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1、 、知识点回顾 1. a healthy diet 【 health 和 healthy 的相互转化 】 (3) _ Our (health) is the most important.( 最重要 ) 2. like 后用动名词 likes eating sweets (1) _ 【易错】 Do you want a glass of water? A. eat _ B. drink (2) _ Mike doesn t like (drink) water. 3. 三餐类前 for 的用法【 for 翻译成 “当做 ”】 (1) I eat a few noodles _. A.in di

2、nner B. of dinner C. for dinner (2) 我爷爷每天早餐吃一些面包和土豆。 My grandpa _ some bread and _ _ breakfast _ day. 4 数. 量形容词的用法,以及后面加可数还是不可数 (1)I will have a _ vegetables and a _ rice for dinner tonight. A. lot, little B. few, lot C. little, few D. few, little (2)There isn t _ coffee in the cup. A. some B. much

3、C. many D. a few (3) _ Here a lot of meat for the party. A. are B.is C. that (4) _ there any water here just now? A.WasNo. B.Were C.Is (5) _ There are buses on the road. A.so much B.so many C.much so (6) _ He has beef (牛肉 )for lunch. A.a lot of B.few C.a few (7) _ There is fish in the river. A. a B.

4、 lots of C. many (8) _ My father has _ drinks every week ,but my mother . A. too many isn t B. too much doesn t C. too many doesn t (9) _There is not (many) fruit in the fridge. (10) _ Sam sees some (drink). (11) _ Do you have any (sweet)? (12) _ There isn t (many)food in the fridge. 5. 以 o 结尾的复数【ma

5、ngo , potato , tomato】 (1) I see a few _ (tomato)in the basket. (2) Mike likes taking _(photo). (3) There were many _(zoo) in our city many years ago. 6. 重要句型: What do you have for breakfast ? 你早餐吃什么? What do you often have _ dinner? A. in B. for C. about D. of 7. Can I have some cola ? 中 some 没有改 a

6、ny (1) Can I have _ juice? A. a B.some C.many (2) 我能吃一些面包吗? _ I _ _ bread ? 二、填词 1.a little(近义词组 ) _ 2.meat(同音词) _ 3.fast(畐 U 词) _ 4. sweet (形容词) _ 5.photo (复数) _ 6.tomato(复数) _ 7. healthy(名词) _ 8.noodle(复数) _ U3 复习巩固 (1)He shouldn t drink so _ cola , or he (2)Everyone should keep _ . A.healthy A.mu

7、llcbhe;_u_n_h_ealthy B. a lot of ;healthy C. many ;unhealthy B. healthily C.health C. have D./ 9. Fruit and vegetables are _ (health)food. 10. He likes sweet _ (food). 11. There is some _ (meat) and _ (fish). 12have _ (many) milk. 13.There _ (be not ) any meat on my plate just now. 14.Sam sees some

8、_ (饮料). 15. Do you want any _ (fruit)? 16. Here are some _ (bottle) of _ (cola) for you . 17.1d like some _ (fish). 18. There _ (be) a lot of no odles in the bowl. 19. - _ you _ (do) your homework , Li Ping? -Yes, I am. 20.1 _ (visit) my gran dpare nts n ext Sun day. 21. He is asking Yang Ling how _

9、 (get) there. 22. What about _ (dri nk)some coffee? 23.Spri ng is comin g. I n eed _ (buy) some clothes. 24.1 don t eat _ (some) food in the evening. 25.I d like some _ (fish). 26. Ya ng Ling and I _ (make) a salad now. 27. Ya ng Ling _ (see)a play n ext week. 28. Will you please _ (go) to the park

10、with me? 29. Don t make no ise. My mother _ (sleep) in the bedroom. 30.Su Hai, _ (keeps/ keep) your schoolbag clea n! 31. _ (west) people like bread and sausages for breakfast. 32. The boy was _ . He laughed _ . (excited) 33. _ you _ (fini sh)your homework last ni ght? 34. He has _ (a few/a lot of)

11、bread for breakfast. 35. _ (be) there any meat in the fridge ? 三、句型转换 1.A mon key woke the tiger up.( 改成一般疑问句 ) _ 2.1 m going to read books in the room 对画线部分提问 ) _ 3.1 gave him a sweet.(改成同义句 ) _ 4. He has a few eggs every week.(对划线部分提问) _ 5. My father eats a few pears .(对戈卩线部分提问) _ 6. The bus stopped because the light is red.(画线提问) _ the bus stop? 7. We should eat some vegetables every day.(对戈卩线部分提问) _ 8.Su Yang has a healthy diet.(改为一般疑问句) _


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