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1、湖南农业科学2012,(15):113-115Hunan Agricultural Sciences南岭天蚕生态气候适应性及人工养殖技术陈标新I,唐曼琳刘卫平I,曹成书彳,吴重池(1.娄底市委农村工作部,湖南 娄底417000; 2.湖南南岭天蚕科技发展有限公司,湖南 长沙410001; 3.娄底职业技术学院,湖南 娄底417000)摘 要:在海拔300、400、500、600、700、800、900 m等7个不同离度上建立气象天蚕养饲基地,研究了南岭天蚕的代候适应性。 结果表明:南岭入垂适宜的温度范田为17.323.0Y.最适为22匸适庇相刘血皮60%-70%;最适宜海拔高度在m 之间。南岭

2、天蚕养炭的关键技术如下:3月底4月初日平均温度稳定通过10Y初日后,栋树葫动开苞时即孵化;小致13龄)采取 人工增温至2&24Y室内养饲;大番(45龄)以野外大棚或网罩林养为佳紛关键词:南岭天蚕;气候适应性;关键技术中图分类号:S885.3文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-060X(2012)15-0113-03Climate Adaptability and Artificial Breeding Technology ofthe Nanling Antheraea yamamaiCHEN Biao-xin TANG Man-lin3, LIU Wei-ping1, CAO Chen

3、g-shu2, WU Zhong-chi1( Department of Rural Affairsy Loudi Municipal Committee. Hunan 417000, PRC;2. Hunan Nanling A ruherciea yamamai Technology & Development Co., Ltd., Loudi 410001, PRC;3. Loudi Vocational and Technical College, Hunan 417000, PRC)Abstract: In order to research the climate adap

4、tability of the Nanling A niheraea y(un(imai the breeding bases of Antheraea yamamai were set at seven different altitudes (300, 400. 500, 600, 700, 80C and 900 m) The results showed that the suitable conditions for breeding Antheraea yamamai were as follows: temperature was between 17.025.CFC. and

5、the optimum temperature was 22T; the suitable relative humidity was between 60% *70%; the optimum altitude was between 500 800 m The core technologies for breeding A ruhcraca yamamai were us follows: when the average daily temperature is stable at 10T in late March and early April for a day. or when

6、 robur germination* incubation of Antheraea yamamai; when yong Antheraea yamamai at instar 1*3, breeding it indoor by artificial increasing tempieralure to 2624七; adult A ntheraea yamamai is better to be bred in wild shed or in forest covered by net.Key words: the Narling Antheraea yamamai; climate

7、adaptability; core technology湖南农业科学2012,(15):113-115Hunan Agricultural Sciences湖南农业科学2012,(15):113-115Hunan Agricultural Sciences天蚕(Antheraea yoznozn加)为珍贵的绢丝昆虫。 其茧呈椭圆形,有翡翠绿、浅绿、金黄等色,天蚕丝 长约600叫纤度56旦,强力(31.2 cN/tex)和伸长 率(400%)分别为桑蚕丝的2.5倍和1.5倍,经缠制 后能保持其固有的天然绿色,且丝质膨松、柔软性 好,吸汗传湿性和耐酸性优于桑蚕丝,可以织成高 雅、华贵、舒适的超级

8、衣料,被喻为犬然蚕丝中的 “钻石”叫 天蚕丝素和丝胶均由近20种氨基酸组 成,天蚕丝素膜降解后易被人体吸收,是迄今人类 最理想的人造皮肤的材料;天蚕丝线手术缝合线, 人体吸收快,疗效好,价廉物美;天蚕蛹营养丰富,收稿日期:2012-05-16基金项目:苏州大学现代丝绸国家实验室技术创新基金项冃 资助作者简介:陈标新(1969-).男.湖南耒阳市人,副教授.商级 经济师,主要从那农业经济、生态、天蚕研究。蛋白质占干重的50%左右,从犬蚕蛹中提取的抗菌 肽对肿瘤病人有显著疗效。天蚕属变温动物,其新陈代谢受外界温度升降 影响较大。在亚热带地区,气温有明显的季节性变 化及昼夜变化规律,这种有节奏的变动与天蚕生长 发育及生存有密切的关系。南岭天蚕以栋树叶为 食,每条蚕一生仅食50 g栋树叶,栋林可饲养天蚕 5 000条/667m2,收人可观。因地制宜发展天蚕养饲 业,可以让农民增收,对建设社会主义新农村具有 重大意义。试验对南岭天蚕生态气候适应性以及人 工养殖技术进行研究,旨在为指导南岭天蚕养饲提 供参考。1材料与方法1.1 试验研究内容按气象观测规范进行温度、湿度、降水屋等基


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