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1、外研版七年级上册英语期中测试卷学校.班级.姓名成绩合肥一六八教育集团2019-2020学年第一学期七年级学调二英语试卷听力部分I 听句子,根据你所听到的句子,从入B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。每小题听两遍。LA. Yes. it isB. Yes, She is.C. Ycs. this is.2.A. Yes. I amB. Seven.C. Amy.3. A. NieC to Ineet you, too.B. HOW are you?C. Hello.4. A. Hi, Grace. m Alice.B. Yes, m Jack.C. ThiS is Alice.5. A. My f

2、amily name is Green.B. My telephone number is 2358679.C. My name is Jenny.6. A. GOOd afternoon. JanelB. I am fine.C. GOOd morning, Jane!II对话理解,根据你所听到的句子,从A.B. C三个选项中选出正确答案。每小题听两遍。7. WhOSe PhOtO is that?A Mary's.B. Paul,s friend,s.C. Pal,s family,s.8. What COlOr is the girs quilt?A. Green.B. Blue

3、.C. YeIlOw.9. WhafS the girs IaSt name?A. Gina.B. Smith.C. Gina Smith.10. WhO is the boy in the picture?A. The girl,s friend.B. The girs cousin.C. The girs brother.11. What HS the girl,s sister's telephone number?A. 653-7895.B. 536-7895.C. 365-7895.12. What is green?A. Her book.B. Her jacket.C.

4、Her ruler.L长对话理解,根据你所听到的对话,从A. B. C三个选项中选出正确答案,听第一段材料,回答第13至第14小题。13 WhO is the girl in the picture?A. Lily,s SiSterB. Lily,s COUSinC. Lily*s friend14. What,sTom,s IaSt name?A. BrOWnB. SnlithC. Green听第二段材料,回答第15至第16小题。15. WhafS Gina's family name?A. GreenB. BrOWnC. BlaCk16. What COlOr is Gina,s

5、telephone?A. RedB. BIUeC. BIaCkIV.短文理解。根据你所听到的短文内容,从入B. C三个选项中选岀正确答案。每小题听两遍。17.JaCkHS IaSt name isA. HandB. BrOWnC. Smith18.Jin,s SiSter isA GinaB AliCeC. Cindy19.Alice hasSOn (S) anddaughter (s)A. one: OneB. one; twoC. two; two20.isn't in the photo.AJiInB Jim,s fatherC. Cindy基础知识运用从A. B. C、D四个选

6、项中选择最佳答案。StUdentS are there in your class?There are fifty-five students, thirty boys and twenty-five girls.A. WhOB. HOW muchC. HOW InanyD. HOW2. Let,s go ShOPPing for food and drink Now, Weany meat.D. hasn't gotA. haven,t gotB. have gotC. got3. Kate:ro Iike math?Tony: YeS, I.A. Does; doB. Do; do

7、C. Do; amD. Are; do4. Are there PandaS here? Shall We go and See them?Yes.C. let,s goD. let,s SeeA. We areB. We do5. My mother is AliCe Johnson.PhOne number is 2546809.A. HiSB. Your6. WhafS this On the chair?It,s aA. eraserB. Orange7. Therea book and a Pen On the desk.A. hasB. have8. your brother

8、9;s job?He is a teacher.A. WhatB. HOW9.1 have a friendBCtty in m school.A. CaIlB. to Call10.There ismilk but there isLefs get SOme bread.A. little: a IittleB. a little: IittleC. HerD. ItSC. rulerD. eggC. isD. areC. What,sD. WhoSC. CalISD. CalledC. little; IittIeD. a little: a Iittle完形填空阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,

9、然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。完形填空I am an AmeriCan boy. I am thirteen. I _11_ in No. 14 Middle SChOOl in Shanghai I Often getUP _12_ half PaSt SiX from MOnday to Friday. I Often have a CUP Of tea, an egg and SOme bread for my _13 I go to SChOOl at half PaSt SeVen and get there before eight o' clock,and

10、 J4_ Start at eight. We have four IeSSOnS in the J5_ and two in the afternOon. At halfPaSt three, We _16_ _games. I StUdy hard and StUdy Well. I like EngliSh and I am good at it. Mike is my good friend. We go home together. I do my homework at homef but _17_ at SChOOL IIike _18 TV Very much, but I C

