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1、自主学习方案1.学生自学生词,并记住单词拼写和拼读。2.预习课本,熟读重点短语和句子。(见学习目标)课堂导学方案Step 1 复习Ask students what the kites are made of and how to make a kite , how to fly a kite.环节说明:简要询问上节课有关风筝的内容。Step 2 情景导入T:We have already learned the information about kites. Also,there are many kinds of traditional arts in China, such as pa

2、per cutting, Chinese clay art,sky lanterns. Can any of you make paper cutting?Ss:If there are the kind of students, let them have a try.环节说明:通过介绍和让学生做简单的剪纸作品,为学习2a、2b作准备。Step 3 完成教材2a-2e的任务1.2a让学生口头表述制作剪纸等传统工艺所需的材料及制作过程。2.2b让学生浏览该文段,完成表格。参考答案:sky lanterns; bamboo; paperpaper cutting;paper Chinese cl

3、ay art;clay paint3.2c让学生再读该文段,口头回答本节问题。4.处理2b重难点,学生朗读。5.2d学生用所给词组的适当形式完成句子。6.2e学生分组展开讨论并报告讨论结果。课堂资料包Step 1 重难点解析1.These usually try to show the things that are important in life, such as love, beauty and family.这些艺术形式通常是尝试展现生活中像爱、美、家庭等重要的东西。 for example(instance),such as和like都可用来举例,但用法有所不同(1)for exa

4、mple作“例如”讲时,一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。如He,for example,is a good student.例如,他就是个好学生。For example,air cant be seen. 例如,空气是看不见的。(2)such as也作为“例如”讲,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。如:Boys such as John and James are very friendly.像约翰和詹姆斯这样的男孩都很友好。 I like drinks, such as tea and soda.我喜欢像茶、汽水之类的饮料。(3)like也

5、常用来表示举例,可与such as互换。如:Some students,like/such as Li Lei and Wang Hao do not need to go.一些同学,例如李雷、王浩不需要去。2.He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble.他在有困难时放飞它们以寻求帮助。in trouble处于困境中,有麻烦。如:We may have been in trouble for a while.我们可能暂时会有麻烦。Worst of all, theres no one to talk to me and cheer me u

6、p when Im in trouble.最糟糕的是,当我苦恼时,没有人跟我说话使我高兴起来。Jack got in trouble because he copied my test.杰克麻烦大了,因为他考试抄我的。Step 2 小结训练(A)1.Please introduce yourself to us,OK?My full name is James Allen Green. _,Green is my family name.A.For exampleB.Such asC.Like(B)2.Dont be afraid me when youre_ .A.trouble;in tr

7、oubleB.to trouble;in troubleC.to trouble;to trouble环节说明:学生进一步巩固对trouble,for example(instance),such as和like等知识点的理解和掌握。Step 3 问题探究1.Dont when _ _when _ _you.(trouble)不要惹是生非。【解析】答案是:trouble troubles,troubles trouble。第一、四个是动词性,有时态和数的变化,第二、三个是名词,为可数名词。2.The ground _the snow.How beautiful it is!A.is cover

8、ed withB.covers withC.be covered with【解析】答案是A。被覆盖,用cover with的被动结构。3.The pieces are shaped by the boy than the girl.A.much more carefullyB.much more carefulC.more much carefully对损益调整的确认即期末应确认的投资收益=(1200-500-1000/56/12)20%=120(万元)【解析】答案是A,该句是动宾结构,用副词carefully的比较级修饰shape。3甲公司为我国境内注册的上市公司,其主要客户在我国境内。20

9、X 1年12月起,甲公司董事会聘请了会计师事务所为其常年财务顾问。201年12月31曰,该事务所担任甲公司常年财务顾问的注册会计师王某收到甲公司财务总监李某的邮什,其内容如下:4.Paper _is how to_ paper to show the_ 要求:根据上述资料,不考虑其他因素,回答下列第9小题至第l0小题。A.cutting,cut,beautifulB.cut,cut,beauty C.cutting,cut,beauty【解析】答案是C,注意单词的词性正确。【答案】:BCD5.选择方框中的短语,并用其正确形式填空。B血小板生成减少such as by hand send out

10、借:应收账款 5600rise into according to(1)The boy _ the poor bird and it flew quickly.(2)He likes food in the north,_ dumplings,noodles and so on.(3)_ the report,China does well in the space industry(工业).7导致DIC发病的关键环节是(4)The hot_air balloon has the air.(5)Many pieces of clay art are completed.【解析】答案 C答案是(1)sent out (2)such as (3)According to (4)risen into (5)by hand借:递延所得税资产 200课后评价方案A.DFD图B. 系统说明书C.流程图D.详细调查报告1.完成课时作业四。2.熟读并背诵2b、2d。


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