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1、1 新高二 Unit6 New words: I.predicti on .预言 predict t. to see or describe ( a future happening) in advanc 预 言,预测 She predicted that he would marry a doctor. Can you predict when the work will be finished? predictable -adj. 2.forecast vt. to say with some kind of knowledge(what is going to happen at som

2、e future time 预报,预测 比较:predict The teacher forecast that15 of his pupils would pass the examination. Heavy rain has been forecast for tomorrow.天气预报明天有大雨 . 3.1)glimpse -.无意识地一瞥石到的粗略印象,瞥见,强调结果 catch / get a glimpse of I only caught a glimpse of the thief, so I can 瞥了小偷一眼 ,因此我无法把他仔细描述 I caught a glimps

3、e of Meg at the stati on this morning 我早上在车站看见 梅格了 I caught a glimpse of the Town Hall clock as we drove quickly past. 2) glanee 匆匆地看一眼或粗略地扫一眼,强调动作 glance at =take a glance at/ take a quick look at He glanced at his watch once again and then looked at the front entrance. n. 一瞥 One glance at his face

4、 told me he was ill. at a gla nee 看一眼, 一眼看出 She saw at a glance that he d been crying. t re 我只是 cribe him. 2 3) gaze-凝视,盯着看 gaze at 4) stare凝视,盯着 stare at 5) glare -登着 glare at She _ shyly at the young fellow from behind her fan. A. glanced B. glimpsed C. gazed D. copied I _ her among the crowd just

5、 before she disappeared from sight. (glimpsed) 就在他消失在人群当中之前,我瞥见了他。 I caught (get) a glimpse of his face as he ran past. We caught a glimpse of a river as the train passed over a bridge. The angry father glared at his son. Children should be taught not to stare at handicapped people. 4. trend . gen e

6、ral directio n, tendency 趋势,倾向 the trend of risi ng un employme nt 失业上升的趋势 the latest tren ds(=fashi ons) in wome n 女装 s 最新趋势 5. contemporary -adj. 当代的,现代的,同时期的 modern , of the present con temporary history / art/morals 现代历史 / 艺术 / 道德 contemporary building new 是形容现已存在但时间很短的事物的一般用语: a new building/ l

7、aw/ book recen描绘不久前发生或出现的事物 ,主要用于事件: our rece nt vacatio n 我们不久前的假期 We elected a new senator in the election. 在最进的选举中我们选了一位 3 新参议员。 modern适用于比 new 更长的一段时间,意为属于现代或不太久的过 去”: an examination in modern history Modern science has conquered many disease. con temporary 意为属于现在或在前不久 contemporary art/politics

8、当代艺术 /政治 curre n描绘当前的事物,可以是也可以不是 new the government s current ideas on defSn 府当前对国防的看法 6.indicatevt. 1) to show by sig n; make clear!暗 示,表明 I indicated that his help was not welcome. 2) ( 开车转弯时用手 ,灯光或箭头 )表示方向 : He is indicating left. At the crossing there is an arrow _ the direction to the Andrew Fa

9、rm. A. indicating B. to indicate C. indicated D. indicate 3) po int at, draw atte nti on to 指示,指出 I asked him where my sister was, and he indicated the store across the street. 7. e nsure -/t. make sth. certa in to happen 保证,担保 ensure that ensure sb. sth ensure sth. ensure doing If you want to ensur

10、e that you catch the plane, take a taxi. His ability ensures his success. The medicine will ensure a good night s sleep. Come early to ensure getting a good seat. We en sure to fulfill the task on time. x 4 I en sure to help him. x 8. necessity -n. 1) n eed, the con diti on of being n eede(需要,必要(性)u

11、 necessity to do/ of / for Is there any necessity for another election? There is no necessity to hurry. Whats the necessity of leaving so early? 2) necessity -something one needs to hav 必需品,必不可少的东西 c 指客观上必不可少的东西 ; 生活必需品 Food is a basic necessity of life. necessary-必需品,指主观上需要客观上并不一定必不可少 c a. Food and

12、 clothing are _of life. (necessities) b. Sleep is a _. (necessity) c. We packed those necessities for future use. d. A motorcar is a _of life nowadays. (necessary) f. Things that are luxuries of one generation become the _ of the next, such as television, telephone, etc. A. necessary B. necessaries

