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1、听故事学英文之一生之爱Once upon a time a teacher and his student lay down under the big tree near the big grass area. Then suddenly the student asked the teacher."Teacher, I'm confused, how do we find our soul mate? Can you please help me?"Silent for a few seconds, the teacher then answered, &quo

2、t;Well, it's a pretty hard and an easy question."The teacher continued, "Look that way, there is a lot of grass, why don't you walk there? Please don't walk backwards, just walk straight ahead. On your way, try to find a blade of beautiful grass and pick it up and then give it

3、to me. But just one."The student said, "Well, OK then. wait for me." and walked straight ahead to the grassy field.A few minutes later the student came back.The teacher asked, "Well, I don't see a beautiful blade of grass in your hand."The student said, "On my journ

4、ey, I found quite a few beautiful blade of grass, but I thought that I would find a better one, so I didn't pick it. But I didn't realize that I was at the end of the field, and I hadn't picked any because you told me not to go back, so I didn'tgo back."The teacher said, "T

5、hat's what will happen in real life."译文 :很久以前 , 有一位老师和一位学生 , 两人躺在一棵大树下 , 旁边是无垠的草地。 突然学生问 了老师一个问题。“老师 , 我很困惑 , 我想知道如何才能找到和我情投意合的伴侣。你能帮帮我吗 ? ”老师想了几秒种 , 然后说 : “嗯 , 这是一个很难但又很简单的问题。 ”老师继续说 : “往那边看 , 那边是无垠的草地。你何不过去走走, 但是不要往回走 , 一直向前 走。当你走路的时候 , 尽量寻找一棵美丽的草 , 然后把它拔下拿给我。但是只能拔一颗。 ”学生说 : “那好吧 等着我。 ”然后

6、径直向草地走去。几分钟后 , 学生回来了。老师问到 : “我看你手上没有漂亮的草呀。”学生回答说 : “我在路上发现了许多漂亮的草 , 但是我觉得我会找到更好的 , 于是就没有把 它拔下来。但我没有意识到我已经走到了草地的尽头 , 因为你告诉我不要往回走 , 所以我一颗 也没有拔。 ”“这就是生活中经常发生的情况。" 老师说到。What is the message of this story?In the story, grass is the people aroundyou, the beautiful blade of grass is the people that att

7、ract you and the grassyfield is time.In looking for your soul mate, pleasedon't always compare and hope that there will be a better one. By doing that,you'll waste your lifetime, cause remember "Time Never Goes Back".这则小故事告诉我们什么道理呢?故事里面的草地就是你周围的人 , 美丽的草就是吸引你的人 , 而草地就是你一生拥有的时 间。在寻找人生伴侣的时候 , 请不要总是比较 , 希望将来会有更好的选择。如果这样做的话 , 你就会浪费一生的时间 , 因为请记住 :时间一去不复返。上述内容由虎妈战歌少儿英语学习中心收集整理 , 更多精彩的少儿英语学习方法尽在虎 妈战歌少儿英语的官方网站


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