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1、2 2 型糖尿病论文:2 型糖尿病 抑郁症 患病率 肝气郁结型 气 郁化火型 【中文摘要】通过研究 2 型糖尿病合并抑郁症患者的患病率,探 讨 2型糖尿病与抑郁症之间的关系及其相关危险因素。 同时从郁症中 医辨证分型的角度对抑郁症相近的证型进行分析比较 ,旨在为中医辨 证个体化治疗的科学性、 实效性提供依据。 方法收集郑州大学第一附 属医院 2010年 3 月-12 月中西医结合科和内分泌科住院的 2 型糖尿 病患者,约 120 例,其中男 58 例,女 62 例。从有无抑郁症的角度分为 A 组:2 型糖尿病合并抑郁症组和 B 组:2 型糖尿病无抑郁症组,从抑 郁症中医辨证分型的角度将2 型糖

2、尿病合并抑郁症组再分为 A1 组: 肝气郁结型和 A2 组:气郁化火型。采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD 进 行调查,评价抑郁患病情况,同时采集身高、体重、文化程度、空腹血 糖(FPG)、餐后 2h 血糖(2hPG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbAIC)病程、与糖 尿病有关的健康指标(如糖尿病家族史、腹型肥胖)、并发症等项目, 并进行中医辨证诊断,将其分为肝气郁结、气郁化火两个证型。采用 SPSSIO.O 统计软件包建立数据库,通过方差齐性检验后,对年 龄,FBG,2hPG, BMI 及 HbA1c 进行两样本均数的 t 检验;对性别进行 组间计量资料的卡方检验;p 值 0.05);从 BMI、HbA1c

3、 FPG 2hPG 的角度看,A 组和 B 组之间经 t 检验后差别有统计学意义(p0.05) ; HAMD 抑郁量表总分相近,组间比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05),在日夜变 化、阻滞因子方而上,肝气郁结组积分值高于气郁化火组(PV0.05)。 在体重变化、认识障碍两个因子方面,气郁化火组积分值明显高于肝 气郁结组(PV0.05)。结论 2 型糖尿病患者中抑郁的患病率为 32.5%, 显著高于普通人群。2 型糖尿病易合并抑郁是多因素综合作用的结果, 体重、空腹血糖水平、餐后两小时血糖水平和糖化血红蛋白水平是抑 郁的独立危险因素。在临床工作中,为了更好的提高糖尿病患者的生 活质量,对于血糖长期

4、控制不良、肥胖的患者,尤其要注意是否合并抑 郁等心理疾患并及时治疗。女性和男性在 50-60 岁左右时会因为雌激 素下降或雄激素部分缺乏等因素进入更年期,这个时期易于发生抑郁 故肝气郁结型多集中在这个年龄段。抑郁症患者在这两个证型上虽然 HAM 量表得分相同,但是其症状构成差异较大,更适合个体化辨证论 治的治疗。 【英文摘要】 Through research patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus depressi on prevale nee to discussi on the relati on ship betwee n Type 2 diabe

5、tes and depressi on and associated risk factors. At the same time from the perspective of traditi onal Chin ese medic ine diag no sis and treatme nt,a nalysis and comparis on the similar syn drome of depressi on, provide evide nee of scie nee and effective ness for the in dividual treatme nt of trad

6、iti onal Chin ese medic in e.MethodsSelect the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University in March 2010 to December hospitalized with diabetes en docri no logy, about 120 patie nts,58 males, female 62 cases. From the perspective of whether depression is divided into A group: type 2 diabetes a

7、nd depression group B:type 2 diabetes without depression group, from the perspective of traditi onal Chin ese medici ne further divided type 2 diabetes with depression group into Al:liver qi stagnation group, and A2:qi-fire group. Hamilton Depression Rat ing Scale (HAMD) were inv estigated to evalua

8、te the prevale nee of depressi on, collected height, weight, educati on level, fasti ng plasma glucose (FPG), postpra ndial 2h plasma glucose (2hPG), glycosylated hemoglob in (HbAIC), durati on, and diabetes-related health indicators (such as family history of diabetes, abdominal obesity), complicat

9、ions and other projects, through the TCM diag no sis, will be divided into liver qi stag nati on, qi of the fire the two syn dromes.Establishme nt of a database using SPSSIO.O statistical package, test of homogeneity of varianee, the age, FBG,2hPG,BMI and HbAlc were for two sample t-test; the sex wa

10、s for measurement data between groups chi-square test; p value 0.05); from the BMI, HbAlc, FPG,2hPG point of view, A and B group by t test betwee n groups was statistically differe nt after Sig nifica nee (p0.05); HAMD depressi on scale scores are similar, differe nces betwee n groups was not significant (P 0.05), from the view of diurnal variation, retardation factor, the liver qi stagnation group poi nts higher tha n the qi fire-group (P0.05). from the two


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