2014-2015学年高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestorsListening练习 新人教版选修.doc

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1、 Using LanguageDATING METHODSZhou Heping (ZH) has come to ask the archaeologist, Richard Leakey (RL), how he dates the bones he finds.Listen to Part 1.Listen again and fill in the blanks.ZH: How can you tell how old _ are when you find them?RL: There are _ main ways: the first uses the layers in the

2、 ground and the _ uses radiocarbon dating.ZH: I see. How does the layer method _?RL: Well, look at the diagram in your book. Think of a wastepaper _. When you came into work, you ate an orange and threw the orange _ into it. Thats layer number 1. Later somebody _ some yogurt pots into it. Thats laye

3、r number 2.ZH: Oh yes, and then I threw some paper into it. So thats layer number 3.RL: Yes, and _ someone threw away some used envelopes. So how _ layers are there in this wastepaper basket?ZH: There are _.RL: Which layer is the _ and therefore the _? ZH: The orange skin.RL: And which is the _ and

4、therefore the most _? ZH: Of course the used _. I see how it works now. But how does it help?RL: Well, layers of soil are _ at different times like the layers in your wastepaper basket. _ time people live somewhere, they make a layer in the soil. If they live there for a _ time, they make a lot of l

5、ayers. Each layer has a different _ and texture which we use to find out _ old it is. ZH: How splendid!Listen to Part 2.Listen again and fill in the blanks.ZH: Now what about radiocarbon _?RL: This is more _. It uses radioactivity to measure the amount of carbon in living things. The carbon in a dea

6、d body _ at a fixed rate. We know how long that takes, so we can _ the amount of carbon and work out how old a bone is.ZH: That's very clever. Is it _ too?RL: There are some problems with very old bones, so you are always given _ dates.ZH: How does that work?RL: Well, the date for a bone may be

7、between _ years and _ years old. ZH: I see! How old are the bones in the Zhoukoudian _?RL: They are between _ and _ years old.ZH: Perhaps we could visit the _ together sometime?RL: Of course. Whenever you like!Workbook-ListeningMORE NEWS ABOUT THE TERRACOTTA WARRIORS2 / 5Amanda Peters (AP) wants to

8、find out about how to preserve the terracotta warriors from her Chinese friend, Zhou Lei (ZL), an archaeologist.Listen again and fill in the blanks.AP: Where did you go for your _, Zhou Lei?ZL: I went to visit the terracotta warriors and found out more about the research to _ the statues.AP: Youre s

9、o lucky! I'd love to go and see them very much. Making figures that are _ metres tall is amazing! They must be such an _ sight. It makes you realize how _ Emperor Qin Shihuang was.ZL: Yes, indeed. And each of them has an individual _ so that archaeologists think they must have been a _ of Qin Sh

10、ihuangs real army. But _ thousand statues are a lot of clay figures to _ and there have been problems.AP: Oh dear! What problems?ZL: Well, the first problem is how to keep their _. Chinese archaeologists _ discovered that the statues were painted before they were _. But temperature changed and _ soo

11、n faded the colours after the statues were _.AP: _ did that happen?ZL: First, some of them became a little bit _ when they dried out after being excavated and that made their colour disappear _. Second, the damp in the tomb also _ the colours badly. But now _ the scientists have discovered a new _ p

12、rotection, which will keep the colours _ brightly.AP: Thats wonderful _.ZL: Yes. Its a very thin layer of chemical jelly which will preserve the _ colours of the soldiers as well as protect them _ the damp.AP: Thats great. So the problems _. But I'm afraid that those statues that lost their colo

13、ur cant get it _?ZL: Sadly, no. But this breakthrough has helped deal with _ problem.AP: What's that?ZL: Well, you know that the terracotta warriors were discovered in _. Since then the statues have suffered more than _ different kinds of mould all caused by damp.AP: That sounds really _. I didn

14、t know clay statues could suffer from mould! Did it happen _ they were excavated or after?ZL: After they were excavated, damp _ the excavation area. The moulds developed quickly and need different kinds of _.AP: Oh, how terrible! Can we do something to _ the warriors and make them safe?ZL: Well, thi

15、s jelly will help protect them _ some moulds.AP: Oh! Is there anything else that _ people can do to help? . (fade out)Workbook-Listening TaskINTERVIEWING “THE FATHER OF ARCHAEOLOGY”Wang Wei (WW), a Chinese student, is interviewing Professor Flinders Petrie (FP) about his work in Egypt.Listen again a

16、nd fill in the blanks.WW: Hello, Professor Petrie. Could you please tell me _ you want to dig _ archaeological sites in Egypt instead of looking for new _ of Egyptian pharaohs?FP: I suppose it was an _ really. When I went there _ people were looking for new tombs of the pharaohs. I _ to investigate

17、the life of poorer people as _ else seemed interested in them!WW: What _ of things did you find out?FP: What I found was that poorer people built their _ with mud bricks. They used pottery for their _ and storing things. I also found that poor people as well as rich people _ in a life after death. T

18、hey buried their dead _ members in the sand with pots full of food ready to take on the _ to the afterlife.WW: They also _ to preserve the bodies very well. Why's that?FP: Because they believed the _ of one's body went on the journey to the afterlife. So it was _ to look after the body caref

19、ully after one was _.WW: Did you find out _ about this journey? FP: Not from the poorer peoples _. But we found the journey painted on the _ of the pyramids of the pharaohs and the _ of the coffins of rich Egyptians. Later rich people described this journey in _ they left in coffins. They are called

20、 “The Book of the Dead”, and although they were _ in rolls of paper, you can still see them today. They tell you how to _ evil gods and monsters on the journey to the afterlife and what to _ when you came to the Hall of Judgement.WW: Was there a _ of some kind?FP: Yes, you had to prove the _ of your

21、 life by weighing your heart against a _. If your heart was lighter, it meant you had led a _ life, and so you could enter the afterlife and live _. But if it was not, youd be _ by the God Anubis and _ forever.WW: My goodness. I'm sure that made people _ themselves . (fade out) 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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