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1、人力资源管理HRM,Text Book: Fundamentals of Human Resource Management by Raymond A. Neo John R. Hollenbeck Period: 56 Credit: 3.5,人力资源管理(双语),人力资源管理HRM,about the course,双语教学(Bilingual Teaching)是指在基础课或专业课教学中,直接选用国外原版教材,课堂讲授、课堂讨论、课后作业和成绩考核均采用外语或外语和母语两种语言进行的一种教学模式。双语教学的其目的是使学生以外语为工具系统学习一门新的专业知识 ,提高学生运用外语就所学专业知

2、识和所学专业进行国际交流的能力 ,将外语发展成为第二语言。,人力资源管理HRM,features of the course,focus: knowledgedifficulties: in English merits: (1) improve your English level while you study specialized knowledge (2) improve your ability of thinking in English,人力资源管理HRM,HRM (Human Reaource Management),nature: basic specialized cou

3、rse Feature : practice-concentratedmethods:(1) enhanced reading (2) group study (3) more student participation in classreporting system,人力资源管理HRM,5,Chapter One,MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES,人力资源管理HRM,Why is HRM important to all managers?,You dont want to:1. Hire the wrong person for the job.2. Experience

4、 high turnover.3. Have your people not doing their best.4. Waste time with useless interviews.5. Have your company taken to court because of discriminatory action,6,人力资源管理HRM,Why is HRM important to all managers?,5. Have your company cited under national occupational safety laws unsafe practice6. Ha

5、ve some employees think their salaries are unfair and inequitable relative to other in the organization.7. Allow a lack of training to undermine your department s effectiveness.,7,人力资源管理HRM,8,Chapter Vocabulary,Human Resource Management (HRM) 人力资源管理Human Capital 人力资本High-Performance Work System 高绩效工

6、作系统Job Analysis 工作分析Job Design 工作设计Recruitment 招募,人力资源管理HRM,9,Chapter Vocabulary,Selection 选拔Training 培训Development 开发Performance Management 绩效管理Human Resource Planning 人力资源规划,人力资源管理HRM,10,What do I Need to Know?,Define human resource management and the features of HR; explain how HRM contributes to

7、 an organizations performance. 定义人力资源管理及其特点; 说明人力资源管理对企业绩效的作用Identify the responsibilities of human resource departments. 明确人力资源管理部门的职责Summarize the types of skills needed for human resource departments. 了解人力资源管理人员应具备的技能,人力资源管理HRM,11,Introduction,Human resource management (HRM) is defined as the pol

8、icies, practices, and systems that influence employees behavior, attitudes, and performance. 人力资源管理被定义为能够影响雇员的行为、态度和绩效的政策、活动和制度。,人力资源管理HRM,12,Introduction,Important HRM practices include:,工作分析和工作设计、员工关系、招募、选拔、培训开发、绩效管理、新酬管理,人力资源管理HRM,13,Human Resources and Company Performance,Managers and economists

9、 have traditionally seen HRM as a necessary expense, rather than a source of value to the organization. 传统意义上,管理者和经济学家们将人力资源管理看作是一项必要的支出,而不是组织的价值源泉。The concept of HRM implies that employees are resources of the employer. 人力资源管理这一概念的含义是:雇员是雇主的资源。,人力资源管理HRM,14,Human Resources and Company Performance,H

10、uman capital means the organizations employees described in terms of their training, experience, judgment, intelligence, relationships and insight. 人力资本是指组织员工的培训、经验、判断力、智力、相互关系和洞察力。,人力资源管理HRM,15,How does HRM contribute to an organizations performance?,By influencing who works for the organization an

11、d how those individuals work, HRM contributes to such basic measures of an organizations success as quality, profitability, and customer satisfaction. 人力资源管理通过影响为组织工作的人以及他们的工作方式来影响组织成功的基本指标如:产品质量、生产率水平和顾客满意度。,人力资源管理HRM,16,How does HRM contribute to an organizations performance?,HRM is critical to th

12、e success of organizations because human capital has certain qualities that make it valuable. 人力资源管理是组织成功的关键,因为人力资本具有某些有价值的素质。In terms of business strategy, an organization can succeed if it has a sustainable competitive advantage. 从企业战略上讲,如果一个组织具有可持续的竞争优势,它就能够取得成功。,人力资源管理HRM,17,Human Resources and

13、Company Performance,Human resources have these necessary qualities:Valuable 有价值Rare 稀缺Cannot be imitated 不可模仿No good substitutes 不可替代,人力资源管理HRM,18,Impact of Human Resource Management,人力资源管理HRM,19,Human Resources and Company Performance,High-performance work system: an organization in which technolog

