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1、Period 5 Cultural corner; Task; Module File 教学设计 Period 5 Cultural corner; Task; Module File 教学 设计 教材分析 Tdly a concluwhole module but also an exThe passage culturalw USorganizalp people give ug. Four Ds comingalifornia Helpline are givlp people who want a cigarette. After that, follow some ideas to

2、help people to give ug. Three quare designedaders understanding and the abillve problems. The tadulare aadangg. Activake a ldangg by using informawudents havagaTV. Then auddisculisted in activity 1 wbgroup. After that, discuss the quactivity 3. This task can traudents ability to do group work andlls

3、 to organize an article. Module file is a summary as well as a self-adule. It may heludw wave mastered the maIacher may have a revdule by analyzing this part and consolidate it wx 三维目标知识与技能 1)Maudents mag. 2)Lead the studw the dangg can cau)Improvudents reading skills. 2. 过程与方法 1)Skimming to maudent

4、s gain ideaassage. 2)Explanaake students understand the passage b)Analyzing and comparing to raultural awa 情感与 价值 Througudy of culturaland taudents may get an all-round understandingbad habit smoking. Hldevelop a good living habit. 教学重点 audents gain ideaassage. 2. Gudwag smoking. 教学难点 Traudents abil

5、ity to do group work andll to organize an article. 2. Howvading skillHowultural awa 教学过程 Step 1 RevGudents as usual. 2wSt ep 2 CulturalLead-uur faa heavw can you persuade him oug? Discuss it with your partner andak out your possible waThe students cavarious ways. Turaguad. Today well leaway of givin

6、g ug. Letultural2. Reading Read the passage and answqu(Show the following)? 1 Wur Ds do youbest idea? 2 Wdeas do you like best? 3 Do youu would follow this advu were a smoker? Aqugivudents chalv(Students own answers. ) Step 3 TaWork in groups. (Puudgroup of four as usual. )Make a ldangg. Uawat you h

7、avagaTV. If possible, gIa2. Discuur list wbur group. Audalists wgroup members and produce the best lgrouDiscuqu(Show the following qu)? 1 Whabiggest danggle where you live? 2 What aal exlgroup? (e. g. home life, traveling on buses and trains)? 3 What are the best ideas for giving ug in Cultural Corn

8、er? While they are discussingbers writes dowgivinglxt activ(They may give possible answers. )Prepare aalass baseddiscussion abovuraguduse the boarddia to maag and better designed. Igive each group a chaw dule File Tladealt wdule. The teacher may givudents 10utes to go througg ouaure of. The students

9、 can uart as a self- aummary and HomewThe teacher summad. Througuddudw more about the dangg. They willuture and hellatives and friends give ug. Twgo ovdule andall the exworkb 板书设计 Module 2 No Drugs? Periodultural corner: Walg Task: Make a ldangg 活动与探究 Surf the Ilaaboug and taking drugs and shawla 备课

10、资料 Background InformaAboug Why qug?le know thag can cause lung cancer, but it can also cause maancers and illTake the UK for examplg kills around 114 000 peoplUK each yeadeaths, about 42 800 ag-related ca0 600 from cardiovascular disease and 29 100 die slowla andlung diseaHow do cigarettes damage he

11、alth?gaaan 4000 chemical compounds and at least 400 toxic substances. Whenyou inhale, a cigarette burns at 700 C aand around 60C This heat breaks dowbaduce various toxins. As a cigarette budues aated towards the buThe products that adamaging are: tar, a carcinogen (substance that causes cancer) addi

12、ctive and increases cholesterol levels in your body carbon monoxide reduces oxygbodgas and particulate phases caubstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). The damage caused bg is influenced by: the numbgad wgarette has a filhow the tobacco has bared How To Qugvicious diseaday g. It makes abaffle for aan

13、 a non-It has very mauland those around him. It leads to lung cancer and various heart diseases like asthma anda. Weshould thus abdeadly disease and qug. Workbook Answer Keys: Grammar 1 1 in order to/to/so as to 2 in order to/to/so ad/so a 4 in ord/so a?der to/to/so as to 6 in order to/to/so as to?d

14、er to/to/so a? 2 1 d, so 2 a, such 3 b, such 4 c, such? 3 Students own answ 2 As a result of 3 as a result of 4 as a result of 5 as a result of ? Vocabula g: cigabacco? 2 drugs: cannabis, crack cocaa?: burglaal, drug addict, drug dealer, illegal, shoplifting, steal? 6 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 a? 7 1 ad

15、dictive 2 deadly 3 immediately 4 increasingly 5 dangerous? 8 1d 2 e 3 f 4 b 5 a 6 c? Reading? 9 1 B 2 E 3 A 4 D 5 C? 10 1 Drug use in Britaasing because drugs are cheaper and eabuy today. 2 Bagers tadrugs than teenaguropean couTdrug is cannablass A hard drugs, including crack cocaThe trealy successf

16、ul for a very smalldrug uTds and to look cool; so as to have a good time and feel good ? 11 30%:ase of drug use in Britalast five years? 35%:age of 15-16 year olds who saave tried cannabis?welve:2-year-olds who have tried drugs? 500 000: number of Class A drug uBritain? 390 million:very year on drug

17、 trea? 3000:lp each drug user every year? 3800: number of addicts waking drugs at treavery year?aking and listening ? 12 10, 10, Note: Non- who dongularly? 0 13 Exampl: Haludents livwudent ouas friends w15 Students own answTa: How many cigarettes do you smoke?: Not many. Only about two a da: Im not

18、sure I agree with that. Iuan five a day. You smoke bu gl and you usually have two cigavening, so I know that youan two a da: How do you know how many I smoke?: Well, I m youI live with you and see you every da: AlldWhats wrong with cigarettes? Theyre ban drugs!: But they are drugs!In faare so danger

19、ous that millle die every year as a result of cigag: You cant be seriou: I am serious. And evdoesn t kill you, you can get illnesses and diseag. Did you know that a quaung people wagarettes a day will die prematurely as a resulg?: I don t agree with you. Nds have got disea:but they re young. The dis

20、eases will come later. Anyway, that isn t quite true. You ve already got a bad coug: Yes, I know. I cough a lot at nig: Would you llp youg?: It s not eaan you really help me?:I can. Remember, I stopped smoking five years ago, so I know it isn t easy. But it ll be easier now than when you are old: Ye

21、ah, I would lBut when I m wds I always want a ciga: Tg to dawale wa few w: What!Nds!I can t do that!?: It ly way. And it will only be for a few w: What will I do?:u mubusy. Dg new. Then you wonaboug. Why don t youlub. It ll help you to forget about ciga: OK. I will think abouAnswer: Sta 1 at least five 2 All 3 just as dangerous as 4 Millions 6 The boy 7 waabougaking and writing 18 Students own answ The wg. 20 Students own answers


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