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1、六年级下册 单元 重点词汇 重点句型 交际用语 语法 文化 音标 1 tall taller How tall are you? 1.1 m 164 cm :形容词比较 1、了解关于 /e ?/ How short shorter I m 164 cm tall. tall. 级的构成和 恐龙和鲸的 tall strong stro nger You re shorter 2. I m 48 基本用法: 资料,英尺 /a ?/ are old older tha n me. kg. A+be+比较急 的由来及鞋 you? youngyounger You re 4)m taller 3. I

2、m +tha n+B. 码对照表。 /?/ big bigger tha n me. thinner tha n eg. You re 2、了解常见 heavy heavier How heavy are you, anshorter 的长度和重 /p/ long Ion ger you? shorter. tha n me. 量单位。 /b/ thi n thinner I m 48 kg. 4.I like the / t/ small smaller I m thinner yellow one. /d/ tha n you, and It s taller shorter. tha n

3、 the brow n one. 2 have a fever have a What s the Look!He is so 般现在时. 1、了解感冒 /?/ Whats sore throat matter? excited. 主语+have/ 的种类及在 the have a cold My throat is sore. I m angry. has+疾病类 国外怎样看 /a ?/ matter, have a toothache My nose hurts. How do you 单词 病。 Mike? have a headache How are you, Liu feel? e

4、g. I have a 2、怎样保持 / k/ matter sore hurt Yun? You look I feel sick, I headache. 健康。 /n/ nose tired excited happy. have 3、英国的医 / h/ angry happy bored How are you, headache. 疗保健制 度。 / ? sad Sarah? You look Take it easy. sad today. What s the 4、足球的背 /s/ matter? 景知识。 / r/ Help! I hurt 5、 变了 my leg. “色”的

5、颜 色。 3 watchwatched What did you do What did you 一般过去时 /?/ Last washwashed last weeke nd? do last 态:主语+动 /e ?/ weekend clea nclea ned I played football. weekend? 词过去式+过 play played Did you read I played 去时间 /?/ visit visited books? football. eg. I did dodid Yes, I did. Did you play homework /p/ last

6、 weeke nd No, I football with yesterday. /f/ gowent didn t. Zhang Peng? /h/ go to a park went to a park Yes, I did. /?/ go swimmi ng went swimmi ng go fish ing went fishi ng /t ?/ read read go hik ing we nt hiki ng 4 My holiday lear n Chin ese lear ned Chin ese sing and dance sang and dan ced eat go

7、od food ate good food take pictures took pictures climb climbed have had buy prese nts bought prese nts row a boat rowed a boat see elepha nt saw elepha nt go skii ng went skii ng go ice-skat ing went ice-skat ing how get got last Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjia ng. How did you go

8、 there? I went by train. Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang. I ate good food. I went to Can ada. I skied. That s fun. No, it was not. It s scary. 一般过去时: 主语+谓语 (动词过去 式)+其它 eg, I went to Beiji ng by train last weeke nd. 1、 了解西方 人 外 出 或 旅 游 度 假 时 给 亲 人 奇 贺 卡 报 平 安 的 风 俗,贺卡的 种类及中西 方度假的差 异。 2、 了解一些 中 国 旅 游 名 胜 及 嫦 娥 奔 月的传说。 3、 了解如何 用 英 语 描 述 照 相 机 使 用 的 简 单 步 骤 及 各 种 相 机 的英文名 称。 了解 并掌 握查 英文 字典 的步 骤和 方法, 熟练 使用 英文 字典。


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