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1、初中英语语法专项习题-代词代词(pron.)代替名词,兼有名词和形容词的作用一、代词的类别人称代词、物主代词相互代词 each other,one another,意为“互相、彼此“指示代词 this,that,these,those不定代词(不指明特定的人或事物的代词)each,every,both,all,either,neither,none,no,one, (a) few, (a)little,some,any,many,much,other,another复合不定代词 everybody,somebody,anybody,nobody,everyone,someone,anyone,

2、no one,everything,something,anything,nothing疑问代词 what,who,whom,which,whose关系代词 who,whom,whose,that,which用引导定语从句。、代词的用法(一)人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词和指示代词的用法1 . I称代词布主格和宾格之分,主格用来作主语,宾格用来作动词或介词的宾语等。如.She gave me a red apple她给了我一个红苹果:(She作主语,me作动词宾语)Kathis near him.凯西靠近他。(介词 near的宾语)2 .m主代词用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之分。

3、1)形容词性物主代词位于名词前:their school,his backpack(2)名词性物主代词相当干一个名词,在句中可作主语、宾语等,后面不能再接名词。如:It isn ' t my pen.fMine (=my pen) is missing.(作主语)I left my pen at home. You can use hers (=her pen),(作宾语)(3) “ of+名词性物主代词”属双重所有格的一种形式。如.a cat of hers她的一条狗,a friend of yours你的一个朋友3.仅身代词人称A人称第二人称第三人称单数myselfyourself

4、himself herself itself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves1 .可用作宾语,指的是宾语和主语表示同一个或同一些的人或事物。 如: Maria bought herself a scarf.We must look after ourselves very well.2 .可用作表语,指的是表语和主语表示同一个或同一些人或事物。如:She isn' t quite herself today.3 .可用作主语或宾语的同位语,常用来加强语气。如: She herself will fly to London tomorrow.I met th

5、e writer himself last week.4 .用在某些固定短语当中。look after oneself / take care of oneself照顾自己hurt oneself摔伤自己teach oneself sth./ learn sth. by oneself自学say to oneself自 言自语enjoy oneself玩得图兴,过得愉快 help oneself to sth请自用(随便吃/喝些).leave sb. by oneself把某人单独留下 buy oneself sth.给自己买东西1【提醒】1 .反身代词不能单独做主语,但可以做主语的同位语,起

6、强调作用。如:我自己能完成作业。(误) Myself can finish my homework.(正) I myself can finish my homework. / I can finish my homework myself.2 .反身代词表示“某人自己”不能表示“某人的东西”,因为它没有所有格的形式。表达某人自己的(东西)”时,须要用one' s own.如:我用我自己的蜡笔画画。(误)I' m drawing with myself crayons.(正)I' m drawing with my own crayons.4. K目互代词(1)表示相互

7、关系,可用作动词或介词的宾语,用法区别不大。如.For years, the two sisters looked after one another ( each other)。 多年来姐妹俩互相照顾。We should learn from each other.我们应当互相学习。(2)可以用格表示所有关系:each other' s, one another' s互相的,彼此的如.They are looking at each other' s pictures.他们相互看对方的照片。5、韦示代词(1)指示代词有单复数之分,既可指物,也可用于介绍人。如.This

8、 is an apple tree,and that is an orange tree.这是棵苹果树,那是棵桔子树。These are my friends,and that is my sister.这些是我朋友,那个是我姐姐。(2)指示代词可用来指上文中提到的事情:如.Steve had a bad cold. This/ That was why he didn ' t come to school yesterday.(二)不定代词的用法1. each,every,both,all,either,neither,no,none 的用法(1) each “每个/各个”(强调个体

9、),可用于两者,也可用于三者或三者以上的场合。如.Two girls came and l gave an apple to each.Each of them has a nice ring.(2) every “每个/各个”(强调全体),用于三者或三者以上的场合。every常作形容词用。如.Every day is important to us.He has read every book (all the books) On the subject.(3) both表示两者“都”(强调全体)。如.Her parents are both doctors.Both of them are

10、 doctors.They both like potatoes.(4) all “全体/大家/一切”用于三者以上,也可接不可数名词。如.All of us are from China.All the food is delicious.(5) either "两者之一”,用于两者(强调个体)。如.The two coats are cheap,so you can choose either of them.(6) neither "两个都不",用于否定两者。如.Neither of the books is so interesting.(7) no (=n

11、ot any/not a)“没有”可接可数名词单复数,也可接不可数名词。如.I have no brothers or sisters.A clock has no mouth,but it can talk.There is no fire without some smoke.(8) none “没有一个人/物”,可与 of连用。即可指可数名词,做主语时,谓语动词用单复数皆可;也可指不可数名 词,做主语时,谓语动词用单数如.None of them has/ have been to Japan.I like none of the books.(9) neither和none表示完全否定

