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1、Unit2 单元测试卷一、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. first B. second C. three D. third( ) 2. A. library B. toilet C. floor D. school( ) 3. A. computer B. classroom C. music D. science( ) 4. A. speak B. hands C. feet D. eyes二、将下列单词或短语与相应的汉语意思连线。 (1) science room A. 图书馆(2) library B. 音乐教室(3) music room C. 科学教室(4) a

2、rt room D. 体育馆;健身房(5) gym E. 美术教室三、连一连。(1) A. classroom (2) B. computer room (3) C. teachers room (4) D. gym (5) E. library (6) F. toilet四、选择正确答案,将序号填在题前括号里。( ) 1. Where is _ library?I dont know.A. a B. an C. the( ) 2. The music room is _ the first floor.A. on B. in C. at( ) 3. Lucky is drawing pict

3、ures _ his feet.A. with B. and C. in( ) 4. We have a _ room in our school.A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers( ) 5. Helen, do you have a gym?_A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I dont. C. No, I do.( ) 6. Where is Binbin?He is _ the library.A. on B. in C. at( ) 7. Amy is looking _ her test paper.A. on B. in C. at(

4、 ) 8. Do you have a library in _ school?Yes, we do.A. you B. us C. your五、看图,填单词补全句子或对话。1. Our _ is on the second floor. 2. Where is the _?Its on the third floor.3. We sing in the _ _.六、为下列句子选择相应的图片。 (1) This is our classroom. A. (2) We have a science room on the second floor. B. (3) The gym is on th

5、e first floor. C. (4) Our school is beautiful. I like my school. D. 七、为下列句子选择相应的答语。 (1) How many students are there? A. No, I dont.(2) Do you have an art room? B. Thank you.(3) Where is the music room? C. Yes, you are right.(4) Im in No. 2 School, right? D. Its on the third floor.(5) Your school is

6、beautiful. E. There are 24.八、连词成句。1. it, is, Where (?) _2. library, This, our, is (.) _3. a, you, Do, gym, have (?) _4. We, Chinese, children, are (.) _5. school, very, is, beautiful, Our (.) _九、翻译下列句子。1. 图书馆在三楼。_2. 不要在教室里吃东西。_3. We have an art room on the first floor._4. Please raise your hand befo

7、re you speak._5. Amy给Bill写了一封电子邮件。_参考答案:一、1-4 CCBA二、(1)-(5) CABED三、(1)-(6) CEBADF四、1-8 CAABA BCC五、1. classroom 2. library 3. music room六、(1)-(4) BCDA七、(1)-(5) EADCB八、1. Where is it?2. This is our library.3. Do you have a gym?4. We are Chinese children.5. Our school is very beautiful.九、1. The library is on the third floor.2. Dont eat in the classroom.3. 我们一楼有一间美术教室。4. 你在说话前请举手。5. Amy writes an email to Bill. 6 / 6


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