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1、第六讲 综合复习一Contents综合复习一1一般现在时 【用法】 规律性的动作 现在的状态 真理主将从现六大时态Da Qiang sleeps with the duck every day. I am a student.The earth travels around the sun.I will buy you a PSP if you get full marks.【标志词】every day, on Fridays, in the morning, once a week, always, usually, often, sometimes 【特别注意-三单】主语需满足以下条件方可

2、使用三单不是你,不是我,并且只有一个一般过去时【用法】描述过去发生的事情The dog caught a mouse yesterday.【标志词】yesterday,ago,last,the day before yesterday,just now,this morning, in 2008 【动词过去式】一般:加-ed work-worked answer-answered 二般:以不发音的 e 结尾,加-d dance-danced live-lived 三般:以辅 y 结尾,变 y 为 i,加-ed cry-cried try-tried四般:以重读辅元辅结尾,双写尾字母,加-ed

3、stop-stopped plan-planned 五特:(见“现在完成时”)一般将来时【用法】描述将来发生的事情Xi Yangyang will see a movie with Hui Tailang.【标志词】tomorrow,next week,from now on,in the future 【结构】will dobe going to do如果主语是 I 或 we 还可以用 shall do2现在进行时【用法】描述此刻正在进行的动作 描述现阶段正在进行的动作Xiao Xin is taking a shower now. Im reading Harry Potterthese

4、days.【标志词】now, right now, at the moment, look, listen 【结构】am/ is/ are doing过去进行时【用法】描述过去某个时刻正在进行的动作 yesterday.描述过去某段时间正在进行的动作Xiao Xin was taking a shower at this time We were watching TV from 1 pm to 5 pm.【标志词】at this time yesterday, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last night

5、【结构】was/ were doing【when VS while】When my father came in, I was playing computer games.My father came in, when I was playing computer games.My father came in, while I was playing computer games.总结:when 后可长亦可短,while 之后只可长While my father was sleeping, my mother was watching TV.My father was sleeping,

6、while my mother was watching TV.总结:如若两个都为长,while 来把纽带当(同学们,这两句话言简意赅还压韵,但是你明白了吗? )现在完成时【用法】已经完成的动作,强调对现在有影响。I have already cleaned the toilet.还没有做或从来没做过的事情I havent taken a shower yet.I have never been to Egypt.做一件事做过几次I have seen Titanic twice.见过、听过的最的3He is the fattest man I have ever seen.从过去一直持续到现

7、在的动作或状态He has lived in Beijing for 30 years.【标志词】already, just, yet, ever, for since【结构】have/ has done【动词过去分词】如果动词过去式是规则的,则过去分词与过去式相同如果动词过去式不规则,则过去分词也不规则不规则动词过去式及过去分词变化表costcost costcutcut cuthithit hitletlet letputput putreadread readhurthurt hurtburnburnt burntbuildbuilt builtbringbrought broughtb

8、uybought boughtcatchcaught caughtfeelfelt feltfightfought foughtfindfound foundgetgot gothanghanged/hunghanged/ hunghearheard heardhavehad hadholdheld heldkeepkept keptleaveleft leftlearnlearned/learntlearned/learntlendlent lentloselost lostlaylaid laidmakemade mademeetmet metmeanmeant meantpaypaid

9、paidsellsold soldshowshowed showedsmellsmelt smeltsaysaid saidsendsent sentspendspent spentsleepslept sleptstandstood stoodsweepswept swepttelltold toldthinkthought thoughtteachtaught taughtunderstandunderstoodunderstoodwinwon wonblowblew blownbeatbeat beatendrivedrove drivendrawdrew drawneatate eat

10、enffff fell fallengggg gavegivengrowgrew grownknowknew knownriderode riddenseesaw seen4sitsat sattaketook takenthrowthrew thrownwritewrote writtenwakewaked/ woke waked / wakenbreakbroke brokenchoosechose chosenforgetforgot forgottenfreezefroze frozenspeakspoke spokenstealstole stolenbe(am, is)was be

11、enbe(are)were beenbeginbegan begundrinkdrank drunkdodid doneflyflew flowngowent gonelielay lainrrrr rang rungssss sang sungswimswam swumwearwore wornbecomebecame becomecomecame comerunran run1. Our work will start as soon as it raining.A. will stop B. stopped C. had stopped D. stops 2. - When will t

12、hey be back?- They back until the work finished.A. arent, isC. arent, will beB. wont be, will be D. wont be, is3. Hurry up! The play for ten minutes.A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. began 4. - My parents have been to the United States.- Really? When there?A. will they goC. had they gone5.

