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1、学习好资料欢迎下载教学 设 计课题 Unit 1 Little Painter课型 New教具 教学挂图、卡片、日 期CD-ROM 、课件课时 第一课时2011-9-5.A 知识与教技能学B 过程与目方法标C 情感态度价值观目标层次1. 知识目标 :学生能会说·听whitegray ,会说 It s white/gray.2. 技能目标:学生能会听 What colour is it?1. 歌曲导入法:小朋友通过适当运动舞蹈,可激发自身学习潜力。2. 拟人导入法:把颜色拟人化的形式,与小朋友沟通。通过学习,刺激小朋友对颜色的潜力认识,为以后学习夯实基础。重点: A1难点: A2关键:

2、 B1环节时间教学内容达标过程及教学方法设计Warm up(5)Hello, everyone.My name is Hannah.So一 Greetingseveryone can call me Hannah.Hello,boys and girls.Preview(5)PresentationAndPracticeWarming upOk,now let s have a class.Are you二ready?Before we have our class,lets singLetssingaa song<Colours>.song<Colours>.Toda

3、y I have a gift for you.white gift.三 PresentationWhat colour is this gift?white.It s white.Today I have a gift for you.white学习好资料欢迎下载(27)gift. And anther one .grey gift.Yes ,Its white.Andantherone.Whatcolouris thisgift?grey gift.Nowletshave a game.<Jumping四 Games timesjumping jumping>.Jump to

4、the white flash1.<Jumping jumping jumping>card,jump to the grey card.<colour the shapes>.Ifyouwant to2.<colour the shapes>.colourthecolours,youshoudsay”white/grey” or “It is white/grey.”Summary (3 )Today we learned white ,grey.go home 五 Homeworkand say colours to your parents.Today

5、welearnedwhite,grey.gohomeandsaycolours to your parents.Unit 1Little PainterWhat colour is it?板书设计white/grayIt s white/gray教学反思课题教具A 知识与技能教学B 过程与目方法标C 情感态度价值观学习好资料欢迎下载教学 设 计Unit 1 Little Painter课型 New教学挂图、卡片、日期CD-ROM 、课件课时 第二课时2011-9-7.1.知识目标 :学生能会说·听orange/purple ,会说 It s . orange/purple.2.技能目

6、标:学生能会听What colour is it?1. 舞蹈导入法:小朋友通过起立舞蹈,可激发身体与大脑活力。2. 介绍新朋友导入法:以介绍新朋友的形式引入颜色,小朋友更亲近。通过学习,刺激小朋友对颜色的进一步熟悉。重点: A1目标层次难点: A2关键: B1环节时间教 学 内 容达标过程及教学方法设计Warm up(5)Preview(5)Hi,boysandgirls.MynameisGreetingsHannah.So everyone can call me Hannah.T; Hi,boys and girls.Ss;Hi,HannahOk,nowlets have aclass.A

7、re youWarming upready?Before we have our class,lets singLetssingaa song<Colourful stars>.song<Colourful stars>.PresentationAndPractice(27)学习好资料欢迎下载PresentationToday I have a gift for you.white gift.Today I have a gift for you.whiteWhat colour is this gift?white.It s white.gift. And anthe

8、r one .grey gift.Yes ,Its white.Andanther one.What colour is thisgift?grey gift.Games timesNowletshaveagame.<Running1. <Running Running Running>Running Running>.Jump to the orangeflash card,jump to the purple card.2.<colour the stars>.<colour the shapes>.Ifyou want tocolour t

9、he colours,you shoud say” .orange/purple” or “It is orange/purple .”Summary(3 )HomeworkToday we learned orange/purple goTodaywelearnedhome and say colours to your parents.orange/purple .gohome and saycolours to your parents.Unit 1Little PainterWhat colour is it?板书设计orange/purpleIt sorange/purple教学反思

10、学习好资料欢迎下载教学 设 计课题 Unit 1 Little Painter课型 New教具 教学挂图、卡片、日 期CD-ROM 、课件课时第三课时2011-9-12.A 知识与教技能学B 过程与目方法标C 情感态度价值观1.知识目标 :学生能会说·听pink/brown ,会说 It s pink/brown .2.技能目标:学生能会听What colour is it?1 玩偶导入法:通过玩偶游戏使小朋友自然进入颜色学习中。2. 魔术导入法:以魔术师的形像出现,通过变戏法变出颜色。通过学习,带领小朋友进入颜色世界。重点: A1目标层次难点: A2关键: B1环节时间教 学 内

11、容达标过程及教学方法设计Warm up(5)Preview(5)Hello,children .Howis the weatherGreetingstoday?Today is a sunny day.T; Hello,children.Ss;Hello,Hannah.Ok,now lets have a class.Are youWarming upready?Before we have our class,lets singLets sing a songa song<toy bears>.<toy bears>.PresentationAndPractice(2

12、7)学习好资料欢迎下载PresentationToday I have a gift for you.a gift.Today I have a gift for you.whiteWhat colour is this gift?It s pink/browngift. And anther one .grey gift.Yes ,Its pink/brownAnd anther one.What colour is this gift?pink/brown gift.Games timesNow lets have a game. <Happy1. <Happy rabbit&

13、gt;rabbit>.Jump tothe pink/brownflashcard,jump to the pink/brown card.2.<Magic games>.<colour the shapes>.Ifyou want tocolourthecolours,youshoudsay”pink/brown ” or “It is pink/brown . ”SummaryHomework(3 )Today we learned pink/brown go homeTodaywelearnedand say colours to your parents.

