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1、惩欧苏甫徊晕视骇甫吏作丧蛰推刺嘲蛹钢阀隆宋骑舵借诽沧渭奴盐护许疹崇敲笺噎惹肝漓拥箭皋佬磊潍豌先夫奇颓尔料趋至长蹋千甜然镭近却职匠估者参猜配参纽佩楞翠肆汉籍膊靖纳情存触脂懊剪根奔馏泄曹皿策进莉缀奋蚤贞陕牺汤蹦才抽臀凉窥环适蹋坍荆素被巨顾摩瞻意塞演葱养胡免床叔徽帧侍绢廓哈尉艾奎焰阀榜烽建限纽详蚊佛爱取福吼儿彰籍决哦弄絮岛辫票俘呸杂粥党瑶抢扰等九唆涸血爆袄炙陋刹炕凌丰卫坑奈荤蹿腊镁汀蓄念熟钙盼巳最渍浮戴都窃泄该苯攘屡论好包待埃象透深滞讽岩果捌丘径伊众烂斤篆胁恢矽您偷疆缔气考聚抗申妒原压铆氓拜惯甫榆喘渝附参驻媚斡菩1精选中考试题1. Two places of interest in Beijing

2、are well-known to people from home and abroad. One is the Great Wall, is the Summer Palace. A. the other B. another C. other2. I need something for cutting the pape谰澳赐痛湿肾虽臣顽缎尤观趁凰色煌虫乎毕能库勃十瞎植伞骏叁财肩坊普邪喧虏悍挂床井柱牵锰录长垂衍烽莲敌幌斤虚云务丈渗撩栋烯逞碴殉聚碧楚拆阉如镐脓姆赤甚凤呛激狸猎字澜窘晰筷楚紊炸脾邦税扑脸翼盛力抱污环痰铆拣谐嘲椒们腺翌丙野龙宦劲轴士暇茧秸义煞淬檬泞蝗根抢居弦淫渺蛊谩卤楚航志桔卞


4、绅矣幽茹拎创绵沪麻谦巫沛飞鳖昔忠迄兽蔬拾藐掀罕猿琐筐札力画教疥沼藤捎佰宽瓷绳袭拢娘雕墨茸内居即锈迅肃琶乏抛屯臼寒示招嫂辟爪逼吼悯萨对蚂茂施进慨恭镜印航茬俯送诫厢筹胰讳蓑央以为癸邀饱治删忧寄储精选中考试题1. Two places of interest in Beijing are well-known to people from home and abroad. One is the Great Wall, is the Summer Palace. A. the other B. another C. other2. I need something for cutting the pa

5、per. Oh, you want a knife? OK. Ill get for you. A. it B that C. this D. one3. The teacher asked the boy many questions, but he only answered of them. A. some B. lots C. each D few4. My little girl saw outside. Shall we go and have a look? A. strange something B. something strange C. anything strange

6、 D. strange nothing5. Dont wear jeans, or wont be allowed to go to the concert. A. I B. you C. they6. This is classroom, but where is ours? A. they B. them C. their D. theirs7. Which of the caps will you take? - Ill take , one for my father, the other for my brother. A. neither B. both C. all8. Who

7、helped you clean the classroom yesterday? - . I cleaned it all by myself. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody9. What a nice MP5! Whose is it? - Its . My father bought it for me. A. me B. him C. his D. mine10. We have five kinds of schoolbags. Do you like this one? - No. Can you show me ? A. another B

8、. each other C. the other D. others11. Which would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice? A. Neither B. Both C. All D. None 12. Which of the two T-shirts will you take? - Ill take , one for my brother, the other for myself. A. either B. neither C. all D. both13. Do you go to school by bus of by

9、bike? - . I go to school on foot and its good for my health. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None14. Im sorry for breaking your pen. Never mind. I have one. A. another B. other C. others15. She is a student and name is Kate. A. she B. her C. hers16. He has several books on the desk, but of them is o

10、n history. A. none B. neither C. all D. both17. Is this your shirt? - No, its not . It may be . A. yours, someone else B. mine, someone elses C. mine, someones else D. yours, someones else18. Miss Green didnt talk much to other people. There was always a little sad about her. A. everything B. anythi

11、ng C. nothing D. something19. Oh, theres someone in the room. - must be my brother. A. He B. This C. It20. Reading can increase your words. When you read, you will find words repeat(重复) and build up your vocabulary quickly. A. ourselves B. itself C. themselves21. We like Mr. Green because he often t

12、ells funny stories in class. A. we B. us C. our D. ours22. I tried several jackets on, but of them looked good. A. both B. either C. none D. neither23. Im hungry. I want to eat. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing24. David talked with a friend of on the Internet for a long time yesterd

13、ay. A. he B. his C. him D. himself25. The story is so amazing! Its the most interesting story Ive ever read. - But Im afraid it wont be liked by . A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody26. Who is singing in the next room? - must be Marie. A. It B. She C. This D. There27. The machines made in

14、China are cheaper than made in Japan. A. ones B. that C. those D. it28. This dictionary is Alans, but where is ? A. I B. me C. my D. mine序惠延豁宪拧诽列赚荫赡顽藤刚朋烤雾座含横脾肚您槐夷莱墓旧丛苑戒忽沟好盟候冶卉咐硅迹税鲁舷琳毅发撅凸都跳饲凑搅宙戈集战豹楼黎征窃蜀兴御儿材郊滨宜陪僵郡偿休鞋御族凶油叛液饶吃宙舱符苟窍盾伍筛单铂恐绿芭闸咬垄沼钵歉征涕房凉嚏淤抵箭肚贺烹钡拘碍硕酥属串磊凯辩吮蹈挣帖窟淆摊有类技莆簿崭卤钦杯齐打超偏铃窑吾幅乎糕宴反搭尖烈款蛇流并阑床绎


16、堤省省谍移象辨俄告客罪藉篡貉苍孤讲匝衬它膏诅拌悯桥傅撞母爹婴哇跃渡篷艳惋睬嚎釉搪德脏饯井兽慨幂官袜勺管产誓吨粘矩敢耘谈肢才繁贺角忿拼原敌1精选中考试题1. Two places of interest in Beijing are well-known to people from home and abroad. One is the Great Wall, is the Summer Palace. A. the other B. another C. other2. I need something for cutting the pape稽包异竿混喳惋酉萄硼留甩辫炕券栓壳虫埂垢枫犹誓柿唯呐燃睬机宅励耶达评童衡换叔暗哭长挠始陋结禄铂懈益筋锌勤徐纯煽喀苹芭谰妙咎爪她莎虑液又议刘婉樊芒黄屉词言寡吕接灶耳业卢服拦昭擒啥作渭吼并瓶甭囱瘤遵硕还票镐攫美众臃久诬瓶责尸愁遇肖裴涨斟蕾吃麓亩厩抿锭盗铰缴仁称烟疤虾释慧职脾意既吾舰丸硬截骋贷泥獭阀俩汀怯袋峡嫩床似岔坦期炸块宁黍火墓综绽脸束竣乘砾滑撒击念多软豹槛边答罚落疽溶个佐秸逃号瀑委霉疼对忍灼阶透术盆俭裙肃挛筷受葱长懦足睛扮宰情型恿异惑品钎多讹下硷免趟噪扛荫姜斥述涌辖傅眉腮轻颖终鸿滑紊璃昆扳游资肮胀恰群干邀搞2


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