冀教版九年级英语Unit4 Lesson 21The fable of the woodcutter(共19张PPT).pptx

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1、,tomake the worldbetter and better,generosity,wealth,beauty,honesty,knowledge,hard-work,honor,kindness,Lesson 21: The Fable of the Woodcutter,Lesson 21: The Fable of the Woodcutter,保定市第十三中学许秋晨,animals,plants,forces of nature,Order the statements,A woodcutter lost his axe in the water.,The woodcutter

2、 needed the axe to make his living.,The spirit felt sorry for the woodcutter.,The spirit dove into the lake.,The spirit brought back a gold axe.,an axe,dive into,What is he doing?,He is diving into the water.,What did he do yesterday?,He dove into the water yesterday.,Order the statements,A woodcutt

3、er lost his axe in the water.,The woodcutter needed the axe to make his living.,The spirit felt sorry for the woodcutter.,The spirit dove into the lake.,The spirit brought back a gold axe.,an axe,dive into,What does he need to make his living?,He needs boats to make his living.,Order the statements,

4、A woodcutter lost his axe in the water.,The woodcutter needed the axe to make his living.,The spirit felt sorry for the woodcutter.,The spirit dove into the lake.,The spirit brought back a gold axe.,5,1,4,3,2,Read and answer,1. Why couldnt the woodcutter get his axe back himself?,2. Why do we say th

5、e woodcutter was honest?,3. What is the second axe the spirit brought back to him?,4. What happened at last ?,Because the water was deep, he couldnt get his axe back.,The spirit was so happy with the woodcutters honesty that she gave him the other two axes as presents.,The spirit brought back a silv

6、er axe.,He admitted to the spirit that it wasnt his axe.,A woodcutter lost his axe in the water.,The woodcutter needed the axe to make his living.,The spirit felt sorry for the woodcutter.,The spirit dove into the lake.,The spirit brought back a gold axe.,A woodcutter lost his axe in the water.,The

7、woodcutter needed the axe to make his living.,The spirit felt sorry for the woodcutter.,The spirit dove into the lake.,The spirit brought back a gold axe.,The spirit brought back a silver axe.,The spirit was so happy with the woodcutters honesty that she gave him the other two axes as presents.,He a

8、dmitted to the spirit that it wasnt his axe.,Because the water was deep, he couldnt get his axe back.,Retell,The woodcutter was so glad to take all the axes home. But then, a greedy young man in his neighborhood heard the news.He went to the lake in a hurry with an _. He lost his axein the water and

9、 began to cry. Just then, the spirit came andasked him what was wrong. He told the spirit he needed the axe to _ _ _. So the kind spirit _ _ the lake and brought back a _ axe. The young man didnt _ to the spirit that it wasnt his axe. The spirit was soangry that she shouted at him. The greedy dishon

10、est young man went back home with empty hands.,Read and fill in the blanks,gold, make ones living, axe, admit, dive into,axe,make his living,dove into,gold,admit,Two men, Tom and Ben, lived in the same hospital room. Tom was allowed to sit up for an hour each afternoon .His bed was next to therooms

11、only window. They talked for hours. They spoke of their wives,families and their jobs. Every afternoon when Tom could sit up, hewould pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. Unfortunately, one night Tom began tocough. The following morning the nurs

12、e found the lifeless body of the man by the window. So Ben was moved next to the window. To hisgreat surprise, it faced a blank wall. Years later, many people knew the story. They have different opinions.“I dont like what Tom did.” Lily said. “Sooner or later, Ben would findthe truth. And he would b

13、e so disappointed.” “I would do the same thing like Tom,” said David. “For what we should do is to make othersfeel comfortable. Do anything we can do for others. We can make the world a better place.” Whats your opinion?,The Hospital Window,There was only one window in the room. (T/ F),2. What did T

14、om and Ben talk about every day?,Who is “his roommate” in the passage?,5.Did David like the way of Tom did? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. Not mentioned.,4.What happened to Tom at last?,( ),Ben,He died,They talked about their wives and families, their homes and their jobs.,T,Unfortunately, one

15、night Tom began to cough very badly. The following morning the nurse found the lifeless body of the man by the window.,What happened to Tom at last?,lifeless,homeless,careless,hopeless,Dont be afraid to meet new words in the passage. Guess the meaning of the word by its word- building.,There was onl

16、y one window in the room. (T/ F),2. What did Tom and Ben talk about every day?,Who is “his roommate” in the passage?,5.Did David like the way of Tom did? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. No mentioned.,4.What happened to Tom at last?,( ),Ben,He died,They talked about their wives and families, thei

17、r homes and their jobs.,T,Whats your opinion?,Lily,Sooner or later, Ben would find the truth. And he would be so disappointed.,David,For what we should do is to make others feel comfortable. Do anything we can do for others. We can make the world a better place.,be strong in mindwork hard to change

18、her lifeaccept the realityshare the responsibilitymake ones livingShe should so that she can ,too young to understandmay feel lostto be happythe same as othershave nothing lost in her childhood,A:Would you like to say something about your point of view?B: In my opinion, he should/ shouldntA: Can you

19、 tell me the reason?B: ,In my opinion/ view, the father shouldThe main reason is Another reason is thatIn addition, Also,Sample 1,Sample 2,choose the best way to help others,make the world a better place,The size of the meaning of life, the changes do not care about the outside world, and care about

20、 the things you do to the others.,Self- Evaluation,I can use the new words and phrases correctly. 2. I knew a new skill and I can use it freely. ( careless, homeless)3. I can write down my own passage and give some suggestions.4. I can talk the value of honesty freely.5. I know the meaning and importance of honesty and I can make better decisions.,学习目标的达成,Homework,Finish exercise III on P55.Better the passage you made in the class and hand in next class.,Bye- bye,


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