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1、博士英文自我评价博士英文自我评价篇一I have a strong independentresearch ability, graduated from the occasion, reviewthethreeyearsofresearch,studyand life,self-identificationisasfollows:Iama doctoralstudent in the stage of study, thinking, study hard,earnestly read the relevant professional domestic andforeign literat

2、ure,Ideologicalconsciousness,thetimetopartymembers strict standards to regulate their demeanor,has a good moral characterand ideologicalcultivation,play an exemplary role. And earnestly study the coretheories of Marxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought,DengXiaopingTheoryandtheScientificOutlookonDevelopme

3、nt.Concernedabout currentaffairsandschool reform and development, support the party andthe countrys principles and policies. Looking to thefuture, can use the scientific concept of developmentto understand the world, understanding society, to beabletoclearlyawareoftheirresponsibilities,establish per

4、sonal goals and values.Academic research, I always know in the know, I donotknow as Ido not know thespiritofhardscientificresearch,tolearncarefully,identifytheattitudeofDudaotreata researchproblem,and activelypayattentiontodomesticandinternationalresearchfrontier and development. Under the guidance

5、of thementor, and actively participate in various researchprojects,masteredthemethods ofscientificresearch,training in scientific writing ability, cultivate theability of independent research. Carefully study thebasictheoryrelatedtoprofessional,scientificresearch work to lay a solid foundation. To b

6、e able tocombineprofessionaltheoreticalknowledgeandproductionpractice,learninginpractice.ActivereadingofChineseand foreignprofessionalliterature,theresearchbackgroundoftheapplicationcontextandthe structure of the entire subject has a macroscopicunderstanding.TirelesslytolearnEnglish,withastrong abil

7、ity to use English.Life, and actively participate in the collectiveactivities,students livein harmony, and withthe sameprofessional, the class with the students to maintaina very harmonious relationship. Usually pay attentiontoexercise,participateinavarietyofsportsactivities. Maintain a simple style

8、 of life, thrift, to resist all kinds of extravagance and waste.I am in the doctoralstageofproductive,academic,scientific research and personal qualities are fullytrainingand exercise,isfulland meaningfulforthreeyears.Ibelievethattheseexperiencesandaccumulation will become a valuable asset in my lif

9、eon theroad.Inthefutureworkandstudy,Iwillcontinuetocarryforwardandcarryforwardtherigorous style of study, work diligently, strive forgreater achievements.博士英文自我评价篇二Good afternoon,my dearteachers.Iamgreathonoredtobehereforthisinterview.Nowallowmetogiveabriefself-introduction.My name is XX, XX years o

10、ld, born in XX province.I spent my college life in XX. During my campus life,I was gettingtoknow my majorXX and loving itgradually.Thanks to my passionforthisprofession,I had an ideato getfurtherstudies.Then Ichose theXX tocontinuemy study because I think our school can give me thehigherplatform to

11、increasemy knowledge.NowIam proudto be a master graduate student in our school.I have had nearly XX years graduate experience inour school. In the period of this time, I learned avarietyof expertiseandwasinspiredbyalot ofteachers in their classes. At the same time, I workedinvolved in a number of pr

12、actical projects under mytutorsguidance.Thoseexperienceshavegivenme awonderful opportunity to put the theoretic knowledgeinto real practice. Only in this way can we master theknowledgewevelearnedfirmly.Asthesayinggoes:genuine knowledge comes from practice. I thinkthat practice is more important to m

13、y major and its agood way toget a betterunderstandingofmy profession.All in all, I not only improved my ability to learnknowledge,butalsobeinfluencedbythe academicatmospherein ourschool.Maybe thisis themain reasonwhy I once again chose here to continue my studies.At last, I want to introduce my pers

14、onality. I ama cheerful person,but sometimes I am careless and indecisive whenfaced with some unimportant things. I prefer to stayin somewhere quiet at ordinary time. My hobbies arereading,runningand fitness.Of course,Ithinkgoingto travel withfriendsoccasionallyisalsoa goodchoice for me.Thats all, t

15、hanks!博士英文自我评价篇三Precious Ph.D. study life isnearingcompletion,sum up thegainsand losses,thereare many gains.In the ideological and political aspects, I haveexcellentmoral cultivation,and have a firmpoliticaldirection.Ilovethemotherland,lovethepeople,firmly support the leadership of the Communist Par

16、tyof China and the socialist system, and strive to studyMarxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong Thoughtand Deng XiaopingTheory,andconstantlyimprovetheirpoliticalconsciousness and ideological quality, strictly abideby thenationalconstitutionand otherlegalprovisions.At the same time I abide by social morality, lo

17、ve ofpublicproperty,unityofstudents,helpfulandpragmaticspiritofenthusiasmtoparticipateinschoolpublic interest and patriotic activities.In the exercise of character, I am also very goodin all aspects of performance. In life, I advocate asimpleand simplelife,notextravagant and waste,anddevelopgood hab

18、itsand decentstyle.My conceptoftimeis relativelystrong, the appointmenttimewillalwaysarriveinadvance.Achildslifealsoexercisemyhard-workingspirit,self-relianceability.Iamenthusiasticaboutothers,honestand trustworthy,withinnovationandpioneeringconsciousness,thecourage to challenge themselves, and the

19、relationshipbetween students is extremely harmonious.Learning,Iearnestlystudytheprofessionalknowledge,accordingtotheirownprofessionaldirection requirements, targeted carefully read thecore curriculum, for their own learning work to lay asolid foundation; and studied part of other courses,broadenthei

20、rhorizons,theprofessionaldirectionApplicationbackgroundand thestructureofthe entiredisciplinehasamacroscopicunderstanding.Inaddition to theoretical study, I also learned to usethe learning method at the same time pay attention toindependentthinking,toimprovetheirabilitytoanalyze problems, problem-so

21、lving skillsIn scientificresearch,by readingthe literature,especially foreign literature reading, making theirown readingand writingofscientificpapershave beengreatlyimproved.Accordingtotheinstructorsguidance, through a large number of browsing, as wellasteachersandstudentstoexploretheexchangebetwee

22、n,andgraduallyclearthedirectionofdevelopment, through their own continuous efforts toobtain some relatively satisfactory results. Duringthisperiod,accessto information,comprehensiveanalysisofthebasicqualityofcontinuousimprovement,the ability to express written also got temper, especially the ability

23、 to think and judge independently, with great progress, these are also great for futurework Benefit.Ihaveadoctoralthesishasbeenbasicallycompleted, I can more comprehensive understanding ofthe technology in the field of research status and thelatestdevelopments,and has a solid broad theoreticalbasisf

24、orelectricand in-depthsystemofprofessionalknowledge,hasstrongindependentresearchcapabilities, Rigorous scientific research style.Six yearsofdoctoralstudentlife,Igained a lot.Aboveisabouttograduate,Iown afewyearsofself-identification.Iam confidentthatwiththeirownabilityand knowledgeintheworkaftergraduationandlife can continuetorealizethedream ofselfand lifevalue.博士英文自我评价


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