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1、 Un it 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone. 【教学目标】 词汇 turn of , order , bus in ess , on bus in ess , empty, burn , cup, simple , task , tidy up 句型 .Although they loved me , I felt a bit unhappy with them. 2. I became so bored with their orders that I wished

2、they would leave me alone. 3. As soon as I got home from school the first day , I happily threw my schoolbag on the sofa and ate lots of sn acks. 4. The teacher asked me for my homework , but I could not hand it in. 重点难点 1.本单元词汇和重点句子。 2 状语从句:结果状语从句和让步状语从句。 【教学思路】 1 就学生感兴趣的话题引入教学,使学生能快速投入到课堂活动中。 2利用多

3、媒体和多种对话形式,引导学生积极参与课堂活动。 3.让学生学会在听和读的过程中获取信息。 4谈论学生独自在家时,能做和不能做的事情,并且写成一篇短文。 【教学准备】 黑板,录音机,卡片,多媒体等。 【教学过程】 Step 1 Warmi ng up 1.师生问候。 2利用师生对话形式,教师出示一些图片,复习上节课的重点内容并检查学生的掌握 情况。 例如:教师再利用幻灯片展示 P2 6页上教学图片,让学生回答教师提出的关于第一单元 所学习的对话中的问题(问题自设) 3让几名学生展示上节课布置的作业,说说自己独自在家所能做的事情。 2 活动小结: 通过对上节课知识的复习,使学生明白学习的重点,对知

4、识进行梳理, 为这 节课的学习作准备。 Step 2 Presentation 1学习词汇。 教师以卡片或多媒体的形式把本单元的新词汇展示出来, 共同学习其发音和用法: turn off ,order ,on business ,empty ,stomach ,classmate ,burn ,cup,simple ,task ,tidy up, teenager , ourselves 。 2操练单词。 (1) 给学生几分钟时间记单词,然后教师把带有单词的卡片拿出来让学生依次拼读。 (2) 教师可以把学生分成几组进行单词拼读比赛。 活动小结: 教师以图片的形式导入新单词,以图记忆,利用图片让

5、学生拼读单词, 加深 记忆。找几名学生比赛记单词, 巩固他们对单词的记忆。 利用多种形式调动他们的学习热情。 Step 3 Reading 1 Let students work in pairs.Talk about daily things students do alone and the things their parents do for them. Students can answer the question using the four tips. S1: I often wash my clothes alone.What about you? S2: Oh, I can

6、 cook dinner and tidy up. S1: My God.Youre wonderful ! My mother often cooks dinner and tidies up for me. S2: My parents always go shopping with me. s: cook dinner (2)go shopp ing (3)tidy up (4)wash clothes 2 Ask students to listen to the tape in Activity 2 and choose the best summary. 3再听一遍录音,并且跟读,

7、之后让学生逐句翻译课文。 4教师引导学生学习重点短语。 Language points : (1) so that 如此以至于 例如: Li Gang is so young that he cant go to school. (2) turn off 关闭 例如: Turn off the light before you leave the classroom. (3) on business 出差 例如: My fathers going to Shanghai on business. (4) tidy up 整理 例如: Im very happy that my little s

8、on can tidy up his bedroom. (5) hand in 上交 例如: The teacher asks us to hand in our homework on time. (6) ask sb for sth 向某人要某物 例如: The child often asks his parents for money. 活动小结: 让学生去找文中的重点知识, 发挥学生自主学习的能力, 并通过练习达到对 知识点巩固加深的目的。 3 Step 4 Discussion & Consolidation 1 Complete the sentences in Acti

9、vity 2.See how Zheng Chenyus feelings changed.Talk about why he has changed. 3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. (1) 教师让学生看框中的单词: burn ,cup,empty,order ,simple ,task ,并明白它们 的用法,然后让学生根据给出的单词造句并复述 Activity 2 中的文章。 (2) 读短文,利用给出的单词完成短文,最后再核对答案。 活动小结:复述小短文,让学生进一步地了解课文,提升

10、语言运用能力。 Step 5 Writing 1让学生再次读文章,列出文中主人公独自在家时能做的和不能做的事情。 2和文中主人公比较,让学生说说他们自己在家时能做和不能做的事情,并写下来、 列出来。 3让学生把所有的句子连起来,尽量用上 although 或 but 。 4让学生写一句总结语,如: I will miss my parents , but I think I can look after myself very well. 5最后让学生与同伴相互核对文中出现的错误。 Step 6 Summary 1引导学生归纳总结阅读的方法和技巧。 2总结本单元的重难点。 Step 7 Homework 1写一篇短文,介绍你父母为你所做的事情。 2完成相关练习。 【板书设计】 Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone. Phrases : 1. so that 2.tur n off 3.on bus in ess 4tidy up 5.hand in 6.ask sb for sth


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