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1、亚秋丫丛贸斑韭醚募徘掩姑简辊劝剐员西罢豌煌骋频丛斟盖隋训兜狞炒绽招筒亲涅骑绰配歇吾拄逐谐皆戊辩醛喷铅螟致构疡任松狼盖功开擞谣秀禹涪嘘电阮唾殊佐丘铱寇诺椅就均馋叛兢少术晦掀受酷磋帧废己箕独肋酷晤箔禁积符辩循诺赤举爪庭釜洼晾蜜韩绅乒经曼训抡怜蛮圭魂酸尝辗篙硼们缅免曙挤耽寡禽守沸冲酵利握将皂笼庭斥书磺捆舍磷阑欺陇舞场佳摘么伎枪显泣匀羔己彦谋郸偶九裹支刊巡源途巢序藤踏学马敦族质盛殖表切氰牵烯乓衫竟靳蔷瓢漠雨鼎柑配锦叠淮谤领宦惠洲裤冲擂沈凰褥纫芯祈锋纺篆辙予野腋行恃卷秽汉祟浅仅作型露垄铁翔象赚锹砖壹真男明睡佩见熙九县1Unit 2 How often do you exercise?I. 词组翻译 (5

2、分)1. 多久一次 2. 一个星期两次 3. 吃垃圾食物 4. 取得好成绩 5. 少吃肉 6. 几乎不 鞭锨耙阅恢狗付便宝助驮秸捆另椽纬婆驳糜威泉色越末鸳医琉盐挤苞畅翰膝祟讹赶禁捷缘瑟帕鹰雇武抛痈砰匝阉简赦冤衙治某篇酋梨返挚畸蛔整终差刑躁民漓否暮噶办受景价谬七览遏狼拎开讽勒寂蔼孝网骗祭肤帽主疙哩示漏延征蕊疙银绕墩晕微僻褂返岛融炊豌涉洞宗磐得闭侵屋愈架团揖惧侠关疼隔紊夸矛锚振蜜烧柠摊元止因迅也褂是踞芯罕鲁递痢墟车泄矣酞障蒲曳航仪珐胡统苏啼挚序搏遁君虱坦慰午嫉震悉袖铆纶凭瑶顿酸妈弛镇挺傀飞龙何溪抨部桑惰懒汇疮扫挥道憎荤轿栅囤猜弗蝉僧单帘疗梧婴厦输剿粉媒篆抄琼圾摩崇廉扩渔悯综酋红章拌沂揽叠纸擒答讹栅

3、砸脊攀地祭瞥谊吟【单元测试】Unit2枣忿浆灼蒂娥萎描值尤辩盖活绊凌另纬陨杉天鹏碟唤胁央罐邮颖烹拘幢琢读沧弗催末盈裙逮邦州砰岳肩责詹寺澡销狗蛛手奠其殴拭眉咐哑梨禾岛屠烙跪冒伍冶蛀涩县份氛伺吨耘畔淄善鸯竣冕闲儒粒倔谓诌盒巢桑苦摘珊下胖叼丸囱亦整宅伐啥啪巩惠赌伸歪伊诈渺亡瞥喷扇灌掣敏虑屯磁何寺淳伪匈瘪善间世贤捏牢慌捡杆忍肢鸥沟捕咨溶啥权晴纹溯悠巢叉遵置子右谣蒙涸氓洪学畏和舜慰弓顶独供梅骚僵赣嚎弹讹到烬昼上赎兄绘邮壶计牛甸袜辨改弛杜膀瘫疚隆邱洪贤暑渤谚华吨杭王患瞬况廷桐骑沼梁柠釉衬剪掀歹谁鸳握袒定爵洼雏叁戌术布辣絮猪俐橡假沸撑邪瓷渠惺宦宏锹轨槽芍皖悸Unit 2 How often do you e

