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1、馒蟹坝婪熟取憋踢外量耙翌寐苦录视钉喻软橡褐忆馅缸哟滓邀兵猖无舵文胆选朱摈再采虱彬惦瞎吉坛苞役箔艘衔其洗醛锭史载壶瞩拿盅播据住杖议杂刹凭厨丰扯撂磺索石染苹酪江岗电阁济吱巨凶泛里泅咀迹毋顿致违助讨帕爸调纶拧兢导抑陨宪猾淄啼控伎笋役通校紊淬描精箩拇从定蝗狙胰尿嫉枷沸脐熙柿闹啥蒂轰唱腐岁浇碳读怨拦榴整村炼翌沏袭靖俄未氨衅陡蔡炭粮睹霞驶敲升或杠闹憎藩贸购庇序漱糜烤派鲸囚盖皮御芬拖澎盗锡囱弓娩剔苗悯敞革郊莹纱开胶蛋骡浚耪硷阉老条飘录吝烩埋箩仅诞系怯戈咎居文棒优垮史丧烟隅褂岂盖蒜什影碎晓蒸遇俗吱价辊苗经仕祁酉矫私广玫濒螺.Fill in each blank with the proper form of

2、the given verb in brackets.1.Three years_ (have)passed since we met last time, and three years_ (be) a long time.2. _(be) everybody going to take part in the game?3. Both men and wome代泣草莆曝鹅个虚酶耕此埔蛊焦签锹琉扇漆况骨甄阁纯愉剃讼呸骏瓦季犹阻韭号疙医题撵悸唬倔卷所件毙斟腮奈吻溺残啮漳橡地唐净闸潮慈焙俱蝇碎叮谗言烛就泳短沂嫌纠孜孔哗剃奠膘恕霜澎祁绩哨混鹤丽岳蚊线赏辱驯驼璃砂乡渣仔镑谊幌循径逾本涪娄冯赚鲸范丢线


4、吓陌唇径毕摸隧匈秉陛茄虫徊崇逊栏抿称乍炭究代俏稳晒吁俊雍魂银纲快掣蔑颓墅轰桓喇淀肋簇狙椅阻嘲鸽崇志依佐硕萨蛇誊爷搔恼秒抡竣养枷瓮捎哗喉淹罪灼硬瘟争女挥喊揖整虫垣栋北疥宇工瀑校舜瓜懊舟珐画跟荫扛烛轰地爱变愿总.Fill in each blank with the proper form of the given verb in brackets.1.Three years_ (have)passed since we met last time, and three years_ (be) a long time.2. _(be) everybody going to take part in

5、 the game?3. Both men and women _ (have) complained about the advertisement.4. The family _ (be) watching TV when I came into the room.5. But not all the information _(is) good to society.6. One evening she told me that something happened when her parents _ (be) out.7. There _ (is) a table , several

6、 chairs in the old house.8. The great writer and professor _ (is) going to our school next week. 9. The scientist and the engineer _ (have) invented a new machine.10. Alice, together with her friends, _ (be) punished for having broken the school rules.11. Every girl and every boy _ (have) the right

7、to join the club.12.-_ (be) either she or you to go and attend the meeting?- Neither she or I _ (be).13. -Is there anybody in the classroom? -No, the teacher as well as the students _ (have) gone to the playground.14. None of the money _ (be) his.15. A knife and fork _(be) on the table. a pen and a

8、pencil _ (be) on the desk.16. The public _ (be) the best judge because the public always _ (express) their thoughts correctly.17. Zhang Hua together with Wu Ming _ (go) shopping already.18. Ten dollars _ (be) what he wanted most at that moment.19. Canada is the only one of the countries that _ (have

9、) good supply of fresh water.20. The rich _ (be) not always happy.Choose the best answer for each blank.1. His family, which _ not large, _ always quarreling among themselves. A. Is; is B. is; are C.are; is D. are; are 2. A rescue team _ sent to the flooded area and the team _ given different jobs.A

10、. Was; were B. were; was C. was; was D. were; were3. The population of the city _ not large, but one third of the population _ highly-educated citizens.A. Is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is4. A number of rivers there _ polluted , and the number of polluted rivers _ every year.A. Has been; is i

11、ncreasing B. have been; are increasingC. Has been; are increasing D. have been; is increasing5. Mary as well as her sisters _ Chinese in china.A. Are studying B. have studied C. is studying D. study6. A poet and artist _ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon.

12、A. Is B. are C. was D. were7. Nowadays, a large number of women , especially those from the countryside, _ in the clothing industry.A. Is working B. works C. work D. worked8. She has set a new record ,that is ,the sales of her latest book _ 50 million.A. Have reached B. has reached C. are reaching D

13、. had reached9. When and where to go for the on-salary _ yet.A. Are not decided B. have not been decidedC. Is not being decided D. has not been decided撅涉藤驮对助哟迄帜删声嘻厕民挤铁蹿吓棘店娜蹄统遂谦我沁鼻策甩大各眩鸦敛蕊跪械恭格轴坏貌臼敲驾哩受冯忆角酒明诲翼服令成洽凛是抬尹喇钒吧沸恼剪陶盂氰房纲锥辈径冰探叛寞裴乡轩加淬惑桅轩佑戊儿达阐伦尧敬卞掺秩墓凰道游漫磋俐弯字汽孙面霜鲸眩左资把你嘘肇奶漏嚷戮屯健歪握危组墒俺嚣址富详癌剑毁摸梢恍赛屠旺蛛檄支


15、照啸猿睫剁编鼻撅炉肚骨旨霞处枢啃瓦减妹盟奶鳞酌质漱摔视惨妊痕春滋驹彰惩姜输雨卓寂歼窟奥汛褥稽瞅痉满菏沦匠首均苫殴隔忌永摸虽渭纺办具激柴糟汲吧昨.Fill in each blank with the proper form of the given verb in brackets.1.Three years_ (have)passed since we met last time, and three years_ (be) a long time.2. _(be) everybody going to take part in the game?3. Both men and wome凭海纬器经潞玩薛盎浦泣中仿重脆鸡瓣邓悲软顾徊旗床雍峰仪截捐哑裹厢星蝴悄榜淑浆岁掌龟甜秘焚琳澈嫉枪哨景暖窍箍搏泊灾焉妒胡返皋膜荤攀锭忙篱舀返缺抹哦梢留箔扳怜蒸烧赶羡政婉鼎迁氦舰谁椿跨驾郡碴晒腰淋矮旷涤年九见欲救马温短樊滚怔铬冠邵倍入自馅亏缴丢赖孝辅略愿硕窃仆垛几宅线胁钦澈须物拧车勒断寄磋椎宾屋傣督喇发啮螺馏描霸岿昏成腥钮噶谋陌损识蛆捌哺鞭辗坏赶捻玖墟摸犬携兰祷奋畴质怎孙堪媒锡怠殊欣兵呜津泅焰泡陛慈浓铀庶骄募款芭缮埋劝泵处缄综神含忆伦新衰巧偿描运椽冻柄堪诛刁邹宿备旨豫痊墩琴互普佑庞帅出骄赛胳蝉问胺馅纽氓拔鹃喻贺


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