13、 My manager isnt in now. HeB. did they goD. have they goneback in two hours.A. is B. has C. will be D. be 6. - Please tell her the news when she .- OK. I will.A. comes B. will come C. would come D. come【使用条件】动作不是由主语发出的【结构】一般现在时的被动语态 一般过去时的被动语态 一般将来时的被动语态 现在进行时的被动语态 过去进行时的被动语态 现在完成时的被动语态被动语态am/ is/ a

14、re donewas/ were donewill be doneam/ is/ are being done was/ were being donehave/ has been done51. They wont be back until the work.A. do B. does C. is done D. will do2. - Have all the students known that our class will visit the factory this afternoon? - Yes. Every student about it.A. tells B. told

15、 C. has been told D. has told3. The plan because of the bad weather.A. will give upC. be given upB. will be given up D. has given up4. Our teacher, Miss Chen, English on the radio the day before yesterday. A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. was taught5. - The windows are dirty.- I know. They for

16、weeks.A. wont be cleaned B. are not cleanedC. werent cleaned D. havent been cleaned6. The worker work for ten hours every day.A. is made to B. was made C. is made D. was made to 7. While she , she cut herself.A. was cooked B. cooked C. was cooking D. cooksKeys: 六大时态 被动语态DDCBCACCBBDAC6Homework时间:25 分

17、钟一、单项选择。(共 30 分)满分:50 分1Miss Gao _ English on the radio every morning.Ahas studiedCstudy2- Im sorry that John is out.BstudiesDstudied- Please ask him to call me as soon as he _.Areturned Breturns Cwill return Dreturn3 Mid-Autumn Day usually _ in September or October every year. Acome Bcomes Cis comi

18、ng Dwill come4 He _ a letter to his family last Sunday.Awrote Bwrite Cwrites Dhas written 5Its eight oclock. The students _ an English class.Ahave Bhaving Cis having Dare having 6Mr. Smith likes _ short stories, but he _ a TV play at themoment.A is writing; is writingB writes; is writingC is writing

19、; writesD writing; is writing7There _ a talk show on CCTV-9 at night tomorrow evening.Awill be Bwill have Cis going to have Dhas8Mother _ me a nice gift on my next birthday.Agives Bgive Cwill give D/9He _ in three days.Acoming back Cwill come backBcame backDis going to coming back10Our English teach

20、er _ in our school since 1992.Aworks Bwill work Chas worked Dis working 11My grandfather _ in the small town for fifty years. He always says helikes the town.Alives Bhas lived Clived Dis living712Jerry speaks Japanese very well. He _ in Japan since 2002.Astays Bwill stay Cis staying Dhas stayed 13Ch

21、inese _ by many people.Ais spoken Bwas spokenCis being spoken Dhas been spoken14- Your city looks beautiful.- Yes. Lots of trees _ last year.Aare plantedCwere plantingBhave plantedDwere planted15Some flowers _ by Lily now.Aare wateringCare being watered二、完成句子。(共 10 分)1-他每天在学校学什么? - 学习英语,语文和数学。Bwater

22、ingDwatered?_. 2玛丽昨晚看了这场足球比赛。_.3我和姐姐明天要打扫房间。_.4-露西在做什么?-她在等公交车。 _.5-你看过这部影片了吗?-是的,我看过了。_.8答案:一、1-5 B B B A D6-10 D A C C C11-15 B D A D C二、1What does he study at school every day? He studies English, Chinese and Maths.2 Mary watched the football match last night .3 My sister and I will clean the bedroom tomorrow. 4What is Lucy doing?She is waiting for the bus.5Have you seen this film?Yes, I have.9


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