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1、学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考微课教学设计模块姓 名张贺红学科英语学校盘山县陈家学校微课名称Adifferent视频长度8 分钟录制时间2017 年 5 月 2日weekend知识点来源六年 级教材版本辽师大小学本课是在学生初步学习了一般过去时的表达方式之后的进一步学习。知识点描述重点学习一般过去时的一般疑问句: Did you play sports ?以及肯定和否定回答,和与之相关的词组。同时培养学生语言表达能力,激发学习英语的兴趣。Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:1. Students are able to understand and use the foll

2、owing functional patterns in communication:Did you play sports ? Yes, I did /No, I didnt.2.students to learn the new words about daily work .and can talk about people did in the past.Skill aims:1. Enable students to master the point sentences and use them in speaking and writing.2.Enable students to

3、use what thehave learned inrealcommunicationEmotion aims:1.Enable students to love doing housework .预备知识本单元核心词汇卡片、课文图片、教学音频教学类型讲授型适用对象六年级学生 preimary Gread 6设计思路小学英语课重点之一是培养孩子学习英语的兴趣,所以从吸引孩子注意力学习入手,我首先通过让学生看短片,了解老师上周末做了那些事。然后让孩子们回忆上周自己做了哪些事,找出和老师做同样事的同学,说出一般过去时的陈述句 (目的是学习本课关于过去式的词组) 。同时发给学生动词原形的词组。然后

4、其他同学猜测这些同学们上周末都做了哪件事,引出本课重点。利用手势教学反复练习,化解难点。教学 过程内容画 面时 间学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考片头(20 秒)正文讲解(8 分钟)片尾(20 秒)教学反思Hello,every, we are going to learn Unit4标题20secondsA different weekend. .Do you know what主讲人I did last weekend .看短片。第一张幻灯片第知识点 1:学习一般过去时的陈述第三张 - 第五2 minutes一句。 Ied last weekend.张幻灯片部 Everybody, w

5、hat did you do last分 weekend .Did you clean the room? please tell me who cleaned the room ? 如果学生能回答就给一张卡片,为下面学习重点句型做准备 。(板书 I clean the room )第知识点 2:学习一般过去时的一般第六张-第2minutes二疑问句。以及否定、肯定回答。十四张幻灯片部Did you?分这时学生手里有老师送出准备的卡片,但是其他同学也许忘记了内容,让大家来猜,老师装作猜不到,激发学生想来试试的兴趣。Now ,Ihave no card.I want getthem back ,

6、let me guess .( 板书Did you play sports ?)第技能:能根据具体的情景编写对第十七张第2minutes三话. 并能描述自己做过的事情。十九张幻灯片部 Now children ,look at the picture分 and say something about it ?让学生发挥想象的空间, 鼓励学生使用本课以外的词组。Do the surey .最后一张幻灯20 secondsWould you like to be a reporter ?片Would you like to ask your partern whatshe/he did last

7、weekend?本节课在化解难点的时候,加入了陈述句的表达方式,同时也是学习本课词组的关键,鼓励孩子敢于表达。让孩子主动参与到英语表达的情景中来,让学生感觉到不是老师在上课,而是在和老师讨论上周的周末。教学中注意时间的分配,侧重难点。注意全体学生,为学生多设计情景。给学生创造机会、情景,让学生敢于表达自己的想法。Blackboard design学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考本课课件Who ()edlast weekend ?学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考Survey and reportDo a surveySurvey and reportDo a surveyQuestion

8、sYesNoHow was yourI was tired./Did you play football?weekend?Did you clean the room?Did you watch TV?Did you read a storybook?Did you play computer games?Did you sweep the floor?Did you water the flowers?Did you play football?/Yes, I did./Did you wash your clothes?No, I didn t.Did you ?BackBackSurvey and reportDo a surveyHow was yourI was tired./I wasHow was yourweekend?weekend?Did you play football?/Yes, I did./No, I didn t.Did youBack学习资料


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