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1、餐馆服务员实训报告英文自我评价餐馆服务员实训报告英文自我评价篇一Time in thebusy work, unconsciously passed, the past year in theleadershipoftheconcernandtheenthusiasmofcolleaguesto help,throughtheirown tirelesseffortsinthe work achievedcertainresults,buttherearealsomany deficiencies.Looking back over thepastyear,thepast year may h

2、ave lost, sad, successful, happy, butitdoes notmatter,is the past,we have to work inthefuture, a lot of people say that my personality changeI believe. I am really satisfied, there are a lot ofthingspressingme, I stillpersist,my life,emotionsare thesame as on,althoughthereis no ups and downs,atleast

3、throughsome ups and downs, ups and downs, timeand time again Twists and turns and difficulties, and sometimes I really Huai Ning I, I have been thinking what I was wrong, why is this? I also time and again for their encouragement.First, the training:1, tray essentials, room delivery process.2, large

4、, medium and small banquet to help run the various departments related knowledge to explain.3, hotel-related system training and supervision.4, the way out of food safety awareness.5, the team to learn the production of sauces.Second, management:1, the higher level is a model, I have always insisted

5、 on setting an example, so my team is very united.2, I am the same as anyone, fair, just, open work.3, people-oriented, people and the character of the various management methods.4,2xx-xx year-round number of annual leave 23 people, 2xx-x year-round number of annual leave 4 people, 2xx-x years is a

6、relatively stable year.Third, as I, responsible for food work.1, responsible for the operation of the sauce surface.2, pass the corresponding output and control of vegetables.3, pass the coordination of staffing.4, do a good job every day of every job.5, conscientiously study warehouse knowledge, tr

7、y to test promotion.6, the use of rest time for computer training.7, and more learning other things, enrich themselves.Finally,Ihopetothenextyeartoday,haveembarked on a new level, a higher level, twoThe internship has been completed, through thistimeinternship,Igotacomprehensiveexercise,internshippr

8、ocessalsomade me completea student,inthecourseofthetransition,improvetheirindependence,get the The use of knowledge in thisarea,forthefuturetolayasolidfoundationforthecommunity 。餐 馆 服 务 员 实 训 报 告 英 文 自 我 评 价 篇 二Iam xxuniversitymarketingandplanningprofessionalstudents,inthe neargraduation, Iwent to x

9、x businesshall for three months of practice.In the past threemonths, my ability to work has been greatly improved,now three months of work to do a self-appraisal.1, and strive to learn and continuously improvetheir operational capacity in the work, serious studyofbusinessknowledge,continuetoaccumula

10、teexperience, and actively participate in learning andtraining,andconstantlyenrichthemselves;2,compliance3 months,theirworkisnotafraidofhardship3,unityofcolleaguesandworktogether.Colleagues harmonious, unity and fraternity, mutual help and mutual respect; 4, due to their lack of workexperience, the

11、work of the staff of the work, In thework of the lackof practicalexperiencein dealingwithcustomer complaints,servicework done not meticulous,this is my future direction.2. Since entering the company, I have gained great progress through the accumulation of personal effortsandwork-relatedexperience,w

12、iththehelpofmycolleaguesconcernand care,and my knowledgehas beenexpandedand my abilitytoworkandworkhas beengreatly improved.3, review the past 3 months, I seriously study thebusinesstraining,andactivelyparticipateinjobtraining.Wholeheartedly,courtesy,warmservice,patientlyanswer questionsforourcustom

13、ers toprovidequality services and continuous practice to improvetheirownqualityandBusinesslevel,growintoaqualified salesperson.Afterthreemonths ofinternship,which has success,there are failures, there is joy, but also distress.In theleadershipandcareandguidance,withthesupport of my colleagues with t

14、he help of my variousaspects have made great progress in the future I willworkharder,I believe,I,I work in the futureI wouldliketogrow intoa good staff,xx unitstocreatevalue.餐馆服务员实训报告英文自我评价篇三I 2xx-x yearsin the July 14 - 2xx-x years October 31 to GuangzhouCity,Phoenixhotelinternship,thistime Ihave a

15、 greatharvest.Hotelserviceisa mixtureoftangibleproducts and intangible services, the hotel servicequalityevaluationcriteriaistheguestssatisfaction.Guests in the buyers market should take the customerdemand as thestartingpointofthemarketingwork,thelobbyon behalfofthehoteland gueststomeet theneedsof t

