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1、TAST 1SectionlMan: Hello,this is Land Transport information at toronto Airport.Woman: Oh,good morning,I?m flying to toronto Airportnext week, and I need to get to a town called um,Milton.Cpould you tell me how I can get there?Man: Milton,did you say? Let me see. I think that?sabout 150 miles south-w

2、est of here .In fact it?s 147 miles to be exact, so it?ll take you at least -say ,three to four hours by road.Woman: Wow! Is it as far as that?Man: yes,I?m afraid so.But you have anumber of options to get you here and you can always rent a car right hereat the airport,of course.Woman: Right. Well, I

3、 don?t really want to drive myself , so I?d like more information about public transport.Man: Ok.In that case the quickest and most comfortable is a cab and of course there are always plenty available.But it?ll cost you.you can also take a greyhound bus or there?san airport shuttle Service to Miiton

4、.Woman: Hummm, I think for that kind of distance a cab would be way beyond my budget. But the bus sounds OK.Can you tell me how much that would cost?Man: Sure. Let?s see. That wold be $15 one way,or $27.50 return. That?s on the Greyhound.Woman:Oh,that?s quite cheapgreat!.but whereabouts does ie stop

5、 in Milton?Man: It goes directly from the airport here to the City Centre and it?s pretty fast.But you have to bear in mind that there is only one departure a day, so it depends what time your flight gets in.Woman: Oh,of course. Hang on, we?re due to get there at 11:30 am.Man: Hmmm, too bad, the bus

6、 leaves at 3:45, so you would have quite a wait - more than 4 hours.Woman:Oh,I see. Well, what about the shuttle you mentioned?Man: OK. That?s the Airport Shuttle that will take you from the airport right to your hotel or private address. It?s adoor-to-door service and it would suit you much better,

7、because there?s one every two hours.Woman: So how much does that cost?Man: Let?s see. Yeah, that?s $35 one way, $65 return, so I guess it?s a bit more expensive than the Greyhound.Woman:Oh, that doesn?t sound too bad.especially if it*ll take me straight to the hotel.Man:But you do need to reserve a

8、seat.Woman:OK. Is it possible to make a booking right now? Through you?Man:Sure.Man: OK.I just have to fill this form out for you. So what date do you want to book this for?Woman:The l6h of Octobler oh,no,sorry.that?s my departure date. I arrive on the 17th, so book it for then,please.Man: So, That?

9、s the Toronto Airport Shuttle to Milton.And this is for just one person or ?Woman: yes, just me, please.Man:Right. And you said your excepted time of arrival was 11:30? So if I book your Shuttle for after 12:00- let?s say, 12:30 that should give you plenty of time to, you know, collect your baggage

10、maybe grab a coffee?Woman:Yeah, that sounds fine, as long as we land on time!Man: Well,we?ll take you flight details so you don?t need to warry too much about that. Now. what about the fare? What sort of ticket do you want? One way or ? Woman:Yes,that?ll be fine, provided I can book the return trip

11、once I?m there.Man:No problem just allow a couple of days in advanced to make sure you get a seat. And what?s you name, please?Woman:Janet, Janet Thomson.Man:Is that Thompson spelt with a“ p” ?Woman: No,it?s TH-O-M-S-O-N.Man: OK,And you?ll be coming from th e UK? What flight will you betravelling on

12、?Woman:Oh, it?s Air Canada flight number AC936, from London Heathrow.Man:Right. Now,do you know where you?ll be staying? We need to give the driver an address.Woman:yes, it?s called the Vacation Mote-and I thin k it?s near the town centre. Anyway, the address is 24 Kitchener Street- that?s kitchener

13、 street.Man: That?s fine. Right. So that?s $35 to pay please. Have you get your credit card number therWoman:Yes, it?s a VISA card ,and the number is 3303 8450 204)837Man: OK , well,that seems to be everything .have a good trip and we?ll see you in Toronto next week.Woman:yes, bye-ok, thanks for you

14、r help!section2Thank you all for coming to my talk this evening. It?s nice to see many people in the audience . For those of you who don?t know very much about PS Camping , let me start by giving you some background information about the company.The company started twenty-five years ago. It actually