14、y, organizational structure, people, and processes all work together to give the organization an advantage in the competitive environment.高绩效工作系统:其技术、组织结构、人员和工作程序结合起来能使组织在竞争的环境中具有优势的组织。,人力资源管理HRM,20,Human Resources and Company Performance,Maintaining a high-performance work system may include:Develo

15、pment of training programsRecruitment of people with new skill setsEstablishment of rewards for such behaviors as teamwork, flexibility, and learning,人力资源管理HRM,21,Responsibilities of Human Resource Departments,The responsibilities of HR departments include:Analysis and design of workRecruitment and

16、selectionTraining and development,人力资源管理HRM,22,Responsibilities of Human Resource Departments,Performance managementCompensation and benefitsEmployee relationsPersonnel policiesCompliance with lawsSupport for strategy,人力资源管理HRM,23,Skills of HRM Professionals,人力资源管理HRM,24,Skills of HRM Professionals,

17、Human relations skills(人际关系技能):HR managers need knowledge of how people can and do play a role in giving the organization an advantage against the competition as well as policies, programs, and practices that can help the organizations people do so.人力资源管理人员需要了解怎样使人有能力并且一定能在打造组织竞争优势中发挥作用,同时还要知道什么样的政策

18、、工作程序和做法有助于组织成员发挥作用。,人力资源管理HRM,25,Skills of HRM Professionals,Some of the human relations skills that are of particular importance today are communicating, negotiating, and team development. 沟通、谈判和团队开发都是现阶段特别重要的人际关系技能。,人力资源管理HRM,26,Skills of HRM Professionals,Decision-making skills(决策技能):Decision ma

19、king requires knowledge of the organizations line of business (行业)and the ability to present options in terms of costs and benefits to the organization, stated in terms of dollars.Decisions must take into account social and ethical implications of the alternatives(决策必须考虑可选择方案的社会和道德含义)。,人力资源管理HRM,27,

20、Skills of HRM Professionals,Leadership skills:Fulfillment of this role includes diagnosing problems, implementing organizational changes, and evaluating results. 完成这一任务包括问题诊断、实施组织变革及评价工作结果。,人力资源管理HRM,28,Skills of HRM Professionals,Technical skills(技术技能):In HRM, professionals need knowledge of state-

21、of-the-art practices in such areas as staffing, development, rewards, organizational design, and communication. 在人力资源管理领域,专业人员需要了解有关人员配置、开发、新酬、组织设计和沟通方面的最新实践。,人力资源管理HRM,29,HR Responsibilities of Supervisors,Some HR responsibilities that supervisors are likely to be involved in include:Job analysis a

22、nd designHR planningInterview job candidatesParticipate in hiring decisionsProvide trainingConduct performance appraisalsPlay a key role in employee relations,人力资源管理HRM,30,Careers in Human Resource Management(人力资源管理人员的职业生涯),HR specialists are often involved in recruiting, training, or labor and indu

23、strial relations. 人力资源专业人员通常包括招聘、培训和劳资关系方面的专家。,人力资源管理HRM,31,Careers in Human Resource Management(人力资源管理人员的职业生涯),HR generalists perform the full range of HRM activities including recruiting, training, compensation, and employee relations.人力资源管理通才要进行全方位的人力资源管理活动,包括招聘、培训、新酬和员工关系。,人力资源管理HRM,32,Careers i

24、n Human Resource Management(人力资源管理人员的职业生涯),The majority of HRM professionals have a college degree and many also have completed postgraduate work. 大部分人力资源管理专业人员具有大学毕业水平,许多人甚至完成了研究生学业。,人力资源管理HRM,33,Careers in Human Resource Management(人力资源管理人员的职业生涯),Some HRM professionals have certification in HRM, b

25、ut many more are members of professional associations.一些人力资源管理专业人员有人力资源管理专业毕业,但更多人是相关专业毕业。,人力资源管理HRM,34,Careers in Human Resource Management(人力资源管理人员的职业生涯),The primary professional organization for HRM is the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).主要人力资源管理职业组织是人力资源管理学会。,人力资源管理HRM,Organization

26、of this book,Part I: Human resource environmentPart II: Acquiring and preparing human resourcePart III: Assessing performance and developing employeesPart IV: Compensating human resourcePart V: Meeting other HR goals,35,人力资源管理HRM,Review of Chapter One,1. State the features of human resource.2. How does HRM contribute to an organizations performance?3. What skills are important for success in human resource management? Which of these skills are already strengths of yours? Which would you like to develop?,36,


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