13、C. necessity D. necessities 9. crowd -n. a large nu mber of people gather togethe 人 群, 一群人 a crowd waiting for a bus There were crowds of people at the theatre. v. (of people) come together in large nu mbe 拥挤,聚集 People crowded around the scene of the accident. crowded -adj. complete full; filled wit

14、h a crowd be crowded with be packed with The bus was crowded with people. The stadium was packed with people. 10. goods -n. (pl)商品,货物(作主语,谓语用复数) All the goods in the store _ ( is / are ) expensive. 5 The shopper delivered four goods to me this afternoon. x The shopkeeper delivered some goods to me t

15、his afternoon. 1)必须用复数的有 : sports, sales, goods, clothes sports man , sports car, salesgirl 2)集体名词 a) 某些表无生命的集体名词,如 machinery, jewelry, poetry 等,用 单数: b) 某些表有生命的集体名词: 如 cattle, police, 等,用复数 His cattle were feeding. c) 某些表有生命的集体名词, 如 audience, class, couple, crew, family, government, majority, publi

16、c 看作集体用单数,看作成员用复数。 The audience have taken their seats. The audience is requested to remain seated. 3) 由两部分构成的物体名称, 如 compasses, glasses, jeans, pants, trousers, scales (天平 ),scissors 通常看作复数 4) 以 ings 结尾的名词,如 belongings, surroundings, takings 收( 入 )等, 作复数 5)单复数同形的名词 , 动词要与该名词在句中的单复数保持一致。 a) 某些动物 ,物体

17、名称,如 dear, sheep, fish, craft, aircraft b) 以-ese (-ss)结尾的民族名称, 女口 Chinese , Swiss 6 c) means, works Every means has been tried. All the means have been tried. 11. purchaser, (fml) to buy (正式)购买;购置(指购买比较贵重的东西,如 珠宝,房子,名贵的书等 ,也可用于购买股票等 ,不用于买菜 ,肉等) He purchased a new house in the country. The employees

18、are en couraged to purchase shares in the compa 该企业 号召职工购买其股票 . purchase sth. with sth. 以某物换 (买)某物 n. 1)c(.pl.通常用复数)something that you buy 所购买的物品 I have some purchases to make in town. She made several purchases in the store. 2) n. u the act of buyi ng thi ngs 购买行为 We began to regret the purchase of

19、 such a small house. 12. cash . money in coins and no tes, rather tha n check 现金,现款 cash/ check/ cheque/ note/ coin/ credit card I don t have any cash on me . Can I pyaychbeck? v.把兑换成现金,兑现 Can you cash that check for me? Where can I get this cashed? 13. remain vi.保持不变,仍是,剩下,(人)逗留 She likes to remai

20、n home. x She likes to remain at home. 可以说: remain at home / stay home / stay at home 不可以说 : remain home remain doing 具有主动性 7 sth. remai n to be done 某事有待去做 可以说:It remains to be seen.这尚待以后见分晓. She remained sitting. 不可以说: It remains being seen. She was rema ining here after we left. x 是状态动词 ,不用进行时 应说

21、: She remained here after we left. - ing 形式作前置定语 : 剩下 , 留下 the remaining money leftthe money left remainder .剩余物,其余人 The remainder of the books are in the box. 作系词:continue to be 仍然是,依旧是 Peter became a judge, but John remained a fisherman/ remained poor. It only remains for sb. to do sth. 某人说要做的是 ”

22、remain 剩下,留 下 It only remains for me to sign the paper that you gave me. 我说要做的事只是在你给我的文件上签字。 It only remains for him to say that he agrees to the plan 他所要做的只是说一声他同意这个计划。 Everything has been done. It only remains for them to come and enjoy the meal. 事情都干完了。他们所要做的只是来美美的吃一顿。 14. cure t. n.治愈,治疗 cure sb

23、. of a disease 不说: The doctor cured her from her cough. 8 This medicine cured me my cold. 而说: The doctor cured her of her cough. This medicine cured me of my cold. treat vt. 治疗 treat sb. for a disease treat sb. with 用“治疗 The doctors were treating her for heart trouble. I ll treat you with Chinese me

24、dicine. 15. distance -n. 远方 ,远处 ,距离 1) 问距离 不说: how long / how much 而说 : what Whats the distance between London and Paris( from London to Paris) 2) 表示 在远处 ” 可以说 : in the distance at a distance / from a distance 不说: at the distance Can you see a deer in the distance? 3) 在表示远近时用 Iong , short 修饰,不用 near

25、 , far It is a long / short distance from here. =It s near / far from here. 4) a long dista nee / a Ion g-dista nee cal 长途电话 dista nt -adj. 16. cheat . 1)欺骗,骗取 cheat sb. (out) of sth. 9 His father was cheated of his land. He cheated me my mon ey. x He cheated me of my mon ey. 2) cheat sb. i nto sth.