15、 opened as a retail chain selling camping equipment and then twenty years ago, it bought a small number of campsites in the UK ,and began offering camping holidays. The company grew rapidly and has been providing holidays in continental Europe for the last fifteen years.If you book a camping holiday

16、 with us, you?ll have a choice of over three hundred sites. In Italy we now have some 64 sites that we either own, or have exclusive use of France is where we have the majority of sites, and we currently have a project to expand into Switzerland. We also have a number of sites in Northern Spain, par

17、ticularly in the mountainous region of picos de Europa We?ve upgraded all these Spanish sites, and improved them considerably from their original three-star ratingWe believe our holidays offer superb facilities for the whole family. Parents who want their children to be fully occupied for all or par

18、t of the day can take advantage of our children?s activities. These are organised by our well-qualified and enthusiastic staff. Each day kicks off a sports match, perhaps football, or volleyball, followed by an hour of drama for everyone. This may include singing or dancing, mime or other activities

19、. In the afternoon, there?s a different art activity for each day of the week including a poster competition or model making. What?s more, our sites are truly child-friendly, and, with this in mind, we operate a no-noise rule in the evenings. Children?s evening activities usually finish at 9:30, or

20、occasionally 10, and from 10:30 holiday-makers are expected to be quiet in the areas where there are tents.We want nothing to go wrong on a PS Camping holiday, but if it does, we also want all customers to be insured. If you haven?t organised an annual insurance policy of your own you?ll need to tak

21、e out the low-cost cover we offer and we require that you arrange this when you take your holiday reservation.There are many advantages to choosing PS Camping, and to recommending it to others. As a regular customer You?ll be kept informed of special offers. And your friends can benefit from ten per

22、 cent off their holiday, or book a luxury tent for the price of a standard one. In return, we?ll send you a thankyou present, which you can choose from a list of high-quality items.When it comes to our tents, these are equipped to the highest standard.We really do think of every essential detail, fr

23、om an oven and cooking rings fuelled by bottled gas, to mirrors in the bedroom areas. If you don?t want to cook indoors, you can borrow a barbecue if you ask in advance for one to be made available, and there?s ®en a picnic blanket to sit on outside your tent. Inside, a box of games and toys ca

24、n be found, and children?s tents can be hired if required, All tents have a fridge, and if you want to spend the day on the beach, for example, ask for a specially designed PS Camping cool box, which will keep your food and drinks chilled. There are excellent washing facilities at all our sites, wit

25、h washing machines and clothes lines in the central areas, along with mops and buckets in case your tent needs cleaning during your stay. All sites have a cafe and/or a shop for those who?d rather ,eat in? than dine at a local restaurant.section 3Tutor:Well, you?/e both been looking at different sty

26、les of managing individuals , in companies and the workplace. How?j the research going,philip?Philip:Well, I?ve been looking at why individualism, I mean individual difference, are such an important area of management studies. When you think about any organization, be it a family businessor a multin

27、ational company, they are all fundamentally a group of people working together. But it?s what these individuals contribute to their pleasesof work that makes you realize how important they are. Of course they bring different ideas, but it?s also their attitudes and their experiences of learning. Div

28、ersity is important in these areas too.Tutor:So why do people behave so differently from one another at work? Philip:There are lots of reason but research has shown a lot of it comes down to personality. And the other factor is gender. rfc a well known fact that men and women do lots of things in di

29、fferent ways, and the workplace is no different.Tutor:Did you look at the effects of this variation on companies?Philip:Yes, I did. On the positive side, exposure to such diversity helps encourage creativity which is generally an asset to a company. But unfortunately individual difference are also t

30、he root of conflict between staff and they can lead to difficulties for management, which can sometimes be serious.*Tutor:Thanks,philip. So now I guess the two main things to remember here are to identify individual talent and then to utilize it. So Janice, you were looking at identifying different

31、talents in workers Do you think this is easy for managers to do?Janice:Well,currently teamwork is in fashion in the workplace and in my opinion the importance of the individual is generally neglected. What managers should be targeting is those employees who can take the lead in a situation and are n