12、;all,both,each和every (含every的复合词)等与 not连用时表示部分否定。 如.I don' t know all of you.我不完全认识你们。Not everyone of us know how to go there.不是我们每个人都知道怎样去那儿。2. one,ones和no one 的用法one用来代替前面刚提到的一个东西或一个人,以免重复;复数ones用来代替前面提到的一些物或一些人;no one 表示否定。如.(1)Would you please pass me the science book?给我递过那本科学方面的书好吗?一 Which

13、one ?哪一本?一 The one on my shelf.我书架上的那本。(2)-Who told you the news? 谁告诉你这个消息的?-No one. I read it in the newspaper.没人告诉我,我在报纸上看见的注意:it, that与one代替上文出现过的名词时的区别:it指上文中出现的同一事物,复数用 they和them;that和one则表示与前面事物同属一类,并不是同一个事物,复数分别为those和ones如:I left my MP5 in my drawer, but today it is gone.I can' t work ou

14、t these problems, they are too difficult.The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than that in Beijing in summer.These animals come from Australia, while those ones come from Asia.3. (a) few, (a) little ; many,much ; some,any的用法(1) many (+复数名词),much (+不可数名词)表示“许多/很多“。如.Many Of the students come from Engla

15、nd.那些学生许多是从英国来的。Thanks,it' s too much for me.谢谢,我承受不起。(2) few ( +复数名词),little (+不可数名词)表示“没多/很少”(表否定)。如,There were few people in the street last night.昨晚街上没什么人。I am very worried that l have little time to finish the job. 我担心,我几乎没有时间完成这份工作了。(3) a few ( +复数名词),a little (+不可数名词)表示“有一些/有几个”(表肯定)。如.I

16、can see a few cakes and a little bread in the fridge.我看到冰箱里有几块蛋糕和一些面包。(4) some (+复数名词/不可数名词),any (+复数名词/不可数名词)表示“有一些/有几个“(表肯定)。如.There are some birds in the tree.树上有些鸟。There is some water in the bottle.瓶里有些水。I don ' t have any brothers or sisters.我没有Is there any tea in the cup ? 杯子里有茶吗?(5) some

17、一般用于肯定句,但在表示请求、建议、反问等的疑问句中,多用 some.如: Would you like some beer ?你要不要来点啤酒吗?Why didn ' t you buy some sweets? (You should have bought)你怎么没买点糖果?(6) any 一般用于疑问句和否定句及条件从句如.There isn' t any water left.没有剩下一点水。If you have any questions, put up your hands.please.如果有问题,请举手。(7) some+单数名词表示“某一个",a

18、ny+单数名词表示“随便哪一个”或“任何一个”。如.I' ll catch up with you some day 有天我会赶上你的。Come any day you like.你哪天来都行。Tom is taller than any other student in his class.汤姆比他班上其他任何一个学生都高。4. one ,other, others, the others ,another 等的用法(1) . onethe other表示两个人或两件东西中的“一个另一个”如.Mr Smith has two daughters.0ne is a teacher,th

19、e other is a nurse.(2) .oneanother表示不定数目中的“一个”与“另一个"。如.I don ' t want this One, please give me another.(3) .onethe others强调在一定范围中的“一个”与“其余的”。如.In Our school one of the teachers is American, the others are Chinese.(4) .some the others表示许多人或物,不在一定范围中的“一部分"与"其余的全部“。如.Some students ar

20、e reading, the others are drawing pictures.(5) 5) others=other+ 名词;the others = the other+ 名词。如.Some students like traveling, others (other students) like watching TV at home.(6) another表示“再/又”时既可接单数名词,也可接数词+复数名词。如.He will be able to finish his work in another two hours. 再过两个小时他就能完成他的工作。5. 复合不定代词的用法

21、(1)复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如.Someone is knocking at the door.(2)修饰复合不定代词的形容词或其它词要放在其后,即定语后置。something interesting , nothing important如.There is something important on today ' s newspaper.(3)复合不定代词变否定句时,要否定主语:如.Something is wrong.(变为否定句)Something isn ' t wrong.(错误)Nothing is wrong.(正确)4. ) someb

22、ody,someone,something一般用于肯定句;anybody,anyone,anything 一般用于否定句、疑问句及条件句。如.There is something new in the park.Do you have anything interesting to tell us ?(5)当somebody,someone等用于疑问句时,表示肯定、请求、建议或反问; anybody,anyone等用在肯定句中表示“任如.Is someone coming this afternoon ?Anyone can make mistakes.(三)疑问代词的用法。5. who/wh

23、om 谁(指人)。11)作主语 eg. Who wants to go with him ?(2)作宾语 eg.Who/Whom are you waiting for ?(作介词 for 的宾语)如.Who/ Whom do you want to meet ?(作动词 meet 的宾语)(3)作表语 eg.Who/Whom are they ?6. whose 谁的(1)作定语eg. Whose pen is this?(2)作表语eg. Whose is this pen?7. which哪一个,哪一些(1)作定语eg.Which girl is Kathy?(2)作表语eg. Whic

