2014年秋高中英语 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 火眼金睛讲解 外研版必修.doc

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1、 易混词语辨、 练、 析 (Module 3)一、 set off; set out; give off; give out1. All the hotels are required to put in smoke detectors which will _ the alarm if fires take place.2. Lets _ before six. The fire doesnt seem to be _ much heat. After a month, their food _. The teacher _ the examination papers.Key: 1. se

2、t off 2. set out 3. giving off 4. gave out 5. gave out【简析】 set off表示“使(机器、装置等)开动;启动”、“引起”(如);set out表示“出发;动身”、“开始”(如); give off表示“发出;放出(蒸汽、光线、热量等)”(如);give out 表示“用完;耗尽”、“分发”、“发出(气味、热量等)”(如和)。二、 make up; build up; set up; take up1 In our school, women _ 60% of the teachers, and nearly half of them a

3、re advanced educators.2 He _ his reputation by working hard.3 Morning exercises can help to _our bodies.4 Our village has decided to _ a new school.5 You must _ the time you wasted this afternoon by working late tonight.6 He always _ an excuse for coming late.7 When did you _ basketball.8 New indust

4、ries have _ too much of the farmland.Key: 1. make up 2. built up 3. build up 4. set up 5. make up 6. makes up 7. take up 8. taken up【简析】 make up“弥补”、“虚构;捏造”、“组成;构成”(如1、和);build up“树立”、“增进(健康等)”(如2和3);set up“建造;开办”、“提出”(如4);take up“开始从事”、“占据(时间、空间等)”(如和)。三、 make ones fortune; seek ones fortune;make g

5、ood; make money1 Who was that rich man?2 / 3 He was the one who _ by selling waste materials.2. He has been _ these years, but now he is still poor.3. We all should _ in justify ways.4. I admire those who_ by their own hands.Key: 1. made his fortune 2. seeking his fortune 3. make good 4. make money【

6、简析】 make ones fortune“发财;致富”,也可用make a fortune来表示,强调结果 (如1); seek ones fortune“寻找致富或成功之道”,强调动作 (如2); make good“变富;获得成功”,其中good是不可数名词 (如3); make money“赚钱;发财”,money也是不可数名词 (如4)。四、resemble; similar; same; look like Dont you recognize him? No. But he is _ one of my classmates. They _ each other in chara

7、cter as well as appearance. Men with beard all look the _as each other to me. It _ salt and it is salt.Key: similar to resemble same looks like【简析】 resemble“与(他人或他物)相似;像”,是一个及物动词,但不用被动语态(如);similar“相似的”,这是一个形容词,常用结构“be / look similar to”(如);same“和一样;和相同”,是个形容词,前常加冠词the。常用结构 “be / look the same as”(如);look like“看起来像”,其中look是系动词,此短语不用被动结构(如)。 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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