32、ot afraid to accept the idea of responsibility.Tutor:That?s true. Janice but unfortunately many managers think the entire notion of encouraging individuality amongst their staff is far too hard.Janice:Yes. That may be true but I think one of the most important tasks of managers is to consider the ne

33、eds of the individual on one hand and group co-operation and conformity on the other. It requires creative thinking on the part of management to avoid tension.Tutor:So Janice, what kind of people do you think companies should belooking for?Janice Well, it has to start from the very beginning when co

34、mpanies are looking for new employees. When the personal department is choosing between applicants they need to look for someone who?s broken the mould and can think for themselves. Instead, people making these decisions often ues a range of psychological tests to see if a person is a problem solver

35、, or will do as they?re told. I?m not convinced these qualities are actually the most important.Tutor:So do you think being a good team player is overrated?Janice No,its not overrated. You do need to learn the rules and learn them fast. No individual can get around this if you?re working in an organ

36、ization.Tutor:So how should managers deal with this?Janice Rewards. When an individual demonstrates, the behaviour the organisation expects, some kind of incentive can be given. Wh?t important here is that this happens right at the beginning so new recruits learn the rules of the system immediately.

37、 Also the incentive should be something the individual actually wants, and this isnt always just money。Tutor:To come back to you, philip. You were saying that recognition of good performers is essential. What else should managers be looking for? Philip:Well,managing people means you not only have an

38、 understanding of your employees,but you also recognise the culture of the organization.In fact, for some organizations creativity and individuality may be the last thing they want to see during working hours.Tutor:Very true.Philip:Yes,but managing people isn?t as easy as it looks. For example, chan

39、ge in the workplace can be quite tricky. Especially if therSfe a need to increase profit, . And at times like these managers may have to give priority to profit rather than individual staff needs.Tutor:yes,and that creates difficult situations for people.Philip:Yes, but what?s important is that mana

40、gersare able to deal with quite high levels of personal stress. During times of change they should be thinking not only about the strain on their staff but take time out to think of themselves.Tutor:Absolutely. So what are the implications of that for- section4Good afternoon, everyone!This is the fi

41、rst seninar in preparation for our archaeological fieldwork in Namibia, we are fantastically luck to have received partial research funding for this trip from our Institute, so I shall expect 200% attention and participation from you all. First in this seminar, I?m going to give a brief introduction

42、 to contemporary research on rock art, and in the second part I?m going to give you some do?s and doriits for our fieldwork trip inApril so please listen very carefully.I?m first going to focus on the interpretation of rock art in Namibia, we are very fortunate to be going to an area where you can f

43、ind some of the most important sites in the entire world. And I hope to show you how easy it is foe everyone to make mistakes in looking at cultures which are different from our pwn the first and most important lesson we have to learn.In Namibia there are both paintings and engraving that% where the

44、 surface of the rock is cut out. Many of the engravings show footprints of animals and most scholars used to think that the purpose of these was simple and obvious. This r ock art was like a school book with picture to teach children about tracks whick belonged to which animal - giraffe, lion and so

45、 on.But there were some mysteries. First, when you look at a typical Namibian painting or engraving, you see the tracks are repeated, there are dozens of tracks for the same animal. You?d expect just one clear illustration if the reason - the aim was to teach tracking.Now there were two more problem

46、, why are some of the engraving of animals very accurate as you?d expect - all clearly identifiable- and others quite unrealisticAnd another mystery some of these unrealistic animals that*s in the engravings seem to be half human. Some, for example, have got human faces, Many reaearchers now think t

47、hat these were pictures the wise men engraved of themselves. They belived they could use magic to control the animals they had drawn, so the hunters could then catch them for food. This shows you some of the dangers of coming from one culture to another, as we?ll be doing, without understanding it f

48、ully. Scholars imagined that children looked at rock art pictures to learn to track -just because they themselves had learnt skills from pictures, many researchers now believe that rock art had a much more complex purpose, and we*ll talk more about it next week.!Now before I invite you to join in a

49、discussion in this second part of the seminar,I?d like to make some very important points about pur fieldwork -and in face any field trip to look at rock art.We?re going to a number of sites, and we won ?t always to together. The single largest problem faced by people who manage the sites is yes, I?m sure you?/e guessed - damage caused by visi tors, even though


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