11、arl Only WatCh it On _19_ and Sunday. I Often go to _20_ at about nine o, ClOCk11. A. WOrkB. StUdyC. IiVeD. Stay12. A. WithB. inC. OnD. at13. A. breakfastB. IUnChC. dinnerD. SUPPer14. A. filmsB. WOrkSC. IeSSOnSD. COnCertS15. A. afternoonB. InOrningC. eveningD. night16. A. InakeB. PlayC. WatChD. See1

12、7. A. SOmetimeSB. alwaysC. USUallyD. OftCn18. A. SeeingB. WatChingC. lkingD. IOOking at19. A. MOndayB SatUrdayC. FridayD. TUeSday20. A. SChOOlB. CIaSSC. bedD. movies补全对话从选项中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。A: _21_, Lucy?B: My favourite? Well. I really IikC history. It,s interesting (有趣的)A: Interesting? Art is my fa

13、vourite.IFs great and 2(匚 JOneS is a good teacher.TheiL_23_?B: Mr. Brown. He,s Very funny.A: _24_?B: I have history On TUeSday and ThUrSday.A: DO you have history On Monday, WedneSday and Friday?B: NO On Monday, WedneSday and Friday We have math.A: _25_?B: YeSt She is. Math is difficult. I don't

14、 Iike it. BUt Mrs. BlaCk is a good teacher.A. I don,t think so.B. IS Mrs. BlaCk your math teacher?C. When do you have history?D. I think so.E WhO is your history teacher?F. WhafS your favourite sports?G. What,s your favourite subject?阅读理解ACCTV-4CcTV-I18:30 MOdenl EngIiSh18:30 Children1S WOrld19:00 W

15、Omen,s Life19:00 NeWS19:30 CUItUre and Life19:45 ArOUnd the WOrld20:45 VOlleyball match:20:20 Movie: A NUrSefS DayChinaAmeriCa22:30 EngIiSh NeWSNITVJSTV:18:30NTTV NeWS18:40 EngIiSh for Children19:00 POPUlar SOngS19:00 NeWS from CCTV-I19:30 Animal WOrld19:30 JS NeWS20:20AmeriCan EngIiSh19:45 FOOtball

16、 Match: ChinaJaPan26. Jim WantS to WatCh a VOlleyban match. he Can WatCh it OnD. JSTVA. CCTV- 1B. NTTVC. CCTV-4A. Children's WOrld27. Han MCi is a SiX year Old girl. She WantS to Iearn EngliSh. She Can WatChB. MOdCrn EngliShC The tall animalsD. The ShOrt animals28. If you Want to know SOmething

17、about animals, you Can WatChA. ArOUnd the WOrldB. EngliSh NeWSC. CUltUre and LifeD. Animal WOrld29. If you Want to Iearn POPUlar songs, What time ShOUld you WatCh TV?A. CCTV- 1 20:20B. CCTV-4 19:00C. JSTV 18:40D. NTTV 19:0030. FOOtbaIl match Will be ShOWn On.D. CCTV- 1A. JSTVB. CCTV-4C. NTTVB. WhO i

18、s tallerD. WhO is StrOngerB. The InOnkeyD. The SInall animalsThere is a tiger and a monkey. They are friends BUt One day they Want to know WhO is StrOnger. One Of them says, "The One WhO Can get apples OVer there is StrOnger. ,There is a river OVer there The InOnkey says, Hl Canrt SWinL ”ThC ti

19、ger says, Hl Can SWiln. PleaSe Sit On my back"They go across (穿过)the river. The apple trees are VCry tall. The tiger can,t reach (够着)the apples The monkey CIilnbS UP the tree and gets many apples NOW they know they ShOUId help each other.31 ThC tiger and the monkey Want to knowA. WhO is Smarter

20、C. WhO Can SWim32. can,t SWimA. The tigerC. The big animals33. can,t reach the apples.A. The tigerB. The InOnkey34. At IaSt the monkey goes across the river With the help OfA. the tigerB. another monkeyC. an animalD. a boat35 FrOm the StOry We know that We ShOUIdA. ICarn from the tigerB. 1 earn from