14、pink/brown.gohomeand saycolours to your parents.Unit 1Little PainterWhat colour is it?板书设计pink/brownIt spink/brown教学反思2 技能目标:会回答学习好资料欢迎下载教学 设 计课题 ReviewUnit1课型 Review教具教学挂图、卡片、CD-日期2011-9-.14ROM 、课件课时第一课时A 知识与教技能学B 过程与目方法标C 情感态度价值观1 知识目标 :复习学过的颜色white grey purple brown orange pink.It s white grey pu

15、rple brown orange pink.1. 舞蹈导入法:小朋友通过起立舞蹈,可激发身体与大脑活力。2. 介绍老朋友导入法:以介绍老朋友的形式引入颜色,小朋友更亲近通过学习,刺激小朋友对颜色的进一步熟悉。重点: A1目标层次难点: A2关键: B1环节时间教 学 内 容达标过程及教学方法设计Warm up(5)Preview(5)Hi,boysandgirls.MynameisGreetingsHannah.SoeveryonecancallmeT; Hi,boys and girls.Hannah. .How is the weather today?TodaySs;Hi,Hannah

16、is a sunny day.Howistheweathertoday?Today is a sunny day.Letssingasong<ColourfulOk,nowlets have aclass.Are youstars>.<toy bears>.ready?Before we have our class,lets singa song<Colourful stars>.PresentationPresentationAndPractice(27)Summary (3 )学习好资料欢迎下载Today I have a gift for you.w

17、hite gift.Today I have a gift for you.whiteWhat colour is this gift?white.It s white.gift. And anther one .grey gift.Yes ,Its white.Andanther one.Whatcolouris thisGames timesgift?grey gift.1.<RunningRunningNowlets have agame.<RunningRunning>Running Running>.Jump to the orange2.<colour

18、 the stars>.flash card,jump to the purple card. 3.<Happy rabbit>.<colourthe shapes>.If youwant to4.<Magic games>.colourthecolours,youshoudsay” .Homeworkorange/purple” or “It is orange/purple .”Today we learned whitegreyToday we learnedwhite grey purplepurple brown orange pink.go

19、brown orange pinkgo home and sayhome and say colours to yourcolours to your parents.parents.Unit 1Little PainterWhat colour is it?板书设计white grey purple brown orange pinkIt swhite grey purple brown orange pink教学反思课题教具A 知识与技能教学 B 过程与目方法标C 情感态度价值观学习好资料欢迎下载教学设计Unit 2 Shape Town课New型教学挂图、卡片、CD-课 时日2011-9

20、-.19ROM 、课件第二课时期1 知识目标 :小朋友能认读circle/triangle 的形状。,2 技能目标:会听How many circles/triangles?1实物导入法 : 出示实物,给小朋友以实观的思维空间。2简笔画导入法:让小朋友自己上台画简笔画,使其动脑又动手。小朋友在生活中能认识这些图形,并能用英语表达。重点: A1目标层难点: A2次关键: B1环节时教学内容达标过程及教学方法设计间Warm upGreetings:T:How are you?(5)Ss:Im fine , thank you.How are you?Ok,now lets sing a song

21、.<shapes game>.I m fine , thank you.PreviewJump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump,(5)Jump up, jump down!Warming up:jump to the “star”.Ok,now lets sing a学习好资料欢迎下载Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Jump song .<shapes game>.up, jump down!jump to the “HEART ”.Star?HEART?HEART?ONE,TWO,THREE.FOUR,REAPres

22、entation DY?And.Show a colock.And teachPracticeGO,STAR!(27)circle.circle.circle.Andhow.Showacolock.Andteachmanycircles?Fivecircle.circle.circle.And howmany circles?FiveSummarycircles.Showatriangleatrianglecake,andteachcircles.Show(3 )cake,andteachtriangle,triangle,triangle.Show a heart box,andtriang

23、le,triangle,triangle.teach heart,heart,heart.Show a star and teach star ,star,star.T:How many triangles?Ss:Two triangles.T:How many hearts?Ss:One heart.T:How many stars?Ss:Three stars.Unit 2 Shape Town板 书 设circles/triangles?计How many circles/triangles?教 学 反思学习好资料欢迎下载课题教具A 知识与技能教教学设计Unit 2 Shape Town

