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1、英文助学金申请书范文Every timewhen Isaw the resplendentviews ofAmoy,my heart will be filled with proud. You know, Amoy isknown as a garden city in the world. But my mind willchange when I meet traffic jam. Look at those slowlymoving carsand buses , Iwish Icouldpush them forward.But how? And what can Ido tocha

2、nge it? Bywhat kindof means ?Logistics in China is still in the first stage,itstechnologyandtheoryare laggingbehindthosedeveloped countries. I made up my mind to study inCardiffUniversityoutofmykeeninterestinmanagement of logistics, lookingforward tolearnforeign country s advanced technologies, and

3、makeimprovement of the related field of logistics. I wishto learnvaluesbetweendifferentculturesand the wayto deal with issues, which makes me think about thequestions in different angles so that I could come upwithdifferentopinionsand designswhichwillmake theimprovementoftheexistentsystembetterinmy

4、country.As the firstBritishcitytobuildupon friendshipwithchina , Cardiff has many in common with Amoy. Both ofthese two cities get costal harbors, well-developedtourism industry, hold the important status as theeducation center for colleges and universities withsolidsystemforcoexistentaeroamphibious

5、transportationmeans. So there s a strongpossibilityfor Amoy to corporate with Cardiff. They may exchangeexperienceinportoperationand tourismindustry; intheaspectofhighereducationand scientificresearch,they may share some information; in city management,they may learn from each other. Study in Britis

6、h willmake me get the related technologies to serve for theports and logistics in Amoy and Cardiff. For example,I can make betteruse of logisticsand itsorganizationofAmoy portsbylearningfrom advancedlogisticsdesign and logistics appliance of Cardiff ports, sothat the working efficiency would be impr

7、oved either.Learning management of city logistics will bring me anew vision to the city logistics system of Amoy andCardiff, especiallyhow lightrailwayinfluencesurbantransportation. It will help me a lot how to plan andmanage localtransportationsuppose Iwork intheurbantransportation sector one day.

8、And study in CardiffwillcometobepreciousexperienceforChinesestudents, Iwilltrymy besttopush thecommunicationamong thestudentsfrom Cardiffand Amoy, make furthercorporation between the colleges and universities inthesetwo cities.Icangivesomenecessarysuggestions, doa littlefavorto thestudentswho wantto study in Cardiff after me, and I would love to beavolunteer of exchange activity of Cardiff and Amoy,as a schoolmate of Cardiff, I will push scientificcorporationbetween Cardiffand Amoy to a positive way.StudyinBritishwillbecome my personalvaluableexperience, I m eager to get support from you.


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