26、/doi ng sth.骗取某人做谋事 He cheated her into believ ing that he loved her. 17. require (正式)请求,命令 dema nd ,order request 要求,请求 dema nd politely (比 ask 正式,比 dema nd 客气) dema nd 有权)要求,(强烈)要求 ask for sth. stron gly ask 要求,请求(普通用语) beg 乞求 *require vt. 1)(正式)要求,命令 a) require sb. to do sth. I require you to spe

27、ak this to no one. They required me to keep sile nt. 被动: You are required to say what is good for him or what isn t. All passe ngers are required to show their tickets. b) require + n. This requires great effort on the part of its people. c) require that should do He requires that they (should )work

28、 all ni ght. 厶丿需要 The floor requires wash ing. 3)过去分词作定语 : You should pass the required examination to become a doctor. 10 4) require of 对的要求 I will do all that is required of me. I am willing to do whatever my country requires of me. *request 1) request sb. to do sth. I requested him to bring his d

29、aughter here. Visitors are requested not to touch the paintings. Passengers are requested to take their seat immediately. 2) request that should do She requested that the boxes should be taken to the upstairs. 3) request + n. The judge requested silence. 4) n. make a request He made a request for he

30、lp / that I should help him. *at one s request /at the reques 根 0 据 的请求 I bought it at your request/at the request of my father. He was writing at the request of Mr. Brown. *by request 应(观众)请求 She sang a song by request. The piece was played by request. *in great request/need 有极大需求 These materials a

31、re in great need/ request. *on(upon) request 应请求,被要求时 The band will play on request. *demand 要求,(强烈)要求 demand sth. demand to do demand that ( should ) do eg. I demand my rights./ an answer. I demand to know the truth. They demand that they get more money. n.需要,需求 the demand for 11 in great demand Is

32、 there much demands for teachers in this town? Oil is in great demand these days. *ask ask for 要求得到 ask to do ask sb. to do ask that (should) do He has asked for an interview with the present. I ask to speak to Mr. Baker. She asked him to wake her at six oclock. I ask that he leave. *beg 乞求,恳求,请求 be

33、g sb. to do beg to do 请允许 beg that She beg him to remain home. I beg to point out that your facts are incorrect. I beg that he leave. 18. programme v. plan, arrange 1 计) 划,安排, Weve programmed you to appear on his show next week. 2) 使按程序工作 , 编制程序 The computer is programmed to accept data in any or al

34、l of these media. Pleaseprogram the computer to give me more information. 请给计算 机编程序以便为我提供更多的信息 n. 1)节目单,节目,表演 Whats your favorite television program? 2)计划,方案,纲领 Meetings are held to explain the program to the villagers. 12 3) (计算机)程序 19. reality n. not imagination turn sth. into reality in reality 实

35、际上 Everyone liked the stranger but in reality he is a criminal. Text: 1.what happens to sb.? what becomes of sb.? whats wrong with sb.? 某人怎么了 Whats the matter with sb.? Whats the trouble with sb.? 2.It would be bad for society if people had doubles. 1) If I were you, I wouldn tgo. 2) If I had time,

36、I would go. 3) If it rained tomorrow, I wouldn tgo. If it should rain tomorrow, I would go. If it were to rain tomorrow, I would go. 3) If you had taken the doctors advice, you wouldnt have caught a cold. 3. What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict, What should a good friend be l

37、ike? 1)What is sb. like?问某人如何,个性特征,既可以是内在品质,也可以是 外在特点,回答是可针对其中的一方面,也可两方面都回答。 -Whatsshe like? - She is very kind and beautiful. *也可指天气,或某物如何 Whatthe weather like today? Whathis han dwriti ng like? 2) What does sb./sth. look like?某人/某物看上去如何?(外表,长相) -What does she look like? -She looks like her mother.

