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1、自主学习方案1.学生自学生词,并记住单词拼写和拼读。2.预习课本,熟读重点短语和句子。(见学习目标)课堂导学方案Step1 复习Ask the students what the name of their favorite movie,book and band is.环节说明:通过复习,让学生进一步练习用定语从句来表达自己的喜好。Step 2 情景导入Ask the students what kind of music they like to listen to,they can say the name of their favorite song.环节说明:通过和学生互动,过渡到音

2、乐、乐器,为本节课作铺垫。Step 3 完成教材2a-2e的任务1.2a你知道多少中国的乐器?你知道哪些用这些乐器演奏的著名的乐曲?学生和其搭档把它们列出来。2.2b学生读本节文段,回答本节问题。3.2c学生再次阅读这篇文章,用恰当单词完成表格中每段的主旨大意,然后列出支持每段大意的细节。4.处理2b重难点,学生朗读。5.2d学生把who或that圈起来以确定定语从句的引导词,然后用下面方框里的单词填空。6.2e学生A是一个对阿炳的音乐很有兴趣的外国人,学生B是一个了解阿炳的音乐的中国学生。用下列文中信息编一个对话。课堂资料包Step1 重难点解析1.The music was strange

3、ly beautiful,but under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain.音乐是动听的,但在动听的同时让我感觉到强烈的悲伤和痛苦。(1)sense作名词,意为“感觉;意识;观念”。如:She has no sense of time.她没有时间观念。Your brother has a good sense of humor.你兄弟很有幽默感。He is free from any sense of responsibility.他丝毫没有责任感。还可作动词,意为“感觉到,意识到”。如:I sensed that I had ma

4、de a serious mistake.我意识到自己犯了个严重的错误。 Im afraid I havent got a very good sense of directions, so I easily get lost. 恐怕我的方位感很差,因此我容易迷路。(2)pain表示表示肉体上的“疼痛;痛苦”,可用作可数或不可数名词。如:This tooth is giving me pain.这颗牙很疼。Mary felt a sharp pain in her left arm.玛丽左臂感到一阵剧烈的疼痛。Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart di

5、sease.胸痛可能是心脏病的症状。由于可用作可数或不可数名词,所以有时在同一语境中用pain,a pain,pains都是可能的。如:I have pain/a pain/pains in my back.我背疼。pain还可表示精神上的“痛苦”,此时只用作不可数名词,不用复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。如:I could not stand the pain any longer.我再也忍受不了这种痛苦了。I hope you will forgive me if I have given you pain.如果我给了你痛苦,希望你原谅我。2.Later I looked up the hi

6、story of Erquan Yingyue,and I began to understand the sadness in the music.后来我查找了二泉映月的历史,开始懂得了音乐里的悲伤。look up动词短语。如:Look up this word in the dictionary.这个词查查词典吧。She looked the word up in a dictionary.她在词典里查这个词。It is a good habit to look up new words in a dictionary.遇到生词查词典是个好习惯。3.Its sad beauty not o

7、nly paints a picture of Abings own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences.它忧伤的美丽不只是阿炳悲惨的一生的写照,更唤起了许多的人心底过往的忧伤和痛苦经历。(1)wound 作不可数名词,意为“创伤; 伤口; 伤害 ”。如:Bathe the wound and apply a clean dressing.清洗伤口,再用洁净敷料包扎。Press firmly on the wound to stop th

8、e bleeding.用力压住伤口止血。Blood began to coagulate around the edges of the wound.血液开始在伤口的边缘凝固。(2)wound作及物动词,意为“伤;伤害”。如:What you have said has wounded me.你说的话刺伤了我。Step 2 小结训练(C)1.The horse_ danger and stopped.A.senses B.sensing C.sensed(B)2.He has to _ _the mans telephone number in the notebook because he

9、forgot it.A.look for B.look up C.look at借:可供出售金融资产公允价值变动 650万元(A)3. He was seriously_ .Blood poured out of the wound.A.wounded 理由:重组协议签订日与债务重组日不是同一天,因此不能确认债务重组收益。B.wound C.wounds12甲公司201年度因政府补助应确认的收益金额是( )。环节说明:学生进一步巩固对sense,wound等相关单词、词组的理解和掌握。Step 3 问题探究1.掌握一门外语并不容易。8甲公司因转让乙公司70股权在203年度合并财务报表中应确认的

10、投资收益是( )。Its not easy to a foreign language.17、下面选项中哪一个不属于数据流程图的基本元素( )。【解析】答案是master。master 作动词,意为 “掌握”。2.同义句转换:Mary felt a sharp pain in her left arm.B激活凝血酶原 E增加组织因子的释放Marys left arm is_ .【解析】答案是painful。painful 疼的,形容词。3.The boys_ (perform) made all of the teachers pleased.【解析】答案是performance。此处要用pe

11、rform的名词,为performance。4.他取得了一些成绩,但遗憾的是,代价如此之高。He has make some progress._ _ _ _ it comes at such a cost.借:以前年度损益调整营业外支出 140【解析】答案是But its a pity。注意习惯表达法。5.我的努力终归全盘失败。My efforts ended failure.【解析】答案是in total。in total:总共,终归。(2)7月1日,根据经批准的股权激励计划,授予高管人员6 000万份股票期权。每份期权行权时可按4元的价格购买甲公司1股普通股,行权日为201年8月1日。课后评价方案1.完成课时作业四。资本公积 197.52.熟读并背诵2b。答案 E


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