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1、南开大学2020年9月考试大学英语(一)期末“作业考核(线上)”【答案】To _ the truth,I really didnt know anything about yesterdays meeting.A.doB.tellC.putD.takeYour sales methods will depend the customers with whom you deal.A.withB.onC.inD.forWe support the view that poor management will _business failure.A.break upB.take inC.lead t

2、oD.put offIn recent years,there have been over 30 foreign companies _ business in this city.A.doingB.doC.to doD.doneIt is easy to get the software we need _the market is small.A.as ifB.so thatC.althoughD.untilBy the end of this year,they _ a new program in Europe.A.had startedB.startC.are startingD.

3、will have startedLanguage learning is a slow process,which _ a lot of effort,time and patience.A.requiresB.leavesC.paysD.offersMore than 100 people died _the earthquake in that area.A.in ease ofB.as a result ofC.in addition toD.on the basis ofMike has already put forward his suggestion _a production

4、 plan should be completed next week.A.whomB.whatC.whichD.thatI am writing to apply for the _ of Sales Manager advertised in last Fridays China Daily.A.businessB.tradeC.positionD.operation(general) _speaking,table manners vary from culture to culture.The wallpaper pattern(design) _ by a famous Chines

5、e artist several years ago.The program aims to let all the employees(understand)_ the culture of the company.The organization will start a(move) _to protect the environment next month.They have already discussed the report(give) _ by the department manager.We will set up a factory in that country,wh

6、ich is rich in(nature) _ resources.Peter actually does a good job in keeping the store clean,which is not as(simple) _ as it seems to be.I really enjoy(work) _ together with you,and thank you for your cooperation.My first(impress) _ of England was that it was a grey and rainy place.With the joint ef

7、forts of all the members,the team(perform) _very well last year.When you speak on the telephone,you cannot use your facial(面部的)expression,eye contact and gestures to help communicate your message.Your voice must do the job.A good voice is pleasant to listen to because it communicates a positive mess

8、age.Keep in mind the following qualities of a good voice:Speak in a voice neither too loud nor too soft.Speak louder when giving important information.Speak slowly enough so that the listener has a chance to understand your message without your having to repeat it.Keep in mind that as you speak the

9、other person may be taking notes.Pronunciation is the correct way to say a word.To avoid mispronouncing(读错音)words,you may wish to check the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in the dictionary before you use them.People with an accent unlike yours may not understand your pronunciation of some words.Y

10、ou also may not understand the pronunciation of some of their words.In these cases, careful pronunciation is very important for effective communication. You may need to repeat or spell words that are unusual or easy to be misunderstood.21.When speaking on the phone, the essential factor for successf

11、ul communication is your_.A.voiceB.gestureC.eye contactD.facial expression22.To give important information,a person speaking on the phone should_.A.keep a pleasant mannerB.use familiar wordsC.lower the voiceD.speak louder23.The speaker is advised to speak slowly in order to help the listener to_.A.r

12、emember some wordsB.repeat the informationC.check the messageD.take some notes24.To avoid mispronouncing unfamiliar words,you are advised to _.A.check them in a dictionaryB.pronounce them loudlyC.use other words insteadD.ask others for help25. Speakers sometimes need to spell some words to help list

13、eners to understand_.A.long sentencesB.unusual wordsC.difficult questionsD.important expressionsThe first aid(急救)you learn from a course is not quite like reality.Most of us feel afraid when dealing with “the real thing”. By overcoming these feelings, we are better able to use the first aid to cope

14、with the unexpected.Doing your partFirst aid is not an exact science,and is thus open to human error.No matter how hard you try,the casualty(伤者)may not respond as hoped.Some conditions might lead to death,even with the best medical care.Giving care with confidenceThe casualty needs to feel protected

15、 and in safe hands.You can create an air of confidence and safety by:·being in control,both of yourself and the problem;·acting calmly and reasonably;·being gentle,but firm,with your hands,and speaking to the casualty kindly,but hopefully.Building up trustTalk to the casualty througho

16、ut your examination and treatment(治疗).·Explain what you are going to do.·Try to answer questions honestly to reduce fears as best as you can.If you do not know the answer,say so.26.When we deal with the real cases of first aid,we often feel _.A.safeB.afraidC.excitedD.confident27.“First aid

17、 isopen to human error”in the second paragraph means_.A.there are never failures in first aidB.medical care in first aid is essentialC.human mistakes are possible in first aidD.first aid is widely applied to accidents28.An air of confidence and safety is important in giving first aid because the cas

18、ualty needs to feel to be_.A.in controlB.comfortableC.in safe handsD.gentle but firm29.Which of the following can be a way to build up the casualtys trust?A.To answer their questions honestly.B.To use as much medicine as possible.C.To avoid saying no to their questions.D.To provide them with the bes

19、t treatment.30.The best title for the passage could b_.A.Importance of Giving First AidB.Advice on Giving First AidC.Future of First AidD.Types of First AidCar Rental(租赁)Faster Reservations(预定)and Rental FeesSimply provide your Hertz Club number to speed up the reservation process.And at over 50 loc

20、ations in the U.S.and Canada go to Hertz Club Express counters for faster service.Reduced Rates and Special OffersMembers may receive a special rate on rentals in the U.S.,Canada and Europe,and receive a special rate on child seat rentals.Reserve Specific Brand(品牌)and ModelAt 24 major U.S.airport lo

