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1、Unit 4 What can you do?教案(人教版小学英语第五册) 一、课 型:新授课。二、教学内容:Unit 4 What can you do?(人教版小学英语 第五册)。三、学时分配:1课时。四、教学目标:1、知识目标:1)学习单词dance/ draw/ cook/ swim/ party/ next/ wonderful和词组sing English songs/ play the pipa/ do kung fu/ draw cartoons/ play basketball/ play ping-pong等。 2)重要句型 情态动词“can”的基本句式:a. 肯定句:I

2、can do something.b. 一般疑问句: Can you do something? 及其回答 Yes, I can./ No, I cant.c. 特殊疑问句:What can you do?及其回答 I can do something.3)掌握“play + 球类”和“play + the + 乐器”的用法的不同。2、技能目标:学会用情态动词“can”表达自己会做某事以及询问他人是否会做某事。3、情感目标:培养孩子学会与他人交流,同时鼓励他们勇于挖掘自身的潜能,力争上游。五、教学重难点:重点:1)单词dance/ draw/ cook/ swim/ party/ next/

3、wonderful和词组sing English songs/ playthe pipa/ do kung fu/ draw cartoons/ play basketball/ play ping-pong等。2)重要句型 情态动词“can”的基本句式:a. 肯定句:I can do something.b. 一般疑问句:Can you do something? 及其回答 Yes, I can./ No, I cant.c. 特殊疑问句:What can you do?及其回答 I can do something. 3)情态动词“can”后加动词原形。 难点:“play + 球类”和“p

4、lay + the + 乐器”的用法的不同。六、教学方法:视听法、听说法、情景交际法。七、学生情况分析:1、本课书的单词和句型与学生的生活密切相关,简单易懂。2、“play + 球类”和“play + the + 乐器”的不同用法有一定的难度,要多练习方能熟记。八、重难点突破:在学习基本句型后,通过替换法实行反复操练,协助学生熟练使用重点句型。九、教具准备:1、课件;2、听力材料。十、教学过程:1. (1) Greetings.(2) Warm-up: A chant. One, two, I can do.Three, four, I can draw.Five, six, I can si

5、ng.Seven, eight, I can chant. 通过学习有韵律的歌谣,导出本课书的重点can,同时引起学生求知的欲望。 (3) Lead-in:T: Who is he? Ss: He is the Superman. T: Yes. Superman is very powerful. He can fly. He can beat the bad men. He can do many things. I want to be Superman because I want to do many things, too. 2. Presentation:(1) T: Look!

6、Here are some things I can do. Please guess what they are.1) The teacher does the actions and the Ss guess.2) Ask the Ss to read the verbs.3) Make sentences by using “I can”.4) Read the sentences together. (2) T: If you want to know whether the other person has the ability, what can you say? You can

7、 ask him/her like this:“Can you ?” 1) Make sentences by using “Can you”.2) Read the sentences together.(3) T: Now, we are going to learn some new words of sports: football/ basketball/ ping- pong/ kung fu.1) Make sentences by using “Can you play?” and “ I can play”.2) Read the sentences together.(4)

8、 T: Next, we are going to learn some new words of instruments: piano/ violin/ pipa/ flute.1) Make sentences by using “Can you play the?” and “ I can play the”.2) Read the sentences together. (5) T: Who can tell us the differences between these two sentence patterns? play +运动项目 & play + the + 乐器(

9、6) T: Now, were going to learn the text (P.36-37). 1) Listen to the tape, try to understand the meaning of the text. 2) Exercises: Listening comprehension. What will they have? ( B )A. A Chinese party. B. An English party. When will they have the party? ( A )A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Thursday. What c

10、an the girl do? ( B )A. Play the piano. B. Play the pipa. Can the boy play ping-pong? ( A )A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. Can he play ping-pong now? ( B )A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant.3) Read the text after the teacher twice.4) The Ss try to read the text together.5) The teacher explains the new w

