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1、附件3:正式打印时,、 将此删除I一 一)小立寮叱孝本科毕业设计,文一号,黑体。题目必须二选一:要么是毕业设计,要么是毕业论文献、文献、(本科毕业论文)外文文献及译文小初,黑体。,TimeNew Roman Advanced Encryption Standard资料来源:期刊(著作、网络等)文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2000.3.25写全称,汉字 下同土木工程学院小业:名:指导教师:翻译日期:土木工程土木 013张二2001888888张九光2005.6.30,Time NewRoman,数字、字母下同山东建筑大学毕业设计(或毕业论文,二选一)外文文献及译文外文文献:黑体,小3号,1.5倍

2、行距Times New Roman, /J、4号,1.5倍行距Advanced Encryption Standard-2 -For the past three years, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) hasbeen working to develop a new encryption standard to keep government information secureTheorganization is in the final stages of an open process of se

3、lecting one or more algorithms, ordata-scrambling formulas, for the new Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and plans to makeadecision by late summer or early fall The standard is slated to go into effect next yearAES is intended to be a stronger, more efficient successor to Triple Data EncryptionSta

4、ndard (3DES), which replaced the aging DES, which was cracked in less than three days in July 1998.«Until we have the AES 3DES will still offer protection for years to come . So there is no need to immediately switch over, “ says Edward Roback acting chief of the computer security division at N

5、IST and chairman of the AES selection committee. "What AES will offer is a more efficient algorithm . It will be a federal standard , but it will be widely implemented in the IT community. ”According to Roback, efficiency of the proposed algorithms is measured by how fast they can encrypt and d

6、ecrypt information, how fast they can present an encryption key and how much information they can encrypt.The AES review committee is also looking at how much space the algorithm takes up on a chip and how much memory it requires. Roback says the selection of a more efficient AES will also result in

7、 cost savings and better use of resourc es“ DES was designed for hardware implementation,s and we are now living in a world of much more efficient software, and we have learned an awful lot about the design of algorithms, “ says Roback “When you start multiplying this with the billions of implemeita

8、tions done daily, the saving on overhead on the networks will be enormous ”页码用阿拉伯数字连续编排,字体 Times New Roman,小 5号体,小3号,1.5倍行距I体,小3号,居中,1.5_中文译文:' 广一倍行距宋体,小4号,1.5倍行距 一J先进加密标赛、在过去三年中,(美国)国家标准与技术局(NIST)已在研究开发一种新的加密标准, 以确保政府的信息安全。该组织目前正处于为新的先进加密标准( AES选择一个或几个算 法或数据打乱公式的开放过程的最后阶段,并计划在夏末或秋初作出决定。此标准内定明 年

9、实施。AES预定为比三层数据加密标准(3DES)更强、更高效的后续标准,3DES#代了老化的 DES1 口密标准,DES& 1998年7月在不到三天的时间内就被破译了。NIST计算机安全部的代理主管兼 AES选择委员会主席Edward Roback说:“在我们拥有AES之前,3DES还将在今后几年提供保护。所以没有必要马上转换。AES所提供的是一种更有效的算法。它将是一项联邦标准,但它将在IT界广泛实施。”据Roback称,提议中的算法的效率是通过对信息加密和解密有多快、给出加密密钥有多快以及能对多少信息加密等几个方面进行测量的。AES评价委员会也要看算法占据芯片上多少空间和需要多少内存。Roback说,选择一个更高效的AESm会带来成本的节省和资源的更好利用。Roback说:“DES是为硬件实现而设计的,而我们现在处于软件更高效的世界,我们对 算法的设计有极多的了解。当我们开始大规模使用此算法,每天实现几十亿次的加密时,(算法带来的)网络开销的节省将是巨大的。”页面设置:上下各为2.5cm , 左右各为2.2cm,页眉、页脚各为 1.5cm


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