可以延续的状态的短语 1. has bee n in , five minu tes2. have been in , 2

39、0083. have been at, two days4. have bee n , last week 1. have bee n out, two years2. have bee n back , yesterday 1. have bee n , nine years2. has been , two years 1. has bee n closed , two hours2. has bee n ope n 1. have bee n up , two hours ago2. has bee n away from3. has bee n dead , seve n years4

40、. has bee n over5. have bee n asleep , two hours ago6. have been married , 1990 1. have taught , 19952. has bee n on , two minu tes 1. have kept , last week2. have had , two hours3. have known , last years4. have worn , three years has bee n in has bee n , League memberhas bee n , member of , League

41、has bee n in2. has bee n , soldier , two yearshas been , the army四、划线提问1. How long have, bee n there 2. How long has , lived here3. When did , leave here4. When did , buy五、用 have(has) been 或 have(has) gone 填空。A: Where has Li Fei gone?B: He has gone to Hainan Isla nd.A: How long has he bee n there?B:

42、 He has bee n there for three days.A: When will he come back, do you know?B: I ' m afraid he won ' t come back recently.A: Could you tell me the way to Hainan Isla nd?B: Sorry, I have n ever bee n there.A: How many times has Li Fei bee n to that place?B: He has bee n there only once.六、用 have

43、 / has been to / in, have gone to 及 go 的各种形式填空。1. has gone t2. went to3. has bee n in5. have bee n in7. have bee n in / at9. did go ; went11. are , going ; am going13. Did , go4. have , bee n in6. Have , bee n to ; have bee n8. has gone to10. go ; have bee n12. goes14. Do , go七、综合练习:1. n ever 2. jus

44、t , already3. for4. ever, n ever 5. yet , just / already八.用适当的时态填空:2. have bee n1. lived / has bee n liv ing4. has passed ; lefthave , see n6. Have , found8. have , retur ned10. haven ' t finished3. went5. has lost ;7. have , had9. Have , built11. has read12. bought14. have bee n readi ng / has read13. lost


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