21、 the monkeyC. help each OtherD. AlI Of the aboveCMy name is JOe .I'm a middle SChOOI student. I have a friend. HiS name is RiChard. FOr breakfast he has bread. two eggs and SOme milk. He eats chicken, rice and fruit for IUnCh. FOr dinner he eats hamburgers, fish and salad. HambUrgerS are his fav

22、orite food. He eats hamburgers ever>r day. After dinner, RiChard IikeS eating ice-cream. RiChard is fat. HiS mother doesn,t Want him to be a fat boy. She thinks it,s not healthy to Cat too many hamburgers and eat ice-cream after dinne匚Richard,s mother is a teacher. She eats Well and healthily. Sh

23、e eats bread and a banana for breakfast. FOr IUnCh She eats SandWiCheS. and SOme fruit FOr dinner She eats SalaeL fish and an eggRichard,s mother doesn't eat SWeet foods, She thinks too many Of them Can make her fat. She does a IOt Of SPOrtS to keep healthy, too. Her favorite SPOrt is tennis. Sh

24、e thinks it,s relaxing and interesting.阅读短文,并用英语回答以下问题。(请注意每个小题后的词数要求)36. What does RiChard eat for lunch?(不超过 8 词)37. What are RiChard,s UnhCaIthy (不健康的)habits in his mother,s eyes?(不超过 10 词)38. WhO eats a banana at breakfast?(不超过 8 词)语言综合运用词汇、句子根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺。39. The tiger IikeS IiVing a

25、(独自地)40. They are SO tired. PIeaSe help t (他们)to CaiTy the box.41. VegetableS are important. They are good for OUr h (健康)42. Thank you for b (买)me SO many books.43. China is an A (亚洲的)country.44. (写)it on the blackboard.根据汉语意思完成英语句子。每空一词。45. He drinks SOme milk every evening.(改为一般疑问句)he milk every e

26、vening?46. The Weather is CoId in Beijing (对画线部分提问)the Weatherin Beijing?47. OUr schl is IICXI to the shop.对画线部分提问)school?书面表达48. 假设你是王林,请根据下列表格中的内容向大家介绍一下你的宠物。要求:可适当拓展:50个词左右。Pet (宠物)ACatNanleMimiAge (年龄)2HairYellOWLikePlaying With balls答案与解析听力部分I 听句子,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。每小题听两遍。LA. Yes, i

27、t isB. Yes, She is.C. Yes, this is.2.A. Yes. I amB. Seven.C. Amy.3. A. NiCe to meet you, too.B. HOW are you?C. Hello.4. A. Hi, Grace. m Alice.B. Yes, m Jack.C. ThiS is Alice.5. A. My family name is GreeILB. My telephone number is 2358679.C. My name is Jenny.6. A. GOod afternoon. Jane!B. I am fineC.

28、Good morning, JaneIII对话理解,根据你所听到的句子,从a、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。每小题听两遍。7. WhOSe PhOtO is that?A Mary's.B. PaUrS friend,s.8. What COlOr is the girl's quilt?A. Green.B. Blue.9. Whafs the girl,s IaSt name?A. Gina.B. Smith.10. WhO is the boy in the picture?A. The girs friendB. The girs cousin.11. What &qu

29、ot;s the girs SiSter,s telephone number?A.653-7895.B.536-7895 C. PaUrS family,s.C. YellOw.C. Gina Smith.C. The girl,s brother.C.365-7895.12. What is green?B. Herjacket.C. Her ruler.A. Her book.L长对话理解,根据你所听到的对话,从A、B. C三个选项中选出正确答案,听第一段材料,回答第13至第14小题。13. WhO is the girl in the picture?A. Lily,s SiSterB

30、. Lily,s COUSinC. Lily,s friend14. WhafsTom,s IaSt name?A. BrOWnB. SmithC. Green听第二段材料,回答第15至第16小题。15. WhafS Gina,s family name?A. GreenB. BrOWnC. BlaCk16. What COlOr is Gina,s telephone?A. RCdB. BIUeC. BIaCkIV短文理解。根据你所听到的短文内容,从AS B. C三个选项中选出正确答案。每小题听两遍。17.JaCkMS IaSt name isA. HandB. BrOwnC. Snlith