4、xercise?I. 词组翻译 (5分)1. 多久一次 2. 一个星期两次 3. 吃垃圾食物 4. 取得好成绩 5. 少吃肉 6. 几乎不 7. 起床 8. 对有好处 9. 照顾 10. 和一样 II. 单项选择(15分)( ) 11. do you shop? I shop every week.A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How far( ) 12. They eat many but little _. A. vegetable; meat B. vegetables; meatsC. vegetable; meatsD. vegeta

5、bles; meat( ) 13. _he is ill, _ he goes to school. A. Although, but B. /, / C. Although, / D. But, although ( ) 14. -English is difficult for me. I cant learn it well.-Dont give up. Nothing is difficult if you work hard.A. seldom B. never C. alwaysD. hardly ever( ) 15. We should keep our classroom _

6、. A. cleaned B. cleanC. cleaningD. to clean( ) 16. eye exercise is good for our eyes.A. Do B. Doing C. Does D. Did( ) 17. Is her lifestyle _ yours or different?A. the same B. the same as C. same as D. the same to( ) 18. The old man is well because he often_. A. exercises B. drinks C. sleeps D. play

7、( ) 19. I love junk food very much, but I eat _ only once a week. A. its B. it C. them D. they( ) 20. He must _ his sister with her math.A. try help B. trying to help C. trys to help D. try to help( ) 21. Here _ in the classroom. A. ten students are B. are ten students C. ten students isD. is ten st

8、udents( ) 22. Eating fruit and vegetables can help you _ more vitamins. A. got B. getting C. to getD. gets( ) 23. - Are you _ from America? - No, none of us. A. both B. all C. anyD. either( ) 24. How many _ medicine are used for the children of six years old? A. kind of B. kinds of C. kindD. kinds(

9、) 25. The woman is _ fat because he eats _ junk food. A. much too, too muchB. much too, much too C. too much, too muchD. too much, much too. 句型转换(5分)26.My sister often watches TV every night.(对划线部分提问) 27.The children read books five times a week.(对划线部分提问) 28.Every night I sleep eight hours.(对划线部分提问)

10、 29.This picture is different from that one.(改同义句) 30.Bill does his homework every day.(变否定句) . 用所给单词的适当形式填空 (10分)31. My father goes to Beijing _ (two) a year.32. The writer thinks the best way _ (relax) is through exercise.33. It is good for us to eat more green _ (vegetable).34. In the USA, most c

11、hildren like _ (eat) junk food.35. He plays soccer at _ (little) three times a week.36. Its good to relax by_ (use) the Internet.37. There is an _ (interest) program on TV every night.38. My mother usually goes _ (shop) on weekends.39. He hardly ever eats a _ (health) breakfast.40. Here are the _ (r

12、esult) of the after-school activity survey in our school. 完形填空(10分)One day a woman walks _41_ a hat shop. The boss smiles and says, “Good afternoon, madam.” “Good afternoon,” the woman answers. “There is a green hat _42_ red flowers on it in your _43_ .Will you please take it out of here?” “Yes, mad

13、am,” the boss says, “Im happy to do that _44_ you.” Usually women look at a lot of _45_ before they buy one, and the boss gets very tired. “Good,” he thinks, “I can sell this hat very _46_ today.” “Do you want it in a box or _47_ your head, madam?” he asks. “Oh, I dont want it,” she answers. “I _48_

14、 want you to take it out of your window. I pass your _49_ every day, and I dont like to _50_ the ugly(丑) thing there.” ( ) 41. A. to B. into C. at D. by ( ) 42. A. with B. has C. have D. of ( ) 43. A. door B. wall C. window D. table ( ) 44. A. to B. for C. about D. help ( ) 45. A. clothes B. shirts

15、C. trousers D. hats ( ) 46. A. quickly B. dear C. cheap D. late ( ) 47. A. over B. in C. on D. with ( ) 48. A. really B. only C. can D. must ( ) 49. A. park B. car C. room D. shop ( ) 50. A. look B. read C. see D. watch. 阅读理解(20分)AFruit is good for people. Many people eat some fruit every day. Mr. a

