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1、新目标七下Unitl试题新目标七下Unitl试题Class:Name:Marks :(满分100分).单项选择(15分))1. My father likes to playchess with my mother after dinner.A. aB. anC. theD. /them.)2. Miss White likes childre n and she is goodA. forB. atC. withD. ondancing?)3. Do you like singingI like dancing.A. andB. orC. butD. so)4.1 see some En g

2、lishin the classroom.A. stude ntB. teacherC. woma nD. people)5. Our school show is6:00 p.m.Sun day.A. at; onD. on; atB. on; inC. i n; atEn glish very well.)6. Laura is from En gla nd and sheA. tellsB. saysC. speaksD. takes)7.Can Zhu Zhiwe nan En glish song?No. I don ' t think he)8.A. sing; canB.

3、 to sing; canDo you know Mr. Brow n?C. sin gs; canD. singing; can 'tYes, he ' s a teacher at Blue ScHeo_.math there.A. writesB. teachesC. playsD. helps)9.How do you like Mike?He is a good boy. You canwith him.A. look likeB. tell storiesC. listen toD. make friends)10. Today Lucys pare nts are

4、n'sbaihwmants tous for lunch.A. joinB. makeC. thinkD. know)11. Bill likesbut he does nwant to be atwhe n he grows up.A. music; musicia nB. music; musicC. musicia n; musicthem.D. musicia n; musicia n)12. Old people all like Alice because sheA. is good atB. is good forC. is busy withD. is good wit

5、h)13. What do you usually doWatch TV at home.A. i n classB. at schoolC. i n the clubD. on the weeke nd)14. Can you play the guitar?,but I can play the pia no.A. No, I don 't B. No, I can 't C. Yes, I doD. Yes, I can)15. Lily,She wants to join the art club.A. does your sister want to join the

6、 art clubB. what is your sister good atC. what does your sister likeD. what club does your sister want to join二.完形填空(10分)I ' rdenny. I have a twin brother. His name is Mike. We are twelve years 16 andOctober 11 is our birthday. Many people 17 we look the same. We both have big eyes,small noses a

7、nd brown18. When we were babies, we always wore (穿)the same clothes.His were blue and 19 were pink. Now we are in the same school, 20 in different (不 同的)21. We like different things. I like music. I can22many En glish son gs. Iam 23 at all my subjects. Mike likes sports. He24 play basketball and soc

8、cer. HeSo I ofte n help hi25his study. We are goodsister and brother.()16. A.tallB.longC.oldD.big()17.A.sayB.talkC.tellD.speak()18. A.mouthsB.hairC.earsD.hands()19. A.myB. myselfC.mi neD.me()20. A.andB.soC.orD.but()21. A.classesB. placesC.citiesD.seats()22. A.tellB.liste nC.singD.read()23. A.happyB.

9、wellC.badD.good()24. A.can ' tB.canC.doesn ' tD.does()25. A.inB.forC.onD.withcan swim, too. But he does nt study well.阅读理解(20分)Amy is my good friend. She is from New York and she is thirtee n years old. Now she studiesin Rizhao, Shandong.She likes play ing tennis and she can play it well. Sh

10、e often plays tennis with her friends onThursday after noon. She also likes singing and dancing, and she can sing many En glish and Chin esesongs. So she joins the school music club. The students in this club often have a party on Fridayafter noon. She has free time at weeke nds and she likes to wat

11、chhe Voice of Ch ina (中国好声音).She wants to be a goodsin ger like Li Qi.Do you want to make friends with her? Please call her at 581-1296 or e-mail her at .根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()26. Where is Amy from?A.B.C.D.()27. A my often plays tennis on.A. Mon day after noonB. Thursday after noonC. Friday after noonD. w

12、eekends()28. A my is in the schoolclub.A. En glish B. sportsC. musicD. chess()29. Je nny wants to make friends with Amy. She can.A. call her at 569-1258B. call her at 581-1296C. e-mail her atD. e-mail her at()30. Which of the followi ng is TRUE?A. Amy studies in Beiji ng now.B. She ofte n has a part

13、y on Thursday.C. She doesn ' thecVoice of ChinaD. She wants to be a sin ger like Li Qi.BI ' m Kate from the UK. I ' m in the Chinese club in our school.C Hiksse and I think it' sinteresting. My Chinese is very good. I can tell and write stories in Chinese. My favorite writer(作家)is Mo

14、 Yan from China. Now let me tell you something about my favorite writer and hisfamily. Mo Yan reas (真的)name is Guan Moye. Mo Yan is his pen name. This year Mo is 57 years old. His birthday is on February 17th. Mo writes stories very well. He can also write with his left hand (左手).Mo has a daughter.

