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1、梁子恒阅读教学学后感这个学期参加继续教育选修了一科阅读教学,获益良多。总体上指导了我懂得了,词汇最好在阅读里面进行教授,在阅读的时候会出现语境,语境能习得单词对于英语的学习有莫大的好处。同样阅读技能也可以在不同的阅读篇章中,教师提出不同的阅读任务也能练就学生不同的阅读技能。不过在实际上课运用中不单单是理论而已,作为青年教师需要马上运用在实际教学当中去产生效益。故此我用广州市现行教材八年级下册第五单元阅读课结合学到的知识设计了一节课,以下是教学设计,请斧正!UNIT 5 the giant panda教学设计【教学目标】:认知目标:词汇:weight, population, behavior,

2、 shoulder, central, fur, endanger, patch短语: in the wild, at birth能力目标: 1、了解说明问的文体特点2、能运用 scanning 技能快速找到关键信息情感目标: 1、了解 the giant panda 的一般情况并了解 endangered animals 的困况2、培养学生保护动物的意识(一) 学情分析:学生为南武中学的学生,对于一般的生词已经有所接触,本课需要找到学生不了解透彻, 以及发音不标准的单词加以辅导。对于文章已经能理解,大概信息,教学主要是说明白说明文的特点以及能产出。(二)教材分析【教学重点】 使学生能运用略读

3、、 找读等阅读技巧了解篇章中动物的基本信息,扫除部分词汇障碍,了解篇章内容【教学难点】了解说明文的特点以及写作方法【教学方法】 1、运用 brain storm 预测文章并且对比2、支架式辅导练习快速阅读3、pair work以及 team work【教学过程】教学环节活动设计设计意图教师学生warmup &1、 提出问题: Do you keep pets?引起学生对动物注意。1、 引起学生过兴趣lead in2、 Guess what animals they are?引出课本标题2、 活跃课堂气氛3 点出:They are endangered animals. 在最后一幅图上出

4、3、 引出这一课的话现 the giant panda题Presentation:1、 brain storm: Asking the student, what do you know激活学生的背景知part1about the giant panda?在黑板上写出 home、 food 、识,引出学生对于 thebehaviour、life 、the future 、other 几个部分并且引导giantpanda 的 不 同学生进行思考,同时教师在黑板上写上学生想到的层面的现状分析同时key words引出部分课文词汇2、 就大熊猫的情况练习 scanning skill根据教参的要求讲

5、述与让学生接触scanning skillpart2first让学生翻开书本 67 页,进一步在书本上练习scanning让学生带着目的readingskill 同时让学生完成学案上的表格scanning,培养学生对于关键信息的注意能力Practice and development:ExtensivereadingGroup work以下是学案:1、学生再看着书本同时听着录音跟读课文。1、细节阅读, 同时检2、让学生合上书本,完成学案上改错练习。验学生对关键信息输入后的回忆能力,同时引入 please help us观念,为之后的教学活动埋下伏笔快速阅读学案上一篇同类型文章,并且完成文章后判

6、断让学生在对说明文结对错问题并且通过快速阅读找出关键信息。构印象还未冷却时,阅读同类型新的一篇文章同时作进一步对文章归纳的训练,联系中考练习快速阅读的词义定位。学生形成六人小组,每组学生得到一个信封,同时组长此部分为根据说明文读出不同动物的 fact file ,同时小组内其他组员听组长读的文章结构让学生产出 fact file 就自己需要写的方面写出两句关于此动物的出文章。描述。组长最后作总结。并且提问其他组的同学示范同学身份是什么动物2014 学年 八年 下 unit 5 readingStudent s handoutClass:_Name:_No._Task I1 Scan the a

7、rticle on p67. Complete the facts about pandas.Panda factsWeight at birth:about _ grams.Adult weight: about 100- 150 kilograms.Appearance:It has a white face with _ around its eyes.Life:Pandas live for about 20 years in the wild but in zoos they can live for _.Food:Their menu includes bamboo, apples

8、, and_.Home:Pandas live high up in the mountains of_.Population:There are about _ pandas in the wild.Future:People are killing them for their _.Behaviour:Pandas spend more than _ a day eating.2. There is an passage about pandas calling for help, but someone has made some mistakes. Read the article o

9、n page 67 first andcorrect the mistake in the exercise.Task II Read the passage and finished the exercise.Arctic fox fact fileArctic fox( 北极狐 ) is a kind of small fox that lives in the Arctic. It grows about 50 centimeters long, not including its tail, 30centimeters tall and weighs from 3 to 7 kilos

10、.AppearanceThe Arctic foxes are white or blue in colour. The white ones are in winter, but grey-brown are in summer. The blue ones areblue-grey all year round. The Artic foxes have long, thick hair that is called fur. And the long fur covers their whole bodies, including boththeir cat eyes and rabbi

11、t feet, to keep them warm in the low temperature in the Arctic.FoodThe Arctic foxes feed mainly on birds, birdseggs and other small animals. Teamwork is the way the look for food, and they don tlike to do that alone.YouthBaby Arctic foxes are very lovely. They don topen their eyes until a week after

12、 their birth. For the first half of the year, their parentsoffer them food. They begin to look for food on their own when they are about six months old. The next they can live alone.Why in dangerToday, the number of the arctic foxes is becoming smaller and smaller, because people kill them for their

13、 fur to make beautiful coatsfor money. Something must be done to protect the Arctic foxes.Read this article and then circle T(True) of F(False) Correct the false one.1. Not all the Arctic foxes change their colours in different seasons.T / F_2. Birds, birds eggs and other small animals are the main

14、food for the Arctic foxes. T / F_3. Baby Arctic foxes are born with their eyes openT / F_4. According to the passage, there are more Arctic foxes now.T / F_Task IIISuppose you are an endangered animal. Please tell others about yourself and write down your part in the groupenvelopes.Please help meI am_


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