31、18.Jim,s SiSter isA GinaB. AIiCeC. Cindy19.Alice hasSOn (S) anddaughter (s)A. one; OneB. one; twoC. two; two20.isn,t in the photo.AJinlB Jim's fatherC. Cindy基础知识运用从A、B、C. D四个选项中选择最佳答案。StUdentS are there in your class?There are fifty-five students, thirty boys and IWenty-five girls.A. WhoB. HOW m

32、uchC. HOW InanyD. HOW【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:一你们班有多少学生?有55个学生,30个男生,25个女生。考查特殊疑问句。WhO谁(对人提问);HoW much多少(不可数名词),多少钱:HoW many多少(可数名 词):HOW 如何(对方式提问):根据,StUdentSarethere 及回答是” There are fifty-five students, thirty boys and twenty-five girls"可知是对数量提问且是可数划词,故选C°2. Let,s go ShOPPing for food and drink N

33、ow, Weany meat.A. haven't gotB. have gotC gotD. hasn,t got【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:我们去买食物和饮料吧。现在,我们没有肉了。考查时态。根据” LCrSgoShOPPingforfOOdanddrink.”可知去买食物和饮料,可推测岀此处已经没有肉了,所以对现在产生影响,用现在完成时的否左形式,结合主语是” wc”,所以是” havcftgot”,故选A。3. Kate: you Iike math?Tony: Yes, I .A. DOeS; doB. Do; doC. Do; amD. Are; do【答案】B【解析】

34、【分析】【详解】试题分析:句意:凯特你喜欢数学吗?托尼:是的,我喜欢。考查一般疑问句及其回答。本句主语为you, 谓语动词是实意动词。可以借助助动词do帮助表达疑问。对一般疑问句的回答要做到前后一致。所以选Be4. Are there PandaS here? Shall We go and See them?Yes,.A. We areB. We doC. let's goD. let's See【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:这里有熊猫吗?我们去看看好吗?一好的,我们走吧。考查特殊疑问句的回答。根据” ShallWegoandSCC山cm? ”可知是邀约,所以对此回答是&q

35、uot;let'sgo”,故选Co5. My mother is AliCe Johnson.PhOnC number is 2546809.扎 HiSB. YOUrC. HerD. ItS【解析】【详解】句意:我的母亲是爱丽丝约翰森,她的电话号码是2546809oA. HiS他的;B. YOUr你的;C. Her她的:D. Its它的。根据前而说的是母亲,故选C。6. What,s this On the chair?It,s aA. eraserB. OnmgCC. rulerD egg【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:椅子上的这个是什么?一-是一个尺子。考查夕I词。CraSCr橡皮

36、(元音音素开头):Orange橙子(元音音素开头):ruler尺子(辅音音素开头):Cgg鸡 蛋(元音音素开头):根据”IFsa”可知是缺辅音音素开头的单数名词,故选C。7. There a book and a Pen On the desk.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are【答案】C【解析】本题主要考查there be句型的就近原则,由于谓语动词和后而的单数鋼词靠近,因此用单数,故选C。8. your brother's job?He is a teacher.A. WhatB. HOWC. What,sD. Whos【答案】C【解析】句意:一一你哥哥的工作是什么?

37、 一一他是一个老师。A. What什么:B. HoW怎样: C. WhaFs是什么; DWot是谁。根据句意故选C.点睛:一般现在时态变疑问句时,有系动词be或情态动词时,耙系动词be或情态动词提到主语的前面,当 只有实义动词时,要在句首加do/does,主语是第三人称单数时,用docs;例klshca teacher?/CanheSPeak English?/ DO you Iike apples?/DOeS he Iike apples?;; 了回答时用 yes 或 no,但要注意前后一致,例如;Yes, he s.No,he isn't.9.1 have a friendBett

