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1、中考复习I词汇复习I Day 33形容词 英强导学案 目标词汇cheap,American,Chinese,clean,clear,close,clever,cloudy,cold,comfortable,complete,cool,correct,cute,dangerous,dark,common,crazy,daily,famous,few,favorite,fresh,brown,dear, deep,elder,every,everyday,excellent,fantastic,fat,fine词形1. cheap(便宜的)反义词 expensive 副词形式 cheaply (便

2、宜地)2. American(美国的;美洲的)名词形式 America (美国;美洲)3. Chinese(中国的:中国人的;汉语的)名词形式 China (中国)4. clean(干净的)动词含义  打扫 同义词 tidy 反义词 dirty 名词形式 cleaner 清洁工;清洁剂5. clear(清晰的;清楚的)副词形式 clearly (清晰地)动词含义  清除; 清扫 6. close(亲密的;近的)同义词 near 反义词 far 7. clever(聪明的;伶俐的)同义词 smart/bright 反义词 stupid/foolish/silly 8

3、. cloudy(多云的)名词形式 cloud 9.cold(冷令的;寒冷的)反义词 hot 10. comfortable(舒服的)反义词 uncomfortable 副词形式 comfortably (舒服地)11. complete(完成的)副词形式 completely (完全地;完整地)12.cool(凉京爽的)反义词 warm 13. correct(正确的)动词含义 纠正;改正 同义词 right 反义词 wrong 副词形式 correctly (正确地)14.cute(可爱的)同义词 lovely 15. dangerous(危险的;有危险的)名词形式 danger (危险)

4、副词形式 dangerously (危险地)反义词 safe 语块语块集锦keep sth. clean保持干净get dark变黑dark blue深蓝色be close to接近have something in common有共同之处be crazy about对狂热daily life日常生活it' s dangerous to do sth.做某事危险be famous for因而著名be famous as作为而出名a few几个quite a few相当多fresh air新鲜空气语块运用1.根据句意从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式。quite a few,

5、fresh air, be close to,be famous for, get dark, be famous as1. In the countryside we enjoy clean water and fresh air .2 Yuan Longping is famous as a scientist.3. We are neighbors. My home is close to hers.4 China is famous for the Great Wall.5. There are quite a few animals on my uncles farm.6. Lily

6、, it's getting dark .Lets go home.根据所给的英文提示,将下列句子翻译成英语。1.我妹妹对摇滚乐很着迷。(be crazy about) My sister is crazy about  rock music . 2.在街上踢足球很危险。(it' s dangerous to do sth) Its dangerous to play football in the street .3.我们必须每天保持教室干净。( keep sth. clean) We must keep our classroom clean every day .识记将方框中的单词与下列汉语释义相匹配brown, dear, deep, elder, every, everyday,favourite, excellent, fantastic, fat, fine1.晴朗的;美好的:(身体)健康的 fine 2.每天的 everyday 3.年龄较大的 elder 4.深的 deep 5.亲爱的 dear 6.棕色的 brown 7.极好的;美妙的 fantastic 8.每一;每个的 every 9.胖的;肥的 fat 10.极好的;优秀的 excellent 11.最喜欢的 favorite


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