38、 3) How does sb. like? How do(did) you like?你觉得 怎么样? =What do you thi nk of ? What / How about ? How do you like the film? 13 4. make forecast about sth. =forecast the weather forecast v. forecast that forecast/ forecast, forecasted/ forecasted The teacher forecast that 15 of his stude nts would pas

39、s the exam in ati on. to forecast the weather to forecast electio n results 链接:forehead, forefather, foresee 5. indicate vt. 1) to suggest the possibility or probability of: be a sign of 有 的可能性, 象征 In this map, the tow ns are in dicated by a red dot.在这张地图上,城镇 是用小红点标的。 2) to show or point to sth. 指给看

40、,指示 With a nod of her head she in dicated to me where I should sit. 6. amaze vt. To filll with great surprise; cause wonder in 使惊奇,使吃惊 .sth. amaze sb. sb. be amazed at sth.某人对谋事惊讶 be amazed by sth. 某人被某事震惊 be amazed to do sth.吃惊地做某事 His knowledge amazed me. The visitors were amazed at the achievemen

41、ts of the city during the past ten years. amazing adj. amazed adj. 7. environment means all the things around you, esp. as they influence your feelings and development 指周围的一切 ,尤指环境对人心 情及发展的影响 Children need a happy home environment. 14 Brought up in a happy environment 在幸福环境中长大 surroundings simply th

42、e physical things which surround a place or person. 指一个地方或一个人周围的具体东西: a hotel set in pleasant surroundings 位于舒适环境里的饭店 She grew up in comfortable surroundings. 他在舒适的环境中长大。 比较 : to grow up in beautiful surrounding 在美丽的自然环境中长大 to grow up in a happy environment 在快乐的生活中长大 8. keep in touch with in touch w

43、ith = in communication with 同。联系 out of touch with 失去联系 get in touch with 取得联系 lose touch with 失去联系 Lets keep in touch with each other. We are in close touch with our office in USA. We have bee n out of touch with Lilia n. 9. pay more atte nti on to call on eatte ntio n to attract on esatte nti on d

44、raw ones atte nti on in vite on eatte nti on give on eatte nti on to fix ones atte nti on on focus on eatte nti on on cen ter on esatte nti on on devote on6s atte nti on to bring sth. to on eatte nti on 使某人注意某事 10. With a better un dersta nding of the huma n body, 15 with prep. at the same time or r

45、ate as sth. els 随着 Good wine will improve with age.佳酿越陈跃醇. With the approach of sun set, the shadows len gthe ned.随着太阳下落,影 子也逐渐伸长. 11. un dersta nding n. 1)理解,了解 Accord ing to my un dersta nding of the letter, he owes you mon ey. 2) agreeme nt, nor formal 协议,谅解 reach an un dersta nding ( with sb. ab

46、out sth.) come to (与某人对谋事)达成正式协议 arrive at We have come to an un dersta ndin g.(= reached an un dersta nding) 12. be sure (that ) be not sure whether I m sure smoking hurt you. I m not sure where he lives. I m not sure whether he will come. 13. come true of a hope, prediction, etc) really happen, be

47、come fact His dream came true at last. 14.1) on the air 广播着 ; 播送中 send (put) on the air 广播,播送 What s otnhe air this evening? 今晚有什么广播节目? 2) by air 3) in the air a) 在空中 b) 渺茫 The plan is quite in the air. 计划还很渺茫。 4) take the air a)兜风,散步 b)飞机起飞 15. prepare sth. prepare for prepare sb. for be prepared f

48、or be prepared to do 16 make preparations for 16. *in store(for sb./ sth.) 1) (kept ready for future use) 储存着 ; 备有 have /keep sth. in store He always keeps several cases of wine in store.他总是备有几箱酒。 A bright future is in store for you. 2) coming in the future; about to happen 必将到来,快要发生 I can see troub

49、le in store. 我预见到要有麻烦发生。 There is a surprise in store for you. 你一定要大吃一惊的。 * a store of (sth.)积累而成的巨大数量 a library with a store of rare books She keeps a store of stories in her head. *store up A squirrel stores up food for the future. 17. get back 1)回来,归来 =return 2) 取回,收回 He got his money back after struggle. 3) 恢复力量


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