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1、精品资料 欢迎下载 20152016 学年度下学期 小学六年级英语水平测试卷(期中) Listening听力部分 45% ( )1. Why did Jim stay up late last night? A. He watched TV B. He read books. C. He did his homework. ( )2. He _ at 8:00 this morni ng. A. Have breakfast. B. Read books. C. Woke up. ( )3. Why was he sad? A. He got a poor grade. B. He misse

2、d the bus. C. He forget his homework. ( )4. What did Jim do in the eve ning? A. Did his homework. B. Watched TV C. Pain ted a picture. 五、Listen and judge听短文,对的写“T 错的写“F” (每题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分) ( )1. Yesterday was Saturday. ( )2.Gogo had a bad day. ( )3. He make models with Tony at 10:00 in the morning.

3、( )4. Gogo had lunch with Tony at home. ( )5. Gogo watched TV in the after noon. Reading & Writing 读写部分 55% 六、 Read and write同类词替换。(每空 1 分,共 15 分) scared, study En glish, last ni ght, missed the bus, the day before yesterday, sad, watched TV, get a gift, last Sun day, sang a song, writi ng, exci

4、ted, liste ned to music, write a letter, draw ing 1. Why are you angry? A. _ B. _ C. _ 2. What did you do yesterday. A. _ B. _ C. _ 3. Did Mr. Green draw a picture? A. _ B. _ C. _ 4. What did he do yesterday?- He ate an apple yesterday. A. _ B. _ C. _ 5. I like reading. A. _ B. _ C. _ 七、 Choose the

5、best answe选择最佳答案。(每题 1 分,共 4 分) ( )1. Where is the BirdNest? -Itin _ . A. Zhon gsha n B. Hainan C. Beiji ng ( )2. _ is a Chin ese musical in strume nt. A. drum B. flute C. trumpet ( )3. Hele n Keller is a famous _ . A. doctor. B. teacher. C. writer. ( )4. _ was the first Chin ese spacewoma n. A. Fei

6、 Junlong B. Yang Leiwei C. Liu Yang1.( )hun gry 2.( )grass 3.( )drink 4.( )clea n 5.( )run ( )angry ( )class ( )driver ( )close ( )ran 6.( )chocolate 7.( )cloudy 8.( )went 9.( )great 10.( )scared ( )bathroom ( )clever ( )want ( )gree n ( )sad “/(每题 1.5 分,共 15 分) 、Listen and write根据对话内容选出正确答案。(每题 1.5

7、 分,共 9 分) Name,、 played the pia no studied En glish sang songs got a gift clea ned the bathroom Sally Peter “七”(每空 1.5 分,共 7.5分) 四、Listen and choose听短文,选出最佳答案。(每题 1.5 分,共 6 分) Liste n and tick.听录音,在括号里 )6. Liste n and tick.听短文,在表格内 )2. A B )4. A ( ( ( 精品资料 欢迎下载 八、Choose and write根据上下文,从方框内选词填空。 (每空

8、1.5 分,共 12分) 1. finish, stayed up late, hear , tired A: Ben, you look _ today. What happe ned? B: I _ yesterday. A: Why did you stay up late ? B: Because I watched TV I did n _ my homework. A: I m sorry to _ that. went, bad, ate, stayed A: Did you have a good time yesterday? B: Yes, I did. I _ went

9、to the park. A: What did you do there? B: First, I rode a bike. I the n _ some cott on can dy. What about you? A:Oh, I had a really _day. B: What happe ned? A:I hurt my foot and _ at home all day. 九、Read and write根据图片内容,写出相应单词或词组。(每题 1 分,共 4 分) 1. - What did she write last night? -She _ a long lette

10、r. 2. - Why are you _ ? -Because I saw a tiger! 3. - I _ to him yesterday about the summer holiday. 序 4. -Did you_ Yes, I did. soccer yesterday? 十、Reading阅读短文,完成相关阅读任务 (每题 1.5 分,共 15分) meat. ( )1. It was _ today. A. sunny B. cloudy C. rainy and cold ( )2. Sandy visited _ on vacation. A. the Great Wa

11、ll B. relatives C. friends ( )3. Maria cooked _ with Sandy. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( )4. Maria _ A. did n like the no odles B. liked the noodles C. did ntlike Sandy ( )5. Sandy _ A. did nt like the no odles B. took some photos at Marias home. C. had a good time last weeke nd. (二) Read and j

12、udge阅读短文,对的写“T错的写“F。 Last summer, we went on a trip to Hong Kong by bus. We got to Hong Kong after two hours. The weather there was good. First, we went to the Ocean Park. Then we went to Disn eyla nd. We saw the parade and the firework show there. We had a great time. At night, we stayed in a hotel

13、 near Disneyland. The next day, we visited some friends. Then we ate food with them. I liked the food. It was tasty. After that, we went back home by ship. It was a won derful trip. ( )1. We wenton a trip to Hong Kong last summer. ( )2. We wentto Hong Kong by ship. ( )3. We wentto the Ocea n Park an

14、d Disn eyla nd. ( )4. We did nvisit any friends in Hong Kong. ( )5. We had a good time in Hong Kong. 十、Writing.书面表达。(,不少于 5 个句子,共 5 分 ()A.请根据下列提示,以“ Last Sunday”为题用英语写一段话。不少于五个句 子。1.Where were you last Sun day? 2.What did you do? 3.Did you have a good time? ()B.请用 A lucky day 为题,写一写曾经发生在你身上幸运的一天。 (一

15、) Read and choose阅读短文,选择正确选项。 It was rainy and cold today. Maria stayed at home. Her friend Sandy came to visit her. Sandy visited the Great Wall last weekend and she took some photos there. She showed her photos to Maria and told someth ing about her vacatio n“t was very good, ” Sandy said. At lunch time, Marias parents were not at home. They decided to cook lunch together. Maria cooked some no odles with vegetables and eggs. After Sandy ate up the no odles, she said, “It tasty!” But Maria did nt like the no odles, she wan ted to eat some


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