11、ords and phrases of the text: Well= We will/ next/ an English party/ wonderful3. Practice: Do exercise: Fill in the table and make sentences by using “I can” & “ I cant”. Name Can do Cant do (e.g.) Miss Lu dance play football (1) The teacher makes examples.(2) Ask the Ss to fill in the table and

12、 make sentences according to the examples by using the words and phrases weve learned. (3) Ask some Ss to show their tables, and make sentences. 4. Development: T: Were going to have an English party next week. What will you do for the party? What can you do (for the party)? I can (1) The teacher ma

13、kes examples.(2) Make sentences by using “What can you do?”& “I can ”(3) 四人小组活动:问卷调查,用句型“What can you do?”询问你的三位小伙伴,完成表格, 然后请一些学生进行对话表演。NameWhat can you do?(e.g.) AmyI can sing.5. Emotion education:一起大声朗读句子,引导孩子学会与他人交流,同时鼓励他们勇于挖掘自身的潜能,力争上游。I believe I can fly! (我相信我能飞!)6. Homework: (1) Make thre

14、e sentences by using “I can”, and three sentences by using “I cant”. (2) Prepare P.38.十一、板书设计:Unit 4 What can you do?I can Can you Yes, I can. / No, I cant.What can you do?附:配套练习:I. Listening comprehension. What will they have? ( )A. A Chinese party. B. An English party. When will they have the part

15、y? ( )A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Thursday. What can the girl do? ( )A. Play the piano. B. Play the pipa. Can the boy play ping-pong? ( ) A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. Can he play ping-pong now? ( ) A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. II. Fill in the table and make sentences by using “I can” & “ I ca

16、nt”. NameCan doCant do(e.g.) Damingplay footballdance(1) I can _. (1) I cant _.(2) I can _. (2) I cant _.(3) I can _. (3) I cant _.III. Do a survey:NameWhat can you do?(e.g) AmyI can sing.十二、课后反思:本课书为人教版小学英语五年级(上) Unit 4 What can you do?旨在帮助学生学会用情态动词“can”表达自己会做某事以及询问他人是否会做某事,培养学生学会与他人交流,同时鼓励他们勇于挖掘自身

17、的潜能,力争上游。我认为这节课自己做得比较好的几个环节是:1、注重旧知识与新知识的有机融合:Do, draw, sing, play等词在前面的课文中都曾经出现过,教师用一段琅琅上口的chant将旧知与新知结合在一起,顺利导出新课文的内容“can”。接着,用肢体语言展示,让学生竞猜已学过的单词,引起学生的兴趣,调动了学生的学习积极性,对新课的教学起到铺垫作用,为接下来要学习内容营造了良好的学习氛围。2、教学方法形式多样:如:运用了chant、看图猜人物、看动作猜词、开火车(快速接力读单词、句子)、听力训练、四人小组合作练习等多种教学方式。多管齐下帮助学生记忆所学知识,保持了他们的学习热情,在给


19、学以致用:设计了一个假设的环节“我们下周也将举办一个英语晚会,你能为晚会做些什么”,孩子们的好胜心、乐于展现自我的劲头被激发了起来,他们积极踊跃地报名,勇敢说出自己的特长,将所学知识运用在实际生活中,达到“学以致用”的效果。5、引导学生学会学习:授人鱼不如授人以渔。孩子们只有学会自己开动脑筋,对所学知识进行概括总结,那些知识才能真正地被他们所理解吸收。在找寻“play +运动项目 & play + the + 乐器”这一规律之前,老师没有急于把知识直接教给孩子,而是引导他们去观察研究,自己去领悟总结;在做听力训练之时,教师也不是直接给出正确答案,而是让孩子在学习课文之后自己去核对正误。这样孩子们才能把所学知识融会贯通,牢牢记住。 6、注重培养学生积极向上的情感态度:每个孩子都是璞玉,每个人身上都有闪光点,教师重视引导他们多去发现自己自身的潜能,不畏困难,不畏强手,力争上游。


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