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1、初二学生优秀英语演讲稿初二学生优秀英语演讲稿篇1Mother Nature is anexquisite and complex life-system. Its charm appearsin the trees, stream, soil, insects, moss and fungus,all the things on the earth in different shapes, whichareinterdependent.When you getclosetonature,pleaseremember,eachtree,stoneandspeciesofanimalshereha

2、slivedharmoniouslyforhundreds,thousandsor even millionsofyears.Whenwe pass away,they will continue to live. They are the real masters,while we are just the passer-by. However, the conductweunconsciouslydo,suchaspicking,lumbering,tramping and abusing can probably destroy the balanceoftheirlife.Theref

3、ore,wemustreduceourbadinfluence as much as possible. While you are enjoyingthe nature, do not forget please, the beauty of thelivesalso needstobe concernedwithand tobeprotected.Each life on the earth has a long and touchingevolutionary story. From the origin, the lives of thehuman being are equal to

4、 thoseofothers;theybotharethecomposingpartsofMother Nature.Nevertheless,forsomeinexplicablereasons,thehumanbecomesthespirits of all creatures. Of course, it is the resultof the evolution, but still we should be grateful toall our companions in nature for the opportunity theyoffer.Inspiteof this,huma

5、ns cannot livewithoutearth.They liveon theearth,drinkthe sweet water,and enjoythe sunshine, the air, the sky, the fruit; the grainsutilizetheenergyand so on. In a word,the human beingcannotlivewithoutnature,and MotherNaturemakes usgrow stronger.Ido notliketheword Pet, butpreferringthe wordAnimal ins

6、tead. I have been loving animal since I wasjust a little boy. When thinking of the Pet Fashion,I always feel much annoyed. For the animals will begiven a shackle and lose their liberty if they becomesomeonespets.Theirnaturalattributioncanbedeprived, too.Up to now, relying on their scientific power,

7、thehuman have opened up too much and over developednature,in order to fill up their growing appetites of wealth.They destroythebalanceofnature,however,they dontrealize, their own development and existence will bethreatened.Therefore,oursightsshould be focusedonnature and we should try to develop the

8、 concept ofkeeping human and nature in unity.We shouldlayemphasisonoureducationwithconsiderculturaland naturalemotion.To use thevividexample to wake up the conscience in peoples hearts.To love nature is to love our mankind. As the newgeneration who enter the new century, we should makeefforts to lov

9、e and respect nature, to treat it welland protectit.Atlast,we have thenighttoenjoyit.初二学生优秀英语演讲稿篇2As night fell, lookingat the night sky, the stars. If every star representseverydream.ThentheskyandstarsrepresenttheChinesedream.Avividdreamwovenintoa colorfulChinese dream.Intheskythereis a experienced

10、thevicissitudesof stars, it is the up and down five thousand years ofhistory.From the creationoftheworldtoourhappiness,Pangu now happy life. Chinese dream through every dayand night,flowingthrougheveryChineseheart.Nomatterhowdifficult,ortherewillbeafterthevicissitudes of bright smile. All are past a

11、nd gone!For truly great men look to this age alone. Collectiontime flowsthroughitevery China dream,warintheworld,made life dream.There is a shining star in the sky, that is thesuccessful Olympic, Shi Bo, the Shenzhou ten launchChinastory.When theapplausesoundedathunderous,when the beam eyes to China

12、 time. I know,at that time. China light emitting in every corner ofthe world. China dream continues, I dream of sight isstillpersistent,silentlyofferyourselfalittlepower. This isa dream, a dream calledChina,one by eachChinese deepcalldream.EverystrugglefigureIcarefullyangleupward medals, listeningto

13、everysoundnear the China dream voice,and won the running time of honor, raised her hand to salute, shouting outtheirThereis a brightstarinthe sky,thatismy dream.My dream istobecome an astronomertospace exploration.Morning,Ilooked atthesun.The fieryredsun hanginghigh in the sky. Why does the sun is r

14、ed? Suddenly, aproblemhoweveradorable,Iwant tohave a rocketto sendme the sun, let the Sun toldme the answer! At night,I lookedatthemysteriousnightsky,thestarswith,bringing a moonlight fell on the ground, is socharming!Suddenly,theinitiationofanotherquestion,why do the stars shine? Why does the moon

15、will shine?I want to havea rocketto send me to the moon,let themoon totellme theanswer!Inordertorealizemy dream,I will work hard, hard, hard again!In the spread of the night, I stand on the ground,watching rich, strong and prosperous country. With astrong,a glory,a vicissitudesoflife,a Chinadream,to

16、 create a better future.Chinesedream,ismy dream,itiseveryonesdream!初二学生优秀英语演讲稿篇3Mother Nature is anexquisite and complex life-system. Its charm appearsin the trees, stream, soil, insects, moss and fungus,all the things on the earth in different shapes, whichareinterdependent.When yougetclosetonature

17、,pleaseremember,eachtree,stoneandspeciesofanimalsherehaslivedharmoniouslyforhundreds,thousands or even millionsofyears.Whenwe pass away,they will continue to live. They are the real masters,while we are just the passer-by. However, the conductweunconsciouslydo,suchaspicking,lumbering,tramping and ab

18、using can probably destroy the balanceoftheirlife.Therefore,wemustreduceourbadinfluence as much as possible. While you are enjoyingthe nature, do not forget please, the beauty of thelivesalsoneedstobe concernedwithand tobeprotected.Each life on the earth has a long and touchingevolutionary story. Fr

19、om the origin, the lives of thehuman beingareequaltothoseof others;theybotharethe composing partsofMotherNature.Nevertheless,forsomeinexplicablereasons,thehuman becomesthespirits of all creatures. Of course, it is the resultof the evolution, but still we should be grateful toall our companions in na

20、ture for the opportunity theyoffer.Inspiteof this,humans cannotlivewithoutearth.They liveon theearth,drinkthe sweet water, and enjoythe sunshine, the air, the sky, the fruit; the grainsutilizetheenergyand so on. In a word,the human beingcannotlivewithoutnature,and MotherNaturemakes usgrow stronger.I

21、do notliketheword Pet,butpreferringthe wordAnimal instead. I have been loving animal since I wasjust a little boy. When thinking of the Pet Fashion,I always feel much annoyed. For the animals will begiven a shackle and lose their liberty if they becomesomeonespets.Theirnaturalattributioncanbedeprive

22、d, too.Up to now, relying on their scientific power, thehuman have opened up too much and overdevelopednature,in order to fill up their growing appetites of wealth.They destroythe balanceof nature,however, theydontrealize, their own development and existence will bethreatened.Therefore,our sightssho

23、uldbe focusedonnature and we should try to develop the concept ofkeeping human and nature in unity.We shouldlayemphasisonoureducationwithconsiderculturaland naturalemotion.To use the vividexample to wake up the conscience in peoples hearts.To love nature is to love our mankind. As the newgeneration who enter the new century, we should makeefforts to love and respect nature, to treat it welland protectit.At last,we have the nightto enjoyit.初二学生优秀英语演讲稿


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