15、Her name is Guan Xiaoxiao. The girl can also write stories but she can writet with her left hand.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()31. Kate is in the club.A. Chin eseB. En glishC. artD. music()32. Kate can .A. tell stories in ChineseB. si ng in Chin eseC. do Chin ese kung fuD. make Chin ese food()33. Gu an Moye is Mo

16、 Yan ' s .A. family n ameB. En glish n ameC. real n ameD. pen n ame()34. Guan Xiaoxiao is Mo Yan' s.A. sonB. cous inC. friend D. daughter()35. Which of the followi ng is TRUE about Mo Ya n?A. He can write stories in En glish.B. He can write with his left hand.C. He has a son and a daughter.D

17、. His birthday is in October.四. 词语(10分)A.根据句意及汉语提示写单词,完成句子。(5分)36. We can '_t(说话)in class.37. Do you have lunch at (家)or at school?38. What do you do on the 倜末)?39. Sorry, I ' m busy and I can ' t go to see you今天 ).40. Our store is in the (中心)of the city.B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)41. Two old(vi

18、olin) are on Lily bed. ' s42. Can this small boy(speak) Chi nese?43. Robert says his father(swim) very well.44. I n class Hele n always(talk) with her frien ds.45. Both my pare nts are good at(sin g).五. 完成句子(10分)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。46. 你能跟莉萨说一会儿话吗?Can youLisa for a while?47. 下午谁能和我一起打篮球?Whowith me t

19、his after noon?48. 格林老师很擅长和他的学生们打交道。Mr. Greenhis stude nts.49. 今天你想做什么运动?do you want to play?50. 他经常帮他妈妈做家务。He ofte nhis motherthe housework.六. 情景交际(10分)从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话。A. I can sing.B. What club does Kate want to joi n?C. No, I can ' t.D. She is in the library.E. The singing club or the dancing

20、 club?A: Hey, Jenny. Can you dan ce?B: (51)A: Oh, what can you do?B: (52)A: Well, what club do you want to joi n? (53)B: The dancing club. I want to learn (学习)to dance.A: Oh, I see. (54)Do you know?B: Sorry, I don ' t know.A: Where is she?B: (55)A: Let ' s go and ask her.B: OK!七. 从方框中选择单词并用其

21、适当形式完成短文。(10分)play, teach, China, have, but,with, music, also, speak, friendI ' m Tom Smith. I ' m from England. I ' m twelve years old. I like China56)id I like ( food. But I can 57) Chinese. Chinese is difficult (58) interesting for me. I want to learn it. So I want to (59) some Chines

22、e friends. I hope they can (60) me Chinese. Then I can help them (61) their English.At school my favorite subject is (62) . It ' s relax in g. I can sing a63)( the guitar and the piano. I can (64) dance well. Do you like music, too? Do you want to make (65) with me? Please e-mail me at .八. 书面表达(

23、15分)格林学校音乐中心因发展需要,决定招聘一批校内艺术人才,请你根据以下招聘要求, 写一篇英文招聘启事,以帮助他们招聘到优秀人才。50词左右。招聘要求:新目标七下 Unit1 试题 招收擅长唱歌、跳舞的学生。 招收在小提琴、吉他、钢琴等方面优秀的音乐生。 周一下午联系赖斯女士 (Ms. Rice) ,电话 800-9898。 Students wanted forGreen School Music Center参考答案:1 - DCBDA6-0 CABDA11-5 ADDBD16E0 CABCD21 t25 ACDBD26 430 DBCBD31 -<35 AACDB36. talk

24、37. home38. weekend39. today40.center41. violins42. speak43. swims44. talks45.singing46. talk to47. can play basketball48. is good with49. What sport; today50. helps; with51 -55 CAEBD56. Chinese57. speak58. but59. have60. teach61. with62. music63. play64. also65. friendsOne possible version:Students

25、 Wanted for Green School Music CenterWe want students for our school music center. Can you sing or dance? Can you play the violin or the guitar? Can you play the piano or the drums? Please come to our music center and talk to Ms. Rice on Monday afternoon. Or you can call Ms. Rice. Her telephone number is 800-9898.


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