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1、Unit 4 New wordsTeaching and Learning GoalsLearn the new words in Unit4.Get the students to read and know the meaning of the words in groups with the teachers help. Ask the students to try to retell the story according to the mind map. Get the students to understand the words in the real situationTe

2、aching and learning stepsStep 1Learn to read the words on P26-33T: Today well learn the words in Unit4. Please look at the word list on Page148.First lets try to read them according to the phonetics givenin groups. Lets see which group can do best?Students work in fours to prepare for it. They can r

3、ead to each other. They can also correct and help each other.Then read the words out group by group.T: When a group read, others listen carefully and find out the pronunciation mistakes. Take some notes if necessary.Group1:S1: million, medical, research, tie, worry, what if, pimple, energetic, confi

4、dent, permission, herselfS2: bother, not in the slightest, annoy, fairly, plenty, plenty of, get along with, circle, listen, knowledgeableS3: represent, let down, come up with, rest, aid, first-aid, nearby,1/10shelf, come out, cover, pressS4: deep, downstairs, correct, burn, knee, pain, hurt, offer,

5、 refuse, helpful, treat, burnAsk some students to point the wrong pronunciation. First ask somestudents to read the right pronunciation. If they are not right, theteacher should help them.Group2:Group3:T: Which group are the best?Ss: Group2.T: Congratulations! Now let s listen to the recorder and co

6、rrect your wrong pronunciation.Ss listen and repeat after the tape.(让全班同学都参与进来,有读的,有听的,每个人都把精力放在读音上,提高学生认读音标的能力,教师再给予小组一定的评分以调动学生的积极性。)Step 2 :Learn to remember words onP26-33T: Now I ll show you some ways to help you rememberthe words. Please work in your groups and try to remember them.Ss work in

7、fours and first finish or discuss these five parts and have a discussion.一 .Remember the words by looking at pictures.2/10millionmedical researchtiekneepain.Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning.1.energetica. makeangry2.confidentb. get on with3.permissionc. think up4. plenty ofd. no

8、t at all5.get along withe. not afraid to speak in public6.notin the slightestf. enough, lots of7.annoyg. hard ever tirede up withh. allowance. Remember the words by their similar pronunciationspermissionlistenmillion,p imple,coveroff erbotherpresscorrectrepresenthelpful,3/10burnhurtcircle四.Remember

9、the words byconversion(转 换 ) 、 complexwords (合成) and derivative(派生)1.help helpful2.her herself3. knowledge knowledgeable4. fair fairly5.down+stairs downstairs五 .Remember the words bytheir Chinese.1.烦恼,忧虑worry2. 如果将会怎么样what if3.使失望或沮丧letdown4.急救first-aid5.出版,发表come out6.对待treat7.拒绝refuse8.深的deepT: OK

10、. Who can say the words out only looking at the pictures in Part1?S5: Let me have a try. Million medical research tie knee pain.T: Who can tell us the answers in Part2?S6: I canT: Please find out the similar pronunciations of the following words in Part3.S7:The similar pronunciations areT: Who can t

11、ell us the part of speech in Part4? S8:T: Groups can ask the words each other in Part5(教师把新单词分成不同的学习方法,用各种形式帮助学生记4/10忆。根据单词的特点进行分类减轻了记忆难度。)Step 3 Consolidation of wordsT: We have done a lot of work about the words. Now lets have a check.Please take out your exercise books and have a dictation.After

12、the dictation Ss exchange their exercise books with their deskmates and correct for each other.T: Now Ill give you some time to write down your wrong words twice.(采用听写的方式对学生是有一定难度的,但也有很好的巩固效果,能让学生发现自己真正不会的词。)Step 4Read the story and try to translate it.T: Youve done well. Now I ll give you a story t

13、o see if you can understand the words well. Please read it and try to translate it. Firstyou read silently by yourselves. If you meet some difficulties, you can discuss with your group.Ss read it.Mary is an energetic, confident and knowledgeable girl. She is also a good listener. So she has a large

14、circle of friends. And she gets along wellwith them.Her friend Tom offered her a first-aid book and a beautiful tie last year. She liked the tie but she refused to read the book because5/10she thought it wasnt helpfulin the slightest. She put it on a nearbyshelf. One day she was cooking downstairs .

