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1、英文个人实习报告functionandapplicationofdescriptivetranslation studies1 introductionthe intentionofthisstudyistoexplorepossibleadvantagesofdescriptivetranslationstudiesas initsapplication in translation practice and translationanalysis.sinceearly20thcentury,translationstudiesgradually broke away from the ma

2、rginal status withinother relateddisciplinesand establisheditselfas anempirical science. from then on, schools of thoughthave kept coming outand each claimsits legitimacyforexistence.amongtheseschoolsisdescriptivetranslation studies (dts).dtsapproachestranslationfromanempiricalperspective.translatio

3、nisviewedtobeasocialactivityhavingsignificantimportanceinthereceivingcultureandforthetargetcommunity.therefore,translationisdealtwithbeyondthelinguisticrealizationand languagecomparison,and isincorporated in social and cultural context.my attentionwasfirstdirectedto dtsbyitspeculiar characteristic o

4、f observation, descriptionand explanation. the subject is whatever happens intranslationpractice,fromthedeterminationofprospective function of translation to the process oftranslator&s choice ofstrategies,brainstormingandtherevision,tothefinalproductmakingappearance in the target community.t

5、he method of dts is basically descriptive. theprescriptivetendency and theproblem-solutionpatternis abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down.with accumulated data, some underlying truths abouttranslationwillcomeoutwhichwillprovetobeinstructivenotonlyfortheoreticalprobebutalsoforappliedtransla

6、tionpractice.iwillapplythisdescriptive method in the case study of this thesis.a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts.norm is operative at every stage of description andexplanation. function, process and product and theirrelationship as well are skeletal structure of whatconstitutedescript

7、ivestudies.translationphenomenaare accounted for with the help of norm.thecase taken inthisthesisisthechineseclassicthedreamofredmansions.twoenglishversionstranslatedrespectivelybyyang hsien-yianddavidhawks are compared and observationsare made in regardto their translation approaches.in this regard

8、, my observations are limited toseveralaspects,ihopein-depthobservationandexplanation will done in light of dts.2 outline2.1 development and major concepts of dtsin thisparti willdescribeholms& basicmapof dts and the relationship between function, processandproduct.iwillalsodiscusssome impor

9、tantconceptssuchaspseudo-translation,multipletranslation, translationese, norm etc.2.2 methodolgyi will in this part discuss the methodology of dtsbeforei apply the same to the case study in thisthesiswithemphasis to be placed on semioticapproach and theconcept norm.2.3 dts in contrast to other theo

10、riesa contrast study will be conducted here with theobjective to find thedifferenceofdtsfromothertheoriessuch as equivalencetheoryand the chinesexinda ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shownin this study.2.4 case studyinthispart,translationofthedream ofredmansions (also translated as the

11、story of the stone)willbeunderinvestigationinlightofdts.translationsamples to be quoted here willbe selectedat random.2.5 conclusionbased on the above elaboration of dts and the casestudy,possibleconclusionwillbe on the advantageofdts in specific study of translation. suggestions onfurther research efforts will be made also.(note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)


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