16、he guests of thehotel servicestoaccept complaintsfromcustomerstosolvecustomerproblems,isthehotels nerve center. It is based on these, the statusandroleofthelobbyisparticularlyimportant.Althoughthefrontlobby is not the hotelsmain businesssector, but the hotels market image, service qualityand even ma

17、nagement leveland operatingefficiencyhasa crucialimpact.The FrontOfficeisthecrowningtouchto hotelmanagement. ThroughthisinthePhoenixhotelclosetofourmonthsofinternship,Ibenefitgreatly.Thehotelistantamounttoamicrocosmofsociety. The internship is undoubtedly for the nearfutureintothecommunityIprovidean

18、importantopportunity.1, toimprovecommunicationskills:As a frontdeskreceptionist, as the hotel front-line staff, and theguests contact is face to face, is the most direct.Often receptionist word can affect the guests on thehotelsoverallimpression,and evenaffectthemood ofthe guests all day. How to mak

19、e your own language sothatguestshearcomfortable,happy to hear,as a frontdesk receptionist must learn the course. Of course,communication is not limited to the guests, but alsobetween colleagues,or even to the higherlevel.Peoplecan not help but nothave emotionalvolatility,butthisemotionalfluctuations

20、tendtoaffectthemoodofothers.Howtoadjusttheirown mentality,withthebestattitudetofacetheguests,the faceof colleaguesandeven higher,how tobringsomeone thebestsmile,everydayIseriouslythinkabouttheproblem.Inthisinternship, I not only in communication skills havebeenimproved,butalsolearnedhow toadjustthem

21、entality of self.2,emergency responsecapacityto improve:workinthe front desk, every day must be ready for battle.Because asa frontdesk receptionist, everydaytoreceivedifferentguests,inthefaceofdifferentevents. Guests can not help some guests will not be polite, and even the receptionist will be outr

22、ageous.Faced with this situation,how toappease thefeelingsof theguests,butalsoto protecttheinterestsofthehotel and its own security, for me is another test.3,theabilitytowork independently improved:Through this internship, I am deeply aware of the needto learn theirown abilityto do thismust be their

23、ownreason. Only to develop their own independent abilityto work in progress. At work, there are problems, donot know should be bold to ask colleagues, rather thanpretendtounderstand.Work independently,gainexperience,and finallygetthe most suitablefor theirown things.4,serviceawareness: as a frontdes

24、k receptionist,alwaysrepresentsthe hotel.Whetherin the workplace,or walking on the road, as long as the uniforms of thehotel shouldalways have toprovideguests withthebestservice mean. We are the angel of the City of Smiles,all for the guests, for the guests of all, for allguests.餐 馆 服 务 员 实 训 报 告 英

25、文 自 我 评 价 篇 四Iam xxuniversity marketing and planning professional students, in the near graduation, I went to xx business hall for three months of practice.In the past three months, my ability to work has been greatly improved,now three months of work to do a self-appraisal.1, Efforts to learn, and

26、constantly improve theoperationalcapacity.Inthework,conscientiouslystudy the business knowledge, continue to accumulateexperience, and actively participate in learning andtraining, and constantly enrich themselves;3,unitecolleagues,worktogether.Colleaguesharmonious relationship with the work of the

27、staff ofthe staff, 4, due to their lack of work experience inthe work of the lackof practicalexperiencein dealingwithcustomercomplaints,serviceworkdone enoughmeticulous, this is my future direction.2. Since entering the company, I have gained great progress through the accumulation of personal effor

28、tsandwork-relatedexperience,withthe helpofmycolleaguesconcernand care,and my knowledgehas beenexpandedand my abilitytoworkandworkhasbeengreatly improved.3, review the past 3 months, I seriously study thebusinesstraining,andactivelyparticipateinjobtraining.Wholeheartedly,courtesy,warmservice,patientl

29、yanswer questionsforourcustomerstoprovidequality services and continuous practice to improvetheirown qualityandBusinesslevel,growintoaqualified salesperson.After threemonths ofinternship,which has success,there are failures, there is joy, but also distress.Intheleadershipandcareand guidance,withthesupport of my colleagues with the help of my variousaspects have made great progress in the future I willwork harder, Ibelieve,I,Iwork in thefutureIwouldliketogrow intoa good staff,xx unitstocreate value.餐馆服务员实训报告英文自我评价


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