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1、1 5 类雅思写作逻辑连接词汇总2021-05-04 杭州环球雅思学校 杭州环球雅思学校hzgedu英国培生集团旗下环球雅思杭州学校,纳斯达克上市品 牌(代码:GEDU)。全国留学第一品牌,出国语言培训领导者。 定期分享雅思、托福等考情信息、优惠政策、名师预测。官方微 博杭州环球雅思 在雅思写作的评分标准中,有很重要的一项叫做 连贯与衔 接(CoherenceandCohesion )。连贯性指文章的流畅程度,文章的观点应该 逻辑清楚,易于理解和把握。而衔接性是指连接词的使用,这有助于整合观点并说明段落、句子或句子成分之间的关系,是为了考察大家组织文章、衔接信息和观点的能力。官方给出的说明视频

2、里讲解的很清楚J对于文章中的连接词一要防止重复,二要适当,不可强加逻辑关系,也不可过度 使用,否那么一样会影响成绩。下面整理一下写作中常见逻辑关系的连接词使用前记得查找例句了解正确用法哦1 先后关系 atthistime ;first ;second ;atlast ;next previously ;simultaneously;eve ntually ; lastbut no tleast; tobeg in with ; tostartwith ;toe ndwith ;fin ally ;sincethen ; firstofall ; afterwards;followingthis

3、; precedingthis; priortothis2 因果关系 because ; becauseofthis ; since ; as; for ; owingto ; dueto ;forthereas on that.; inv iewof ; forsuchareas on ; asaresultof ; therefore ;consequently ; asaresult ; thus ; hence ; so; sothat. ; inconsequenee ; asaconsequenee ; accordingly ; inevitably ; undertheseco

4、nditions3 转折关系 but ; evenso ; however ; though ; eventhough ; independentof ; recklessof ; despitethat ; in spiteofthat ; regardlessof ; while - -yet ;uni ess.4 并列关系 and; also; too ; aswellas ; either. , or. ; both.a nd.;foronething., foranother. ; meanwhile ; atthesametime5 递进关系 furthermore ; moreo

5、ver ; further ; Inthisway ; still ;notonl y.butalso.; no t.but. ; in additi on (to);additionally,muchmoreinteresting; morespecifically ; next ; besides ;asfaras.isc oncerned ; moreover ; ino therwords; onon eha nd.;ontheotherhand.; even ; asapoplarsayinggoes.; inordertodoit. ;tomaketh in gsbetter(wo

6、rse); accord in gly ;6 比拟关系(相同点)similarly ; in likema nn er,i ncomparis on with;whencomparedwith ; comparedwith ; wheninfact. ; like. ; likewise ; similarlyimportant; apartfrom(doing).; .ratherthan. , bydoingso ; both and. ; inthesameway ; notonly.but(also)7 对照关系(不同点)yet; still ; forallofthat ; notw

7、ithstanding; rather ;neither.nor ; although ; though ; but ; however ;somethi ngisjusttheotherwayaro und(另一种方式);yet; conversely ; unlike ;opposedto ; asopposedto ; incon trast ; bywayof ; on thee on trary;differentfromthis ; nevertheless ; contraryto ; whereas ; while8 举例关系 forexample ; forinstanee

8、; inthiscase ; namely ; asyouknow ;like ; suchas ; acase inpoin tis. ; in particular ; in clud in g. ; putitsimply ; statedroughly ; asanillustration ; agoodexamplewouldbe. ; todetailthis,lwouldliketo. ; Itisinterestingtonotethat.; asproof ;takethecaseof ; take asexample ; asfor ; asregards ; accord

9、 in gto ;on thisoccasi on.9 强调关系 infact ; especially ; particularly ; moreover ; naturally ;whatisparticular ; no ttome nti on.; believeitor not; undeni ably ; itiscerta in/surethat. ; bydefinition; definitely ; undoubtedly ; withoutadoubt ;in truth ; inan yeve nt ; withoutreservati on; obviously ;

10、notonl y.10 条件关系 if ;unless ;lest ;providedthat 考虑至U ;ifitisthecase ;inthissense ; once. ; ifpossible ; ifnecessary ; ifso ; ifnotall ; ifanything11 归纟内总结 inotherwords ; toputitinanutshell ; insum ; therefore ; hence ;in short ; in brief ; tosumup ; incon clusi on ; in summary ; toc on clude ; thec

11、on clusi oncan bedraw nthat.; in short12 方位关系 beyond ; oppositeto ; adjacentto 毗邻的;atthesameplace ; there ; over ; inthemiddle ; around ; infrontof ; inthedistanee ; farther ; hereandthere ; above ; below ; attheright ; between ; onthisside13 目的关系 withthisobject ;forthispurpose;inorderthat ;inthiswa

12、y ;since ;14 重申关系 inotherwords ; thatistosay ; namely ; toputitinanotherway;aslhavesaid ; again ; onceagain.15 时间关系 atonce ; immediately ; atlength ;inthemeantime ; meanwhile ; atthesametime ; in thee nd ; the n ; soon ; no tl on gafter ; later ; atonce ; atlast ; fin ally ; sometimeago ; atprese nt ; allofasudde n ; fromthistime on ; fromtimetotime ; sincethen ; when ; whenever ; nextpoint ;afewm inu teslater ; formerly ; as ; once ; since ; occasi on ally ; in amome nt ; shortly ; whereupon ; previously.文章转自:环球雅思扬州分校


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