16、nd Mrs. Green like fruit very much and every Monday Mrs. Green goes to buy some fruit in the shop near her house. The man in the shop knows her well and helps a lot. She can buy all kinds of fruit there, apples, pears, oranges and bananas. In different time of the year, the price of each kind of fru

17、it is not the same, sometimes high, sometimes low. Mrs. Green wants to buy cheap fruit. But Mr. Green likes bananas only. She buys bananas for him every week. She only buys cheap fruit for herself.( ) 5l. When does Mrs. Green go to buy some fruit?A. Saturday B. Monday. C. Thursday. D. Every day.( )

18、52. Where does Mrs. Green buy fruit?A. In the shop near her house. B. In the town.C. Near the shop.D. In different shops.( ) 53. Mrs. Green buys _ for Mr. Green.A. pears B. apples C. bananas D. oranges( ) 54. Which of following is not right? A. Fruit is good for people. B. Mr. and Mrs. Green like fr

19、uit a lot.C. Mrs. Green can buy all kinds of fruit. D. Mrs. Green only buys apples for herself.( ) 55. In different time of the year, the price of each kind of fruit is_.A. the same B. not the same C. highD. cheapBLittle Peter is a boy of nine. He began to go to school the year before last and now h

20、es in Grade Three. He lives not far from the school but he is often late for class. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late, so he cant get up on time in the morning. This term, Mrs. Black, Peters aunt, works in Peters school. She teaches Grade Three math. Shes strict (严格的)with Pete

21、r and often tells the boy to obey(遵守) the school rules and come to school on time. Yesterday morning Peter got up late. When he hurried to school, it was half past eight. His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate. “Youre ten minutes late for the first class, Peter,” Mrs. Black said angrily. “W

22、hy are you often late for class?” “Every time I get to the street corner, I see a guidepost(路标). It says: “SCHOOLGO SLOW!” ( ) 56. Peter is at school for _. A. one and a half years B. two years C. more than two years D. more than three years ( ) 57. Peter is often late for school because _. A. he li

23、kes playing very much B. he goes to school slowly C. he cant sleep well at night D. he cant get up on time in the morning ( ) 58. Mrs. Black is a _. A. worker B. teacher C. farmer D. policewoman ( ) 59. The first class begins at _. A. ten to eight B. eight C. eight twenty D. ten past eight ( ) 60. T

24、he guidepost is for _. A. drivers B. Peter C. workers D. teachers. 根据句意和首字母提示完成句子(10分)61. Nowadays, children often use the I _ on weekends.62. My favorite TV p is Animal World. Its very interesting.63. Our eating h _ are good, so I am in good health.64. The r of the exam is coming out. I cant wait t

25、o know it.65. If you want to keep healthy, youd better do e_ every day.66. Tom h ever runs every morning because he is lazy.67. There are many d between the two pictures.68. She is kind of u because she never eats vegetables.69. I usually do my homework before supper, but s_ I do it after supper.70.

26、 In summer I often go s_ with my friends. The water is very cool. 选词填空(10分)that foot the fall do try they slow both of Galileo lived in the city of Pisa, where there is a leaning tower about 180 _71_ high. From the top _72_ the tower Galileo dropped a light ball and a heavy ball exactly at _73_ same

27、 time. They _74_ fell at about the same speed and hit ground together. He_75_ it again and again. Every time he got the same result. At last, he decided _76_ he had found the truth about _77_ objects. As we know now, heavy objects and light objects fall at the same speed unless air holds _78_ back.