38、y in my SChOOLA. CallB. to CallC.CanSD.Caned【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:在我的学校我有一个朋友叫贝蒂。考査后置定语。CaIl动词原形:to call动词不定式;CalIS动词三单:CalICd过去分词:根据” IhaVCafriCnd_Betty”可知此处缺过去分词作泄语,修饰” a friend”,与修饰词之间表示被动的关系,故选D.10. There ismilk but there isbread.LerS get SOmC bread.扎 little; a IittleB. a little: IittleC. little; Iitt

39、leD. a little; a Iittle【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:有牛奶,但没有而包。一让我们买点面包吧。考查代词。a little-,表示肯IittIe几乎没有,极少,表示否泄:根据回答是” LeFSgCtSOmCbrCad.”可推测出是有牛奶没有面包,所以第一空是” aliMc”,表示肯定:第二空是"little” ,表示否泄:故选B。完形填空阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。完形填空I am an AmeriCan boy. I am thirteen. I _11_ in No. 14 Middle SChOOl in Sha

40、nghai. I Often get UP _12_ half PaSt SiX from MOnday to Friday. I Often have a CUP Of tea, an egg and SOme bread for mY=IS=I go to SChOOl at half PaSt SeVen and get there before eight ol ClOCkJ ancI=IJl=Start at eight. We have four IeSSOnS in the _15_ _and two in the afternoon. At half PaSt threef W

41、e=Ie=games I StUdy hard and StUdy WeIl Ilike EngliSh and I am good at it. Mike is my good friend. We go home together. I do my homework at homer but _17_ at SChOOL I Iike_18_TV Very much, but I Can Only WatCh it Onand Sunday. I Often go to _20_ atabout nine o' ClOCk11. A WOrkB. StUdyC IiVeD Stay

42、12. A. WithB. inC. OnD. at13.A.breakfastB.IUnChC.dinnerD.SUPPer14.A.filmsB.WOrkSC.IeSSOnSD.COnCertS15.A.afternoonB.morningC.eveningD.night16.A.makeB.PlayC.WatChD.See17.A.SOmetimeSB.alwaysC.USUalIyD.Often18.A.SeeingB.WatChingC.IOOkingD.IOOking at19.A.MOndayB.SatUrdayC.FridayD.TUeSday20.A.SChOOIB.ClaS

43、SC.bedD.movies【答案】11. B12. D 13. A 14. C 15. B16. B17. AB 19. B 20. C【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者给我们讲述了他的日常生活。他是一个13岁的美国男孩,现在在上海14中学上 学。他周一到周五上学,喜欢英语。他经常在家做作业。他喜欢看电视,但是只有在周末的时候才能看。【题详解】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:我是一个美国的男孩,我13岁了。我在上海第14中学学习。WOrk T作:StUdy学习:IiVe生活;Stay呆,停留。根据句意和文意可知,作者是一个学生,故应选B【12题详解】 考查介词及语境的理解。句意:星期一到星期五我

44、经常6点半起床。With和一起;in泛指在早上、下午 或晩上;On在具体的某一天:at在具体时刻。at half PaSt SiX在6点半,故选D。【13题详解】 考查名词及语境的理解。句意:早饭我经常和一杯茶,吃一个鸡蛋和一些而包。breakfast早饭:IUnCh午 饭:dinner晚饭:SUPPer晚饭。根据文意可知,作者6点半起床后吃早饭,然后去上学,故选A。【14题详解】 考査名词及语境的理解。句意:7点半上学,8点之前到学校。8点开始上课JilmS电影:WOrkS工作;IeSSOnS课:COnCertS音乐会。根据上丈.go to SChOOl at half PaSt 7可知这里

45、说的是8点开始上课。故选CJ【15题详解】 考查需词及语境 理解。句意:上午我们上四节课,下午上两节。afternoon下午:morning上午,早上;evening晚上;night夜晚。根据下句话可知,后而说的是下午的课程,所以这里是上午的,故选B。【16题详解】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:3点半,我们玩游戏。make制作;Play玩:WatCh观看:See看见。Play games玩游戏,是固左短语,故选B。【17题详解】考査副词及语境的理解。句意:我经常在家做作业,但是有时候也在学校里做。SOmetimeS有时候;always 总是:USUaIly通常:Often经常。根据上句话I do


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