24、h is the boy's ball ?8. what什么(1)作主主语 eg. What' s on the table?(2)作宾语 eg. What are you doing ?(3)作表语 eg. What is he?(4)作定语 eg. What class are you in ?三、代词-练习题1 .人称代词、物主代词练习A.从括号内选择正确的代词填空1. Your football clothes are on the desk. Please put(they , them, their, theirs) away.2. (We, Us, Our, Ou

25、rs)English teacher is Mrs. Green. We all like(she , her, hers).3. (I, Me, My, Mine)can' t get my kite. Could you help(I , me, my , mine)?4. Tom can' t get down from the tree. Can you help(he , him, his)?5. We can' t find our bikes. Can you help(we , us, our, ours)?6. These are(he, him ,

26、his) planes. The white ones are(I , me, mine).B.填入正确的人称代词和物主代词1. This isn ' t knife.is green. ( she )2. These are your books, Kate. Put in the desk, please. (they )3. Wei Fang, is that ruler? Yes, it' s.( you )4. They want a football. Give the green one , please. ( they)7. It ' s Lin Tao

27、 ' s bag. Give it to. ( he )8. Is this pencil-box Li Lei ' s? No, is very new. ( he )9. is a boy.name is Mike. Mike ' s friends like very much. ( he )10. My sister is in room.is a teacher. ( she )II.不定代词A. it,that ,one, those ones1. I left my MP5 in my drawer, but today is gone.2. The we

28、ather in Guangzhou is much hotter that in Beijing in summer.3. These animals come from Australia, while those come from Malaysia.4. The students in Class 4 are more active than in Class 3.B.something,nothing,anything,everything1.Is there different in today' s newspaper?2.As I know, he knows abou

29、t this old town, so you don' t have to ask him.3.I don ' t think he knows about his family now.4.There is wrong with my watch. It doesn' t work.5.is ready now. Let' Fsstart(C.somebody (someone), anybody (anyone), everybody (everyone), nobody1.I didn ' t know there.2.There is in t

30、he room. It is empty( 空的).3.She is friendly to. We all like to make friends with her.4.I saw pass, but I didn ' t know who it was.D.everyone, every oneI.The question is quite easy.can answer it.2.I believe that of us will have a present from them.E. none, nobody1.of his friends wants to help him

31、 again. He felt disappointed( 失望).2.I have some books with me, but of them are the ones you like.3.wants to live in such a poor(贫穷的)house.F.either, each, any1 .There ' s tea and coffee. You can have.2 .You can find many trees on side of the river.3.of the students in her class sent her a greetin

32、g card on New Year' s Day.G.both, all1.There were two girls at the door.of them were smiling( 微笑).2.I don ' t know which movie is more interesting. I want to see.H. another, other, others, the other, the othersI. I only found Jim and Tom there. Where are?2.Of these three girls one comes from

33、 China and two come from Japan.3.This sweater is a little too big for me. Can I try on?4.Some like black tea,prefer(偏爱)green tea.5.I don ' t like these colors. Show me some, please.6. Have you any books on this subject?7. Saying is one thing and doing is.8. It is always hard to tell the twins on

34、e from.J.few, a few, little, a little1. There is a little bird in the tree, but only people saw it.2. Could I have words with you, Miss White?3. We don ' t like him, because he does for other people.4. He has friends here and he seldom goes out on weekend.5. There is only water in the pot(锅).K.n

35、either, none, either1.I know of the two students.3.He doesn ' t agree with of his parents on many things.L.one, the one, ones, one ' s1 .These shirts are too small. I want to have some bigger.2 .Which boy is your son? in a red cap.3 .has to do best.4.I have only one small flower on my desk a

36、nd she has three big.III.反身代词练习(1)选择适当答案。1. Those girls enjoyed in the party last night. A. them B. they C. themselves D. herself2. Help to some fish, children. A. yourself B. your C. yours D. yourselves3. The film is very fun. A. it 's B. itself C. it D. its4. Who teaches math?-I teach. A. your

37、, my self B. you, myself C. you, me D. you, herself5. The father will make a bike. A. her, himself B. she, himself C. her, herself D. she, herself6. The scarf is, she made it. A. herself, her B. herself, hers C. hers, herself D. her, herself7. Liu Hulan's death was great. She thought more of oth

38、ers than. A. her B. she C. hers D. herself8. Luckily, he didn 't hurt terribly yesterday. A. him B. themselves C. himself D. they9. I can't mend my shoe. Can you mend it for? A. myself, me B. myself, I C. me, I D. I, me10. I like watching in the mirror. A. me B. I C. my D. myself(2)用适当的反身代词填

39、空。1. My classmate, Li Ming, made a card for just now.2. Bad luck! I cut with a knife yesterday.3. They tell us they can look after very well.4. My cat can find food by.5. Help to some beef, boys.6. Jenny enjoyed in the park yesterday afternoon.7. We can finish our homework by.8. The blind girl lost in the beautiful music.9. Xiao Hui, can you introduce to us ?10. Bill wants to teach French from now on.6


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