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1、英文离职证明样本在很多英语考试写作中都会出应用文,比如要求写一封信、写一个请假条、一份离职证明等。关于信和请假条的写作大家可能在生活中比较熟悉,对于离职证明涉及的可能不是很多,为此下面就给大家介绍一下英文离职证明怎么写。1 proven format.2 there will be information : name ( registeredname), employee name, theofficeonce a job , workingtime , prove the issuance date, issuing date officestamp ("by press

2、inga month").In addition,the generalstateID number, becausethatis the only.3 a non-competitionagreement and the company paidcompensation , recommended in the leavingcertificateto illustrate the non-competition provisions.The 4 header printingcompany LOGO-propagandistcompany image. Can choos

3、e whether to add the companycontact.5 generaluse A4 pa-pe-rto print( filemanagementstandard) , therealityof some companies totaketwocopies of middle section of cover Jifeng Zhang way.6 no typos, does not permit the tamper, if fillrecommended reissue error.Now 7 isusuallyshown intheremainingblankvers

4、ion to add on the basis of changes after printing,look neat and tidy , beautiful, easy archive.Does notrecommend the use of note handwritten.8 some employersbecause earlydays management notperfect or not will constitute the employing units onthe length of service" confession", in t

5、heabsence of clear cases, using the fuzzy description,direct write position in the company, in a certainperiod of a day turnover, avoid the entry time.英文离职证明样本1Sir/ madam/ mi( ID number )since01200601 entryinourcompany asaHumanResources Department HR assistant, to 2008 07 months31 days due to person

6、alreasonsforleaving, whilenobad performance, by consensus, completed turnoverprocedures.Becauseofnotsigningtherelevantconfidentiality agreements, to liberty.Hereby certify that.Company name ( with the official seal)In 20* 07 months 31 days英文离职证明样本2Leaving certificateThis is to certifythatMr / Mrs /

7、mioriginalseriesmy company market developmentstaff, servingtime forthe 20* 01 Sept. 01 to 20* 07 31. Has to go throughall formalities of dismissal. Hereby certify that!Company name ( with the official seal)In 2008 07 months 31 days英文离职证明样本3Leaving certificateSir/ madam/ miss , sinceyears month to ye

8、ars monthday in our company as a ( Department) of the position,due to personal reasons resignation, now with thecompany to terminate the labor relationship. Herebycertify that!Company name ( seal)Year , month and day英 文 离 职 证 明 样 本4Laborrelationshipisterminated / termination confirmationParty A: (na

9、me )B : ID number:Party B shall was ( Department ) of the ( post ),in XXXXyear 07 on the 31 mutual agreement to terminatethe labor contract. A B both parties confirm lifting/ termination of labor relations.Both are now availableon issuesrelatedto agree ,and completedtheformalitiesofdismissal.Herebycertify that.Party A: Party A representative ( signature ):Party B sign:Year , month and day


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