21、cations.you can choose the brand and model for your weekly and weekend rentals.Only Hertz Club lets you reserve a specific brand and model.1ike the Ford Mustang.So the car you want is the one you get.Just book your reservation on , or by calling 1800-6543131.Car RentalsWay to speed up reservation:by

22、 providing your _31_ Special rates offered to Hertz club members:1 ) on car rentals in the U.S., _32_ ;2) on _33_ rentalsPlaces for reserving a specific brand and model:at 24 major _34_Ways of booking:through the Internet or by _35_A - courses takenB - current addressC - date of birthD - educat

23、ional backgroundE - email addressF - health conditionsG - hobbies and interestsH - ID card No.I - in-job trainingJ - job objectiveK - permanent addressL - marital statusM - part-time jobsN - position applied forO - rewardsP - scholarshipsQ - work experience36. ( )兼职工作 ( )工作经历37. ( )工作目标 ( )教育程度38. (

24、 )健康状况 ( )在职培训39. ( )所学课程 ( )兴趣爱好40. ( )申请职位 ( )目前地址Requirements for All Employees1.Within ten minutes of arrival, be in uniform. and at your workstation. Breaks should not be longer than the time allowed, and restroom and smoke breaks need to be part of the break periods, not in addition to them.2.

25、Work dress should be clean and professional (职业的) each working day.3.All employees are responsible for cleaning any workstation.4.Work tasks are given daily, and may be changed during service as needed. Employees are expected to be flexible when receiving the tasks given.5.When tasks are completed,

26、the employees are expected to clean the areas around their workstations. Wiping all tables and counters off, cleaning the floor and under the tables, as well as wiping off the cooler door are also things that should be done when time allows.41. What should the employees do within 10 minutes after th

27、ey arrive?Be in _and at their workplaces.42. What are the rules about the restroom and smoke breaks?They are regarded as part of _.43. What is the requirement about the employees work dress?Their work dress should be _.44. What are employees expected to do when they receive work tasks?They are expec

28、ted to be _.45. What should the employees do when they complete their tasks?They are required to _ around their workstations.I believe my education background and experience in team work fit in nicely with the job requirements.A.我认为这个团队应该招聘像我这样受过教育并有经验的人。B.我相信我的学历和团队工作经历完全符合这一职务的要求。C.我相信我受过的教育和经历完全能

29、够适应团队工作的需要。D.我认为我受到的教育能够很好地满足这个团队提出的要求。The department head does not believe that this is the right way to deal with the problem.A.部门领导并不认为这就是发现问题的唯一途径。B.部门领导不相信这一方法能正确找出那一问题。C.部门领导认为这不是解决这一问题的正确途径。D.部门领导相信不用这个办法也是能发现问题的。We need a recommendation letter from your former employer before we call give yo

30、u a definite answer.A.在得到我们的答复之前,你必须向你原来的老板去索要一份证明函。B.我们给你答复的前提是,你以前的老板愿意向我们提供一份推荐函。C.我们需要你以前的雇主提供一份推荐函,然后才能给你明确的答复。D.我们给你的答复是,你向以前的老板索取一份肯定你工作的证明信。We are thinking about how to ensure that our employees can work under the best possible conditions.A.我们一直在想,如何让我们的员工总是在最好的条件下进行工作。B.我们始终认为,我们员工一直都是在最好的工

31、作状态下进行工作。C.我们正在考虑怎样才能确保我们的员工在尽可能好的条件下工作。D.我们始终认为,我们的责任是确保我们的员工在最佳状态下工作。Your suggestion of moving the tools to the front of the store is an excellent one.Everyone thinks that the tools are now much easier to reach.Customers like you are very important to us.One of the reasons for our success is that

32、people like you take the time to share their good ideas with us.We are grateful for your suggestion and continued support of our business.说明:假定你是销售部经理王明,根据下列信息写一封信。 写信日期:2011年6月19日 收信人:Mr. John Brown 内容: 1、感谢对方订购了你公司的最新产品: 2、所订购的货物已发出,大约一周后到达: 3、收到货物后请回复: 4、希望能继续与对方合作。 参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:C

33、参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:Generally参考答案:was designed参考答案:understand参考答案:movement参考答案:given参考答案:natural参考答案:simple参考答案:working参考答案:impression参考答案:performed参考答案:21.A22.D23.D24.A25.B参考答案:26.B27.C28.C29.A30.B参考答案:31.Hertz Club number32.Canada and Europe33.child seat34.US airport locations35.cal

34、ling 1800-6543131/telephone/phone/making a call参考答案:36.M Q37.J D38.F I39.A G40.N B参考答案:41.uniform42.the break periods43.clean and professional44.flexible45.clean the areas参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:您提出将工具摆放到商店的前部,这个建议非常好。大家都认为,这样的话就更容易取到工具了。像您这样的顾客对我们非常重要。我们成功的一个原因就是像您这样的客户愿意花时间与我们分享好点子。我们感激您提出的建议

35、和一直以来对我们业务的不断支持。参考答案:June.19.2011Dear Mr. John Brown,Thank you very much for ordering the latest product of our company. The rngoods which you have ordered have been delivered, and you can pick them up in a rnweek. Please give us a reply after receiving the goods.The efforts you have made impress me a lot. Thanks again for your contact rnwith us and we are looking forward to cooperating with you again very soon.Yours sincerely,Wang MingSales Manager


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