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1、小学第一、二单元学习检测四年级英语下测试题总分:100分一、基础默写,看汉语写英语(20分)1.二楼2. 图书馆3.正餐4.计算机房 5.起床6.体育课7.英语课8. 操场9.教师办公室 10.音乐课二、选出每组中不同类的单词。(10分)()1. A. gymB. StorybookC. ClaSSroom()2. A. musicB. artC. room()3. A. home B. schoolC.floor()4. A. getB.goC. class()5. A. readB. IibraryC. PIaygrO Und三、读一读,将划线部分读音相同的单词归类。(10分)Watert

2、iger nurseCOmPUterdirtgirl bird SiSter hurt riverdinn hamburger:四、读一读,选出最佳答案。(20分)()1.Let ' S go.A. homeB.Playgro UndC.school()2. is the COmPUter room?It ' S Under the library.A. Who B. What C. Where()3. Your school is so beautiful!A. Thank you. B. You ' re welcome. C. No, it isn ' t

3、. ()4t ' S timedinner.A.to B.for C. I n()5. Do you have a gym?A.Yes, We have.B. Y es, We do.C. Y es, We are.()6.is it?It's 12 o'clock.A. WhatB . What timeC. How many()7.It's timego to bed.A. to B .for C. /()8.S ing and dance in aclass.A. music B.math C. PE()9.-Where are you ?I ,-1 mN

4、eW Y ork.A. of B. inC.at()10.It Stime for.A.schoolB.get UPC.go to school五、选择合适的选项补全对话。(10分)Mike:Hello , John!John : 1.Mike : 2.John : It's 10 : 303Mike: 4.Let's go to the music room.John : OK ! 5.Mike : rm ready.Let's go.A. Are you ready? B . Come on.C. Hi, Mike.D. What time is it? E . I

5、t's time for music class.六、 根据情境,选择正确的答案。(10分)1 .你想和朋友一起去操场时,你会说: 2 .你想和同伴去老师的办公室,你会对同伴说: 3 .七点半了,该上学了,妈妈会对儿子说: 4 .小红问你现在几点了,她会说: 5 .到了上英语课的时间了,你会对同桌说: A. Let's go to the PIaygrOund.B. Let' S go to the teachers ' office.C. What time is it now?D. It's time for English class.E. It&

6、#39;s 7 : 30.It's time to go to school.七、 根据问句,选择合适的答语。(10分)1. What time is it now?2.Is this a library?3. Where is the music room?4. Time to go home.5. How many Stude nts are there in your class?A. FOrty-five.B.Y es,it is.C. OK.D.It '8:30.E. It 'on the first floor.八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)Welc

7、ome to my school. There are 30 CIaSSrooms in my school. Look! That is a big PIaygrO und. In this buildi ng, you Can See the Iibrary and the art room. They are on the SeC ond floor. There are many StOry-books and PiCtUre-booksin the library.You Can read books in it. My CIaSSroom and the teachers'

8、 OffiCeare on the first floor. I like my CIaSSroom. It' S big and clean.()1. How many CIaSSrooms are there in your school?A. thirtyB. thirtee n()2. Where is the art room?A. It ' S on the SeCond floor. B. It ' S on the first floor.()3. What ' S in your library?A. Many desks and chairs. B. ManyStOry-booksandPiCtUre-books.()4. Where is the teache rs ' office?A. It ' S on the first floor. B. It ' S on the SeCond floor.()5. IS the CIaSSroom big and clea n?A. Y es, it is.B. No, it isnt.


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