
上传人:水手 文档编号:1288178 上传时间:2018-12-13 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:17KB
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1、 外研版三年级英语上册期末复习题 利民小学教师:孙宝柱一、选出不同类的单词,将序号写在括号里。( )1、A. pen B. ball C. pencil( )2、A. sister B. brother C. school( )3、A. mouth B. nurse C. driver( )4、A. cake B. leg C. ear二、判断下列句子与图片是否相符,是写T,否写F。( )1、-Whats this? -Its a book.题解 激肽释放酶、纤溶酶和胰蛋白酶等可溶性蛋白水解酶,可水解凝血因子或凝血因子a,而生成三种分子量和活性各不相等的碎片,称为凝血因子f。这一过程称为凝血因

2、子的酶性水解。凝血因子f可激活凝血因子,还可激活激肽释放酶原而激活激肽系统。( )2、This is a kite.贷:资产减值损失 500二、名词解释题( )3、-Is it a black cat? -Yes, it is.( )4、-How old are you? -Im six.( )5、-Where is the pen? -Its in the book.继续涉入资产次级权益 l 000万元(2)B纤维蛋白丝在微血管腔内形成细网 E微血管内皮细胞受损( )6、-This is Mr. Li. -Hes a good teacher.7、系统开发过程中第一个正式文档是()D150万

3、元16D-二聚体是反映继发性纤溶亢进的重要指标。( )( )7、Look! This is a panda.9、ERP指的是 ,它能够更好地满足企业 的需求。( )8、Point to her eyes.三、选词填空。将序号写在括号里。( )1、- _(多大)are you? -Im ten. A. How old B. How many( )2、-Im nine. -Im nine,_. A. to B. too( )3、-Happy birthday, Sam. - _. A. Thank you. B. Heres your present.( )4、-Whats this?Its a_

4、. A. pen B. pencil( )5、-Is it a dog?-_. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.( )6、-Wheres the book?Its_ the desk.A. on B. in( )7、This is _ 【我(宾格)】. Im a pupil. A. my B. me( )8、This is my father. He is a _ ( 医生 ). A. nurse B. doctor四、情景选择。( )1、遇到危险时,你应该这样求助: A.Good afternoon. B.Help ! C.Hello ! ( )2、你要向同学介绍

5、自己的妈妈,你可以这样说:A.This is my shool. B.Hes a teacher.B.This is my mother. ( )3、上课铃响了,老师准备上课,值日生可以这样说: A.Stand up! B.Sit down! C.Good morning! ( )4、指一指她的鼻子,你可以这样说:A.Point to your nose. B.Point to her nose.C.Point to her head. 五、配对选择题。 A B( )1、How many boys? A.Yes,it is.( )2、How old are you? B.Thank you.( )3、Is it a cat? C.Twelve boys.( )4、Heres your present. D.Its in the blue bag.( )5、Wheres the bird? E.Im nine.( )6、How are you? F.Im Fine,thank you.


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