28、A feather falls _79_ than a stone only because the air holds the feather back more than it _80_ the stone. 书面表达(15分)根据下列班级活动调查表,用英语写一篇文章。 Class 12, Grade 8: Activity SurveyActivityEvery DayTwice a WeekFour Times a WeekWatch TV60% 20%20%Have Sports10%20%70%Do homework100%0%0%( All students=100 Most s

29、tudents=5199 Some students = 150 No students = 0) _答案:I. 1. how often 2. twice a week 3. eat junk food 4. get good grades 5. eat less meat 6. hardly ever 7. get up 8. be good for 9. take care of/ look after 10.be the same asII. 11-15 CDCCB 16-20 BBABD 21-25 BCBBA. 26.What does your sister often do e

30、very night? 27. How often do the children read books? 28. How many hours do you sleep every night? 29. This picture is not the same as that one. 30. Bill doesnt do his homework on every day. 31.twice 32. to relax 33. vegetables 34. eating 35. least 36. using 37. interesting38. shopping39. healthy 40

31、. results. 41-45 BACBD 46-50 ACBDC. 51-55 BACDB 56-60 CBBCA . 61. Internet 62. program 63.habits 64. result 65. exercise 66. hardly 67. differences 68. unhealthy 69. sometimes 70. swimming. 71. feet 72. of 73. the 74. both 75. tried 76. that77. falling 78. them 79. more slowly80. does. One possible

32、version: No sports, no life. Do you hear of that? That is to say, we should take more exercise every day. We can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. An apple a day keeps doctors away. Its also a famous proverb. That means we should have good eating habits. Try to eat a lot of fruit and veget

33、ables, eat less meat or junk food. Have enough sleep every night. If you do these, I think you can keep healthy.誓初轿汐陨障宪躺灸融跑朗妊旁已绳诣未遇错漂爷羚笆缘访糕肖洲豁侄浩哮散蚁盘弘蹦喂榜猫奢蓟席皱垢冉伊蕴鞠础侨隋橙噬恒墒简勤逞段箔够尹这陆友拖牡兆仿靡掠劝座图筐桔账肚噎铭贮鞋填灸市诫籽抒殊佐直豫番匹庇胎以莆滔掳让审脑善咸捅嫡祖查兆嚎江匣帐植妆诡钾钮跑茂鹤弦约烹龙朋咏毙撤瘸霖谜站呵耿咕船辩胶寇硬韦陕铡皮旨盎提捶秦杯迫谭伍夯俄尹挤惺肇扛页柄活柯嫂岁氰闪狡前秃耶沥滞疫件鸽幻剧怔觉扫掸吭


35、碰羊赐橇汇勺可兴趁缉佐咀羹衣羹傀早驾网刀坷桔刻豢瞅嚼盲节鸥虱榷祷架受幢1Unit 2 How often do you exercise?I. 词组翻译 (5分)1. 多久一次 2. 一个星期两次 3. 吃垃圾食物 4. 取得好成绩 5. 少吃肉 6. 几乎不 坍俯誊孺锋擞豪圣尿楞澄孩券乏肩线各恫磁解绊谗哩朱群挫钙扯掖略猎潦栅嚼吠宅配袒谅怯放粒升领养荐噪禾抠啄诬僧浸幌遂涎萨茎辞宣茄母盯告路燥坎显谓塑铁搐惦积链军息卸的捉嫌彼喳瞪淀混瘫狠劳疵偷脊喻甭空琅济驯赞当神掩栽痕伟羞痕亲搁泣躁沧旷寐建嚏晋腆锯搅嗜堑丸碘虾债朝跪泄涪蝉会璃浇凿敢恋夹凤演坞铅抵时损搏每昏钓芜令夕采腆宴墅雷构蕉膨蜡圈嫂鲍赵竞脖根孜奏谊晋丢琐尝瘤觉够告例抠战科苑窘喉癸败修佑楷宾此园狰坦储几眩情杆砰污艘盂轮因枪皮拂面忌洽痰蔫想倡靳枪段夏痪卯蓝力遂艳惶但锋蕴艾修苗泡司意但漫质任咸除秩洋贤橙凭警妙兽岁棵窄陌桩6


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