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1、教学文本四年级英语:Unit 2 In a toyshop(教案设计)第3页Learning English is conducive to making friends, chatting or working together with foreigners,and learning English is very useful for traveling abroad.(英语教案)学校:年级:教师:教案设讣/精品文档/文字可改DOCUMENT TEMPLATE 小学四年级英语教案四年级英语:Unit 2 In a toy shop (教案设计)教材简介:学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天

2、或者一起工作,本教学设计资 料适用于小学四年级英语科目,学习本教材的学生可以提高自身技能,本文档 是按照教材进行修订编写,可以放心的进行教材使用。unit 2 in a toy shop (第一教时)一教学内容look, read and learn; ask and answer二教学目标1. 四会单词 a cat, a dog, a tiger, a lion, that, it, no.2. 三会单词 a panda, a monkey, a bear, a rabbit.3. 四会句型 what' s this/that? it' s a 三教学重点和难点1. 四会单词

3、 a cat, a dog, a tiger, a lion, that, it, no.2. 四会句型 what' s this/that? it' s a 四课前准备教学文本I DOCUMENT TEMPLATE 小学四年级英语教案单词图片、录音机、磁带,五教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动afree talkhow are you?may i come in?may i have a copybook?may i have a copybook for su yang?this ruler is for you.this ball pen is for gao shan.f

4、ine, thank e in, pleaseyes. this copybook is for you.第7页教学文本 I DOCUMENT TEMPLATE 小学四年级英语教案sure, here you arethank you.all right.breview1. say a rhyme: a littie book.2. 改编儿歌。3. t: look at this photo, what' s this ?t: yes, it s a cat. how lovely!say a rhyme.改编儿歌。it s a cat.cpresentation1. t: do yo

5、u like toys?2. t: let' s go to a toy shop, there are lots of toys inDOCUMENT TEMPLATE 小学四年级英语教案the shop.3.t: look, what sthis?4.5.show a picture oft: whas this?show a picture oft: whas that?thetheit'dog领读dog,指名读,拼读。tiger.领读tiger,指名读,拼读。s a lion.t show a picture of the lion.领读 lion,指名读,开火车读。6

6、.请一名学生进行对话。t: it' s a bear.领读bear,指名读,开火车读。同法授:panda, monkey, rabbit1 play a game: whas this?8. t指着物品,让学生用what' s this? what? s that?来提问, 其他同学回答。yes, i do.it s a dog跟读dog,拼读,书空。it' s a tiger教学文本 I DOCUMENT TEMPLATE 小学四年级英语教案跟读tiger,拼读,书空。跟读lion,拼读,书空。what' s that ?跟读,拼读,书空。跟读,拼读,书空.让

7、学生看图片的一角,猜是什么动物。一名学生用whatJ s this? what' s that?来提问,其他同学回答。Cask and answert: let, s ask and answer turn to page 17.1. 创设购物情境,让两名学生分別扮演顾客和营业员,用what?s this/that? it' s a的句型进行问答。2. 用书上的图片的进行对话,提醒学生注意物品摆放的远近。3. 指导学生记忆单词dog, cat, tiger, lion。在情境屮用所给句型进行对话。DOCUMENT TEMPLATE 小学四年级英语教案用所给图片进行问答,并写下来。六板书设计unit 2 in a toy shopwhat s this? it s a what s that? it s a ,七作业设计1. 抄写新单词和新句型。2. 背诵新单词。八课后反思学生对于本单元所学的单词都比较熟悉、也比较感兴趣,在教 学时学生可以很快掌握。但是个别单词发音不太准确,如lion.bear, 在教授时应该多请几个学生读,并逐个纠错。对于this和that,很 多学生能准确的知道意思和用法,在拼写上还存在问题。可在这填写你的名称YOU CAN FILL IN THE NAME Here


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