24、课型教学挂图、卡片、CD-日ROM 、课件课时第三课时期1. 知识目标 : 小朋友能够指读 circle/triangle 单词。,2. 技能目标: 能够问并回答 How many circles/triangles?New2011-9-.21学 B 过1. 舞蹈导入法:小朋友通过起立舞蹈,可激发身体与大脑活力。目程与2. 介绍新朋友导入法:以介绍新朋友的形式引入形状,小朋友更亲方法标C 情感态度价值观近。通过认识图形,小朋友更也有学习的劲头和知识的丰富。重点: A1目标层难点: A2次关键: B1环节时教学内容达标过程及教学方法设计间Warm upT: How is the weather

25、today?Greetings:(5)Ss: Today is sunny.T: How is the weatherPreview(5)Ok,now lets sing a song .<shapes game>. today?Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump,Ss: Today is sunny.Jump up, jump down!学习好资料欢迎下载PresentationAndPractice(27)jump to the “star”.Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, JumpWarming up:up, jump

26、 down!Ok,nowletsjump to the “HEART ”.dance.<shape town>.Star?HEART?HEART?ONE,TWO,THREE.FOUR,READY?GO,STAR!.Today a new friend.Today a new friend.Acolock.Andteach.Acolock.AndteachSummary(3 )many circles?Fivecircle.circle.circle.Andhowcircle.circle.circle.And howcircles.Show atrianglecake,andtea

27、chmanycircles?Fivetriangle,triangle,triangle.Show a heart box,andcircles.Showatriangleteach heart,heart,heart.Show a star and teachcake,andteachstar ,star,star.triangle,triangle,triangle.T:How many triangles?Ss:Two triangles.T:How many hearts?Ss:One heart.T:How many stars?Ss:Three stars.Unit 2 Shape

28、 Town板 书 设circles/triangles?计How many circles/triangles?学习好资料欢迎下载教 学 反思课题教具A 知识与教技能学B 过程与目方法标 C 情感态度价值观目标层次环节时间Warm up(5)教学设计Unit 2 Shape Town课New型教学挂图、卡片、 CD-ROM 、日课件课时第一课时2011-9-.26期1. 知识目标 : 小朋友能够指读 heart,star单词。,2. 技能目标: 能够问并回答 How many hearts,stars ?1 玩偶导入法:通过玩偶游戏使小朋友自然进入形状学习中。2. 魔术导入法:以魔术师的形像出

29、现,通过变戏法变出形状通过课堂活动,小朋友能利用有限时间来达到高效记忆。重点: A1难点: A2通过学关键: B1达标过程及教学方法设教学内容计T: How is the weather today?Greetings:Ss: Today is windy.T:Howistheweather today?Preview(5)Ok,now lets sing a song .<shapes game>.Ss: Today is windy.Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump,学习好资料欢迎下载Jump up, jump down!jump to the “s

30、tar”.Warming up:Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Jump up,Ok,nowletsjump down!dance.<shape town>.jump to the “HEART ”.Star?HEART?PresentationAndPractice(27)Summary (3 )HEART?ONE,TWO,THREE.FOUR,READY?.Today a new friend.GO,STAR!.Adrum.Andteach.Today a new friend.circle.circle.circle.AndA drum.And

31、 teach circle.circle.circle.Andhowmanycircles?Fivehow many circles?Five circles.Show a trianglecircles.Showatrianglecake,and teach triangle,triangle,triangle.Show acake,andteachheart box,and teach heart,heart,heart.Show a startriangle,triangle,triangle.and teach star ,star,star.板 书 设计T:How many tria

32、ngles?Ss:Two triangles.T:How many hearts?Ss:One heart.T:How many stars?Ss:Three stars.Unit 2 Shape TownHeart,star学习好资料欢迎下载How many hearts,stars ?教 学 反思课题教具A 知识与技能教学B 过程与目方法标C 情感态度价值观教学设计Review Unit 2课Review型教学挂图、卡片、CD-日2011-9-.28ROM 、课件课 时第二课时期1 知识目标 :小朋友能认读 circle/triangle/ hearts/stars 的/形状。,2 技能目

33、标:会听How many circles/triangles/ hearts/stars ?1 实物导入法 : 出示 circle/triangle /hearts/stars 实物,给小朋友以实观的思维空间。2 简笔画导入法:让小朋友自己上台画circle/triangle /hearts/stars 的简笔画,使其动脑又动手。小朋友在生活中能认识这些图形,并能用英语表达和询问。重点: A1目标层难点: A2次关键: B1环节时教学内容达标过程及教学方法设计间Warm upT:How are you?Greetings:(5)Ss:Im fine , thank you.How are you?Preview (5)学习好资料欢迎下载Ok,now lets sing a song .<shapes game>.I m fine , thank you.Jump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump,Jump up, jump down!Warming up:jump to the “star”.Ok,nowletssingaJump,jump,jump, Jump,jump,jump, Jumpsong .<shapes game>.


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