15、 She burnedherself and then fell down. She had plenty ofpain in her knee.So she had to begin to read the book. It said, “Press the wound(伤口 ) hard and cover it with a clean cloth. Put the burned area under coldrunning water.”She thought it correct and it didn tlet her down. Shefelt better then. “If

16、I had a million dollars, I would give it to medicalresearch.”She thought happily.(在学生基本掌握单个单词的基础上,教师把一个单元的生词编成一段逻辑性强的短文,让学生学习单词有了语境,在语境中了解词汇的意义和词汇的表意功能,这为学生学习、实践和运用英语创造了条件,有助于学生有效记忆和使用英语词汇。)Step 5Retell the story according to the mind mapT: I can see you have understood the story well. Now lets try

17、to retell it according to the mind map. First listen to me.Ss listen carefully. Then they try to retell in groups. Check the retelling.6/10circle offriendfirst-aidknowledgeablefriendsofferbook,tierefuseconfidentpersonalityPresentenergeticlistenerget along withnearbyMarynot helpful inshelfthe slighte

18、stcorrectnot let downburned herselfcookingmillionthoughtdownstairsplenty of painmedicalkneeaccidentresearchread the bookMarypress, cover7/10(把故事用知识树的形式呈现既新鲜又实用,能很好的帮助学生把故事串成一个整体。这样既巩固了新单词又锻炼了学生在语境中理解和记忆单词的能力。)Step 6 当堂检测一按要求写出下列单词。1. enough(同义词组) _2. knowledge (形容词)_3. fair (副词) _4.not at all ( 同义词

19、组)_5. help(形容词) _6.right (同义词 )_7.permit(名词 )_8.her(反身代词 )_二汉译英1.在楼下做饭 _2.朋友 _3.相处得好 _4.烧伤自 _5.急救书 _6.医学 _7.一百万美元 _8.让她 _9.附近的书架 _10.知识渊博的 _三根据括号中的汉语意思或首字母提示 写单词 ,并用其适当形式完成句子。8/101. We cantgo home without the teachers _(许可 ).2. We should give money to _(医学研究 ).3. Everybody should be treated_(fair).4

20、.Our teacher knows a lot so he is a _ man.5.There are _(million) of people in this city.6.If you have realized your mistake, you should _(改正 ) it.7.Please draw a _(圆圈 ) as I do.8.There isntenough rain this summer. That means there isnt_ rain this summer.(通过习题的检测使学生对单词写的方面更进一步的巩固 ,学生会更明确哪一些单词没掌握好 ,以便

21、于下一步的记忆 .)Step7 HomeworkGo on reciting the words according to the story. Write again whenyou can t remember the words.(这一步是让学生在课下对单词进一步去巩固,不仅要强调背还要强调写 ,以达到更好的效果。)亮点:本课的单词量非常大,所以必须让学生先会读并知道汉意。读的环节是个亮点,把学生分成了小组自己去体会发音,不会的发挥小组的力量,既巩固了学生的音标,又培养了学生团结协作的精神。本课的故事编写也是一个亮点,它几乎囊括了本9/10课所有的单词,却又重点突出,让学生在语境中更好地

22、链接并记忆了单词。不足之处:在按照相同音归类记忆单词的环节中,只是按照音的归类,没有考虑相同的字母。这样记忆起来难度有些大,单词的量也有些大,并且没有结合汉意,学生记忆的效果不是太好。使用建议:有条件的地区尽量使用讲学案,否则课堂容量大,仅靠教师讲解和使用黑板是 完不成的 。答案 :Step2 二 .1,g 2,e 3,h 4,f 5,b 6,d 7,a 8,c当堂检测一 1.plenty of2.knowledgeable 3.fairly4.not in the slightest5.helpful 6.correct 7.permission 8.herself二 1.cook downstairs 2.a circle of friends3.get along well with4.burn oneself5.first-aid book 6.medical research 7.a million dollars8.let her down9.nearby shelf10. knowledgeable girl三 1.permission2. medical research 3.fairly 4. knowledgeable5.millions 6.correct 7.circle8.plenty of10/10


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